Saturday, August 10, 2024

New Issue: African Journal of International and Comparative Law

The latest issue of the African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 32, no. 3, August 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Ama F. Hammond & Prosper Batariwah, Addressing Human Rights Violations under International Norms: Ghana's Experience with Multinational Corporations in the Mining Sector
  • Chris Adomako-Kwakye, Poor Institutional Governance: The Bane of Managing Ghana's Oil Revenue
  • I. P. Enemo, M. C. Anozie, S. I. Nwatu and O. Oguejiofor, Woman-to-Woman Marriage in the South-east of Nigeria Versus the Prohibitory Regime of Same-sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act 2013
  • Onyeka C. Okongwu, Sexual Harassment Laws in Nigeria: Lessons from the United Kingdom
  • Yusuf Usman Liman, Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff & Rohana Abdul Rahman, The Predicaments of UK Wrongful Trading Liability in Insolvency: Implications for Nigeria and Proposal for a Resilient Approach
  • Solomon T. Ebobrah, The Preliminary Reference Procedure of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice: Why Would the Courts Not Play?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Conference: Distributive Justice in International Law

On October 3-4, 2024, the LUISS Center for International and Strategic Studies, the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance, and the European University Institute’s Environmental Challenges and Climate Change Governance Research Cluster will co-host a conference on “Distributive Justice in International Law” at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome. The program is here. Registration is here.

Diálogos de Derecho Internacional 2024

On August 15, 2024, the Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella will host Diálogos de Derecho Internacional 2024. Details are here.

New Issue: Europa Ethnica

The latest issue of Europa Ethnica (Vol. 81, nos. 1/2, 2024). Contents include:
  • Peter Hilpold, Die Minderheitenschule im Völkerrecht und im nationalen Recht
  • Christoph Perathoner, „Einsprachiges“ vs. „mehrsprachiges“ Schulmodell: Art. 19 des Südtiroler Autonomiestatuts
  • Oskar Peterlini, Die einsprachige Südtiroler Schule und die Zuwanderung
  • Monica Rosini, The Teaching of ‚Other‘ Minority Languages in the Italian Constitutional System
  • Harald Christian Scheu, Die Minderheitenschule zwischen Trennung und Integration. Zur Rolle der Elternrechte im Diversitätsmanagement
  • Ulrike Haider-Quercia, Minderheitenschutz durch verfassungs- gerichtliche Normenkontrolle in Italien
  • Georg Kremnitz, Zur Lage der Sprachen in Frankreich, zehn Jahre nach dem Erscheinen der Histoire sociale des langues de France
  • Stefan Oeter, Challenged Reciprocity: The German Minority in Poland and the Polish Minority in Germany

Conference: Third Annual Conference of the Western Sahara Research Group

The Third Annual Conference of the Western Sahara Research Group will take place on September 11, 2024, at Queen Mary University of London. Details are here.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Cheng: New Trends in International Law: Festschrift in Honour of Judge Hisashi Owada

Chia-Jui Cheng
(Soochow Univ. - Law) has published New Trends in International Law: Festschrift in Honour of Judge Hisashi Owada (Brill | Nijhoff 2024). The table of contents is here.

Conference: VII "Silent leges inter arma?" Conference

The International Society for Military Law and the Law of War will host the VII "Silent leges inter arma?" Conference, on September 17-20, 2024, in Bruges. The program is here. The application form is here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

The latest issue of the International Organizations Law Review (Vol. 21, no. 2, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Mauro Megliani, The Nordic Investment Bank: The Evolution of an International Institution
  • Elisa Tino, Forty Years of Cooperation in South Asia: A Legal Appraisal of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (saarc)
  • Luciano Pezzano, Positive Duties of the Security Council Under the UN Charter and International Law
  • Dražen Petrović, The Freedom of Association as Seen by the International Administrative Tribunals
  • Tiyanjana Maluwa, Constructing African Union Law and Rethinking Supranationalism in African Integration: What Lessons from the European Union?

Monday, August 5, 2024

New Issue: International Journal of Refugee Law

The latest issue of the International Journal of Refugee Law (Vol. 36, nos. 1-2, March/June 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue on Gender
    • Catherine Dauvergne & Kate Jastram, Special Issue on Gender
    • Hülya Kaya, Afghan Women Are Under Threat from the Taliban: A Great Test of the Turkish Government and the Courts
    • Karen Musalo, Aligning United States Law with International Norms Would Remove Major Barriers to Protection in Gender Claims
    • Cristiano D’Orsi, Fleeing a Well-Founded Fear of Persecution to Be Persecuted Again? The Case of LGBTIQ+ Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Uganda
    • Roshni Shanker, Constitutionalizing Protection for Refugee Women and Girls in South Asia
    • Anna Talbot, Anthea Vogl, & Sara Dehm, The Gender- and Sexuality-Based Harms of Refugee Externalization: A Role for Human Rights Due Diligence
    • Lore Roels, Rape Myths in the European Court of Human Rights’ Non-Refoulement Case Law on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
    • Catherine Warin, Gender in European Union Asylum Law: The Istanbul Convention as a Game Changer?
    • Catherine Briddick, Resisting Domestic Violence
    • Adrienne Anderson, ‘There should be equality in opinions’: Political Opinion in Intimate Partner Violence Claims