This volume provides a comprehensive account of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement - the first book-length treatment of this central post-Brexit Treaty.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Kübek, Tams, & Terhechte: Handels- und Zusammenarbeitsabkommen EU/VK
Gesa Kübek (Univ. of Groningen), Christian J. Tams (Univ. of Glasgow), & Jörg Philipp Terhechte (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg; Univ. of Glasgow) have published Handels- und Zusammenarbeitsabkommen EU/VK (Nomos 2022). Here's the abstract:
New Issue: ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal

- Special Issue - 20th Anniversary of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARSIWA)
- Campbell McLachlan, James Crawford AC SC FBA (1948–2021): The General Law of State Responsibility and the Specific Case of Investment Claims
- James Crawford & Freya Baetens, The ILC Articles on State Responsibility: More than a ‘Plank in a Shipwreck’?
- Carlo de Stefano, Attribution of Conduct to a State
- Sean D Murphy, Temporal Issues Relating to BIT Dispute Resolution
- Marcelo G Kohen & Patrick Dumberry, State Succession and State Responsibility in the Context of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- August Reinisch & Sara Mansour Fallah, Post-Termination Responsibility of States?—The Impact of Amendment/Modification, Suspension and Termination of Investment Treaties on (Vested) Rights of Investors
- Eran Sthoeger & Christian J Tams, Swords, Shields and Other Beasts: The Role of Countermeasures in Investment Arbitration
- Lu Wang & Wenhua Shan, Force Majeure and Investment Arbitration
- Federica Paddeu & Michael Waibel, Necessity 20 Years On: The Limits of Article 25
- Patrick W Pearsall, Causation and the Draft Articles on State Responsibility
- Hussein Haeri, Clàudia Baró Huelmo, & Giacomo Gasparotti, International State Responsibility and Internal Law in Investment Arbitration: A Hierarchy of Sorts
- Donald McRae, State Responsibility and Compliance with Provisional Measures under ICSID
- Aniruddha Rajput, Non-Compliance with Investment Arbitration Awards and State Responsibility
- Natalie L Reid & Romain Zamour, State Responsibility and Corruption in the Context of Investor-State Disputes
- Martins Paparinskis, Crippling Compensation in the International Law Commission and Investor–State Arbitration
- Michelle Bradfield & David Attanasio, Non-Pecuniary Remedies Revisited: Expanding Influence of the ILC Articles?
- Christina L Beharry & Juan Pablo Hugues, Article 38: The Treatment of Interest in International Investment Arbitration
- Peter Muchlinski, Can International Investment Law Punish Investor’s Human Rights Violations? Copper Mesa, Contributory Fault and its Alternatives
- Esmé Shirlow & Kabir Duggal, The ILC Articles on State Responsibility in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Prabhash Ranjan, Cairn Energy v India: Continuity in the Use of ILC Articles on State Responsibility
- Sarah Cassella, Unión Fenosa Gas v Egypt: The Necessity Defense: Much Ado about Nothing?
- Csaba Kovács, Staur Eiendom AS and others v Latvia: From Warsaw to Riga: The Role of Exceptional Circumstances in the Attribution of the Conduct of State Enterprises to the State under the ILC Articles
- Kiran Nasir Gore & Gloria M Alvarez, The 2001 ILC Articles on State Responsibility—An Annotated Bibliography
New Issue: European Journal of International Relations

- Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Bahar Rumelili, & Alp Eren Topal, Challenging anti-Western historical myths in populist discourse: re-visiting Ottoman Empire–Europe interaction during the 19th century
- Anastasia Shesterinina, Civil war as a social process: actors and dynamics from pre- to post-war
- Evan N. Resnick, Interests, ideologies, and great power spheres of influence
- Dov H. Levin & Tetsuro Kobayashi, The art of uncommitment: the costs of peacetime withdrawals from alliance commitments
- Laust Schouenborg, The corruption of international society? General and complete disarmament from the perspective of the practitioners
- Rebecca Adler-Nissen & Kristin Anabel Eggeling, Blended Diplomacy: The Entanglement and Contestation of Digital Technologies in Everyday Diplomatic Practice
- Hortense Jongen & Jan Aart Scholte, Inequality and legitimacy in global governance: an empirical study
- Benjamin Raynor, The shadow of sanctions: reputational risk, financial reintegration, and the political economy of sanctions relief
- Joachim Blatter & Johannes Schulz, Intergovernmentalism and the crisis of representative democracy: The case for creating a system of horizontally expanded and overlapping national democracies
Friday, August 19, 2022
Scheu, Hofmann, Schill, & Tams: Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times
Julian Scheu (Univ. of Cologne), Rainer Hofmann (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Stephan W. Schill (Univ. of Amsterdam), & Christian J. Tams (Univ. of Glasgow) have published Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times (Nomos 2022). The table of contents is here. Here's the abstract:
The interaction of investment protection, human rights, and international arbitration is complex. Theories on their interaction are helpful starting points. At the same time, general formulas reach their limits as soon as it comes to evaluating concrete issues. In twelve chapters, the present volume therefore analyses different thematic interactions between investment law and human rights in order to develop a more context-specific understanding.
Deplano: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on International Law: How States Use the UN General Assembly to Create International Obligations
Rossana Deplano (Univ. of Leicester - Law) has published Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on International Law: How States Use the UN General Assembly to Create International Obligations (Cambridge Univ. Press 2022). Here's the abstract:
The book examines the processes through which the resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly acquire legal significance through state practice. By using an empirically-grounded method of inquiry, it examines how states attribute legal significance to resolutions in three different contexts: at the time of adoption, within domestic law and in international practice. The book shows that, contrary to the existent theories on the legal significance of resolutions, the General Assembly is not a unitary actor. It also demonstrates that the concept of legal significance of resolutions is not predetermined or static. While resolutions are often framed in normative language, they acquire legal significance only to the extent that states find it desirable or convenient, depending on context and circumstances. Consequently, the attribution of legal significance to resolutions turns out to be a manifestation of state will to abide by their content, not the will of the General Assembly.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
New Issue: International Community Law Review

- Special Issue: Regime Interaction and “Unwanted Migration”: From Hostility to Emancipation
- Violeta Moreno-Lax & Niovi Vavoula, The (Many) Rules and Roles of Law in the Regulation of “Unwanted Migration”
- Sheona York, Does the UK Home Office Care about the Rule of Law? Implications for “Unwanted Migrants”
- Andrew Pitt, Bordering Asylum in Post-Brexit Britain: Lessons from the UK’s Detained Fast Track and the Marginalisation of International Human Rights Safeguards
- Sara Palacios-Arapiles, European Divergent Approaches to Protection Claims Based on the Eritrean Military/National Service Programme
- Marta Minetti, International Legal Principles, Penal Populism and Criminalisation of ‘Unwanted Migration’: An Italian Cautionary Tale
- Maria-Louiza Deftou, The Road to the EU’s Accession to the ECHR: Reshaping the ECtHR-CJEU Judicial Interaction in Cases of ‘Unwanted Migration’?
- Nicolette Busuttil, The UN Disability Rights Convention and EU Fundamental Rights: What Role for the Convention in the Protection of ‘Unwanted Migrants’?
New Issue: African Journal of International and Comparative Law
The latest issue of the African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 30, no. 3, August 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Joseph Nwazi, An Evaluation of Environmental Criminal Liability and Enforcement in Nigeria
- Jackson Oldfield, Zoning Control: Revisiting the Brussels Conference Act of 1890 and Its Legacy into the Twentieth Century
- Dorcas Basimanyane, The Regulatory Dilemma on Mass Communications Surveillance and the Digital Right to Privacy in Africa: The Case of South Africa
- David Tarh-Akong Eyongndi, The Administration of Criminal Justice Act and the Extinguishment of Trial de Novo in Nigeria: Far From Being Settled?
- Mumba Malila, Skirting the Justice System through Presidential Clemency in Zambia: Some Critical Reflections
- Kasim Balarabe, Valentine Tebi Mbeli & Abdulkareem Azeez, Assessing the Effectiveness of the Uganda Human Rights Commission vis-à-vis the Paris Principles Relating to the Status of National Human Rights Institutions
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
The latest issue of the Journal of World Investment & Trade (Vol. 23, no. 4, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: CAI’s Contribution to International Investment Law: European, Chinese, and Global Perspectives
- Julien Chaisse & Matthieu Burnay, Introduction – CAI’s Contribution to International Investment Law: European, Chinese, and Global Perspectives
- G. Matteo Vaccaro-Incisa & Wojciech Giemza, Economic Integration via Novel Investment Agreements: CAI’s Focus on Market Access vis-à-vis the Current Bilateral Investment Treaties Between China and European Union Member States
- Xueji Su, Liberalising the Chinese Market: State-Owned Enterprise Disciplines in CAI
- Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja, The CAI and Sustainable Development
- Kari Otteburn & Axel Marx, A Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full? An Assessment of the Labour Provisions in the CAI from Chinese and European Perspectives
- Xu Qian, Investment for Green Growth: An Analysis of the CAI Environmental Provisions
- Hervé AscensioThe International Settlement of Disputes Under the (Draft) CAI
- Matthieu Burnay & Kolja Raube, Obstacles, Opportunities, and Red Lines in the European Union: Past and Future of the CAI in Times of (Geo)-Politicisation
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Inaugural Volume: Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law
The inaugural volume of the Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law (Vol. 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Theory and Trends
- Mia Mikic, Asian Century and Post-Pandemic Adjustments
- Michael Hahn, Interesting Times: Soft Law in International Economic Governance
- Trade and Investment
- Henry Gao, The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Strategic Opportunity Meets Strategic Autonomy
- Shintaro Hamanaka & Manjiao Chi, Commonalities and Differences in Investment Policies and Treaty Practices: A Comparative Study of China and Japan
- Prabhash Ranjan, Investor Obligations in India’s New Bilateral Investment Treaties: Emergence of New Treaty Practice
- Nanying Tao, Latest Developments of China’s Foreign Investment Policy and Law
- Special Focus: Competition Neutrality
- Filip Krenek & Eddy De Smijter, From a White Paper to a Proposal for a Regulation on Foreign Subsidies: Filling a Regulatory Gap in Protecting the EU Internal Market
- Jürgen Kühling, Thomas Weck, & Philipp Reinhold, Third-Country State Aid Regulation: The European Debate on Foreign Subsidies
- Jaemin Lee, Upgrading Subsidy Norms for the Digital Age: EU White Paper’s Contribution and Remaining Questions
- Achim Wambach, “Levelling the Playing Field”
- Alexandr Svetlicinii, State Capitalism in ASEAN: The State-Owned Enterprises Under the ASEAN Regional Competition Policy
New Issue: Journal of Conflict & Security Law

- Special Issue: Partnered Operations and International Law
- Emanuele Cimiotta, Andrea Harrison & Nicholas Tsagourias, Introduction to the Special Issue on Partnered Operations and International Law
- Cornelius Wiesener & Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Ensuring Respect by Partners: Revisiting the Debate on Common Article 1
- Alexander Wentker, Partnered Operations and the Positive Duties of Co-Parties
- Benjamin R. Farley, Detainee Transfers and the Principle of Non-refoulement in Relation to ‘Non-belligerent Supporting States’ in Non-international Armed Conflicts
- Ralph Mamiya & Tobias Vestner, Revisiting the Law on UN Peace Operations’ Support to Partner Forces
- Anna Liguori, Overlap Between Complicity and Positive Obligations: What Advantages in Resorting to Positive Obligations in Case of Partnered Operations?
- Eleonora Branca, Complicity of States in Partnered Drone Operations
New Issue: Chicago Journal of International Law
The latest issue of the Chicago Journal of International Law (Vol. 23, no. 1, Summer 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Tom Ginsburg, Democracies and International Law: An Update
- Karen J. Alter, The Future of Embedded International Law: Democratic and Authoritarian Trajectories
- Aslı Ü. Bâli, The Limits of Prodemocratic International Law in Europe
- Stephen Cody, Dark Law on the South China Sea
- Shai Dothan, Violating International Law is Contagious
- Aleksandra Dzięgielewska, A Mimicry of International Law Compliance: How the Abusive Interpretation of International Norms Serves Poland’s Illiberal Regime
- Veronika Fikfak, Democracy and Statehood
- Aziz Z. Huq, International Institutions and Platform-Mediated Misinformation
- Tokujin Matsudaira, Tianxia, or another Grossraum? U.S.–China Competition and Paradigm Change in the International Legal Order
- Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat, The Role of Transnational Civil Society in Shaping International Values, Policies, and Law
- Brad R. Roth, Democratization’s Discontents: Rediscovering the Virtues of the Non-Intervention Norm
- Timothy Webster, Retooling Sanctions: China’s Challenge to the Liberal International Order
New Issue: Leiden Journal of International Law
The latest issue of the Leiden Journal of International Law (Vol. 35, no. 3, September 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Panos Merkouris, Debating interpretation: On the road to Ithaca
- International Legal Theory: Symposium on International Thought and the Making of the Canon
- Paolo Amorosa & Claire Vergerio, Canon-making in the history of international legal and political thought
- Juan Pablo Scarfi, Francisco de Vitoria and the (geo)politics of canonization in Spain/America
- Seán Molloy, Reception, context and canonicity: The demonization, normalization and eventual proliferation of G. W. F. Hegel in international relations
- Jacob Giltaij, The rediscovery of the Roman jus gentium and the post 1945 international order
- Francesca Iurlaro, Between authority and (in)authenticity: How literary canons shaped jus gentium
- International Law and Practice
- Christian Schaller, Hardly predictable and yet an equitable solution: Delimitation by judicial process as an option for Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Arınç Onat Kılıç, Secondary objectives of the European Central Bank and economic growth: A human rights perspective
- Jakob Hohnerlein, Treaty rigidity and domestic democracy: Functions of and constitutional limits to democratic self-binding
- Donatella Alessandrini, Global value chains, development and the long duree of trade and investment law
- Hague International Tribunals: International Court of Justice
- James Gerard Devaney, The role of precedent in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: A constructive interpretation
- International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
- Carmel O’Sullivan, New court, same division: The Bemba case as an illustration of the continued confusion regarding the command responsibility doctrine
- Panagiota Kotzamani, Towards a unified approach to superior responsibility in international criminal law: Establishing the links between participation to the crime and the superior responsibility doctrine
- Lloyd T. Chigowe, The ICC and the situation in Afghanistan: A critical examination of the role of the Pre-Trial Chambers in the initiation of investigations proprio motu
Eichensehr: Not Illegal: The SolarWinds Incident and International Law
Kristen Eichensehr (Univ. of Virginia - Law) has posted Not Illegal: The SolarWinds Incident and International Law (European Journal of International Law, forthcoming). Here's the abstract:
In 2021, the United States and other governments formally blamed Russia for a wide-ranging hacking campaign that breached the update process for SolarWinds Orion network monitoring software and used that access to compromise numerous government agencies, companies, and other entities. Despite denouncing Russia’s cyberespionage and imposing sanctions, the United States did not call Russia’s actions illegal as a matter of international law—and for good reason. Based on the publicly available facts, this article argues that the SolarWinds incident likely did not run afoul of international law as it currently stands. The article considers the prohibitions on the use of force and intervention, emerging rules with respect to cyber operations and violations of sovereign and due diligence, and international human rights law, and it concludes with some reflections on the role of states and scholars in decisions about whether to close gaps in international law.
Meise: U.S. Climate Commitments in the Wake of West Virginia v. EPA
Alexandra A.K. Meise (Northeastern Univ. - Law) has posted an ASIL Insight on U.S. Climate Commitments in the Wake of West Virginia v. EPA.
New Issue: Virginia Journal of International Law

- Janet E. Lord, Elizabeth Heideman, & Michael Ashley Stein, Advancing Disability Rights-Based Refugee and Asylum Claims
- Mark Jia, Special Courts, Global China
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Call for Papers: Emerging Voices Panel – International Law Weekend 2022
A call for papers has been issued for an Emerging Voices Panel for International Law Weekend 2022. The theme is "The Next 100 Years of International Law." The deadline is August 28, 2022. The call is here.
New Issue: Revue belge de droit international
The latest issue of the Revue belge de droit international (2020, no. 2) is out. Contents include:
- Special issue : Western Sahara on the edges of international law
- A. Lagerwall & T. Ruys, Introduction
- H. Placentino, Accords commerciaux et territoires occupés : réflexions sur la jurisprudence de la CJUE relative au Sahara occidental à la lumière des obligations internationales de l’Union européenne
- H. Corell, Keynote address on Western Sahara at the 2019 annual conference of the Belgian Society of International Law
- J.J. Smith, La compétence de la souveraineté : reflections on the nature and expression of Saharawi consent after the CJUE judgments of 29 September 2021
- F. Dubuisson, Libres propos sur les positions juridiques des autorités de l’Union européenne justifiant l’application au Sahara occidental des accords économiques conclus avec le Maroc : la remise en cause des acquis du droit de la décolonisation ?
- Études
- T. Ruys & T. Baecke, Haunted by the past? Belgium’s international responsibility for the atrocities of the Congo Free State and the question of State succession in matters of international responsibility
- I.R. Pavone, The COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine nationalism and distributive dilemmas
- F.M. Gómez Pulisich, The lack of circumvention of the principle of State consent to judicial settlement in the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice
- S. Karagiannis, Une zone maritime méconnue : la zone de sécurité autour des installations artificielles en mer
- R. Kolb, La violation substantielle d’un traité de frontière peutelle donner lieu aux conséquences juridiques prévues à l’article 60 de la CVDT ?
Monday, August 15, 2022
New Issue: International Organization
The latest issue of International Organization (Vol. 76, no. 3, Summer 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Joshua D. Kertzer, Marcus Holmes, Brad L. LeVeck, & Carly Wayne, Hawkish Biases and Group Decision Making
- Suparna Chaudhry, The Assault on Civil Society: Explaining State Crackdown on NGOs
- Andrew H. Kydd, Penalizing Atrocities
- Nicolas Jabko & Sebastian Schmidt, The Long Twilight of Gold: How a Pivotal Practice Persisted in the Assemblage of Money
- Brian C. Rathbun & Caleb Pomeroy, See No Evil, Speak No Evil? Morality, Evolutionary Psychology, and the Nature of International Relations
- Research Notes
- Swati Srivastava, Corporate Sovereign Awakening and the Making of Modern State Sovereignty: New Archival Evidence from the English East India Company
- Haillie Na-Kyung Lee & Yu-Ming Liou, Where You Work Is Where You Stand: A Firm-Based Framework for Understanding Trade Opinion
- Eddy S.F. Yeung & Kai Quek, Relative Gains in the Shadow of a Trade War
New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

- Notes and Comments
- Shin-ichi Ago, A Few Thoughts about the Concepts of International Administrative Tribunals and International Administrative Law
- Anne Trebilcock, Approaches to Discrimination Claims: A Comparison of the Administrative Tribunals of the Asian Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank Group
- Chris De Cooker, Proliferation of International Administrative Tribunals
- Raul C. Pangalangan, Judicial Review at the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal
- Harsh Mahaseth & Samyuktha Banusekar, Living in the Shadows: Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia
- Articles
- Raphael Lorenzo A. Pangalangan, Command Responsibility in the Times of Tokhang: Defining Military-likeness under Article 28(a) of the Rome Statute
- Sujith Xavier, Locating and Situating Justice Pal: TWAIL, International Criminal Tribunals, and Judicial Powers
- Gabriel Garcia, Bienvenida China: The Role of International Economic Law in China's Economic Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
- Yuxi Feng, Ancient China and the Responsibility to Protect: An Under-Studied Topic of Legal History
- Wenting Cheng, Intellectual Property and International Clean Technology Diffusion: Pathways and Prospects
Casolari & Gatti: The Application of EU Law Beyond Its Borders
Federico Casolari (Univ. of Bologna - Law) & Mauro Gatti (Univ. of Bologna - Law) have published The Application of EU Law Beyond Its Borders (CLEER Papers 2022/3). This volume is available open access. The table of contents is here. Here's a summary:
This publication is the result of work conducted at the 6th Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop: The Extraterritorial Application of EU Law: A Contribution to its Global Reach. The Workshop sought to stimulate reflections on the application of EU law beyond its borders, by stressing its legal implications for EU external action and the EU legal order as a whole.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

- Special Issue: Racial Capitalism and International Economic Law
- James Thuo Gathii & Ntina Tzouvala, Racial Capitalism and International Economic Law: Introduction
- Donatella Alessandrini, Johanna del Pilar Cortes-Nieto, Luis Eslava & Anil Yilmaz Vastardis, The Dream of Formality: Racialization Otherwise and International Economic Law
- Ntina Tzouvala, Full Protection and Security (for Racial Capitalism)
- Michael Fakhri, Markets, Sovereignty, and Racialization
- Ernesto Hernández-López, Racializing Trade in Corn: México Fights Maíz Imports and GMOs
- Sujith Xavier, Amar Bhatia & Adrian A. Smith, Indebted Impunity and Violence in a Lesser State: Ethno-Racial Capitalism in Sri Lanka
- Kojo Koram, The Legalization of Cannabis and the Question of Reparations
- Christopher Gevers, Refiguring Slavery Through International Law: The 1926 Slavery Convention, the ‘Native Labor Code’ and Racial Capitalism
- Adelle Blackett, Racial Capitalism and the Contemporary International Law on Slavery: (Re)membering Hacienda Brasil Verde
Hollis, van Benthem, & Dias: Information Operations under International Law
Duncan B. Hollis (Temple Univ. - Law), Tsvetelina J van Benthem (Univ. of Oxford), & Talita Dias (Univ. of Oxford) have posted Information Operations under International Law (Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, forthcoming). Here's the abstract:
Information operations (IOs) can be defined as the deployment of digital resources for cognitive purposes to change or reinforce attitudes or behaviors of the targeted audience in ways that align with the authors’ interests. While not a new phenomenon, these operations have become increasingly prominent and pervasive in today’s digital age, a trend that the ongoing war in Ukraine and the use of the internet for terrorist purposes tragically demonstrate. Against this backdrop, this paper critically assesses the existing international legal framework applicable to IOs. It makes three overarching claims. First, IOs can cause real and tangible harms to individual and state interests protected by international law. To prevent and remedy such harms, a robust and comprehensive legal framework constraining the use of IOs by both state and non-state actors becomes a necessity. Second, existing international law regulates IOs through a system of prohibitions, permissions, and requirements. In particular, the paper analyzes the extent to which international human rights law, the principles of non-intervention and sovereignty, and due diligence obligations apply to state and non-state uses of IOs. Third, the fact that existing international law captures some of the harms of IOs does not mean that this framework is sufficient or adequate. In fact, we argue that, in their current form, international rules on IOs are only partially effective given challenges relating to their (i) application; (ii) orientation; (iii) complexity; and (iv) enforcement in the context of information and communications technologies. While accepting that international law, both conventional and customary, already contains important protections against harmful IOs, our analysis aims to reignite a much-needed discussion of the merits and shortcomings that adopting a new regime tailored to IOs might produce.
New Issue: International Legal Materials
The latest issue of International Legal Materials (Vol. 61, no. 4, August 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean (Som. v. Kenya) (I.C.J.), with introductory note by Craig D. Gaver
- Big Brother Watch v. UK (Eur. Ct. H.R. Grand Chamber), with introductory note by Asaf Lubin
- Advisory Opinion 001/2020 on the Right to Participate in the Government of One's Country in the Context of an Election held During a Pandemic such as the COVID-19 Crisis (Afr. Ct. H.P.R.), with Introductory Note by Jacquelene Mwangi
New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

- James J. Nedumpara, Dispute Settlement in International Trade Agreements: Prospective Pathways
- Ujal Singh Bhatia, The WTO’s Dispute Settlement System: Pathways for Reform
- J. Anthony VanDuzer, Binational Panel Review of Trade Remedies Determinations: Prospects for Exporting the USMCA’s Unique Procedure
- Frank Altemöller, The China-US Trade Conflict and Its Impact on the World Trade System and the Future of Multilateralism
- Folkert Graafsma, The Revised Enforcement Regulation (No 2021/167) and Some Possible Effects on EU Trade Disputes
- Leïla Choukroune, Settling Trade Related Labour Disputes: FTAs’ Pathways for Greater Social Justice in Globalization
- Shailja Singh, Dispute Settlement in Indian FTAs’: Shaping the Future with Lessons from the Past
- Raj Bhala, Writing a Script for India’s FTA Dispute Settlement Chapters
- Ronjini Ray, Rishabha Meena, Application of Dispute Settlement in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs’): A Cross Country Analysis of Modern FTAs’
- Shiny Pradeep & Achyuth A, Sanctions or No Sanctions: Enforcing Labour Provisions in Free Trade Agreements
- Prabhash Ranjan, Emerging Trends in Investor-State Dispute Settlement in New Free Trade Agreements
- Apoorva Singh Vishnoi & Amandeep Kaur Bajwa, EU-China Agreement on Investment: Lessons for India from the Sino-European Model
- Smrithi Bhaskar & Vishakha Choudhary, Transparency in ISDS: A Study Based on Multi-party Agreements
- James J. Nedumpara, Amandeep Kaur Bajwa, & Apoorva S. Vishnoi, Transcript: Interview of India’s Former Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan
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