The latest issue of the
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (Vol. 37, nos. 1-2, Winter/Spring 2022) is out. Contents include:
Special Issue - 20th Anniversary of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARSIWA)
Campbell McLachlan, James Crawford AC SC FBA (1948–2021): The General Law of State Responsibility and the Specific Case of Investment Claims
James Crawford & Freya Baetens, The ILC Articles on State Responsibility: More than a ‘Plank in a Shipwreck’?
Carlo de Stefano, Attribution of Conduct to a State
Sean D Murphy, Temporal Issues Relating to BIT Dispute Resolution
Marcelo G Kohen & Patrick Dumberry, State Succession and State Responsibility in the Context of Investor-State Dispute Settlement
August Reinisch & Sara Mansour Fallah, Post-Termination Responsibility of States?—The Impact of Amendment/Modification, Suspension and Termination of Investment Treaties on (Vested) Rights of Investors
Eran Sthoeger & Christian J Tams, Swords, Shields and Other Beasts: The Role of Countermeasures in Investment Arbitration
Lu Wang & Wenhua Shan, Force Majeure and Investment Arbitration
Federica Paddeu & Michael Waibel, Necessity 20 Years On: The Limits of Article 25
Patrick W Pearsall, Causation and the Draft Articles on State Responsibility
Hussein Haeri, Clàudia Baró Huelmo, & Giacomo Gasparotti, International State Responsibility and Internal Law in Investment Arbitration: A Hierarchy of Sorts
Donald McRae, State Responsibility and Compliance with Provisional Measures under ICSID
Aniruddha Rajput, Non-Compliance with Investment Arbitration Awards and State Responsibility
Natalie L Reid & Romain Zamour, State Responsibility and Corruption in the Context of Investor-State Disputes
Martins Paparinskis, Crippling Compensation in the International Law Commission and Investor–State Arbitration
Michelle Bradfield & David Attanasio, Non-Pecuniary Remedies Revisited: Expanding Influence of the ILC Articles?
Christina L Beharry & Juan Pablo Hugues, Article 38: The Treatment of Interest in International Investment Arbitration
Peter Muchlinski, Can International Investment Law Punish Investor’s Human Rights Violations? Copper Mesa, Contributory Fault and its Alternatives
Esmé Shirlow & Kabir Duggal, The ILC Articles on State Responsibility in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Prabhash Ranjan, Cairn Energy v India: Continuity in the Use of ILC Articles on State Responsibility
Sarah Cassella, Unión Fenosa Gas v Egypt: The Necessity Defense: Much Ado about Nothing?
Csaba Kovács, Staur Eiendom AS and others v Latvia: From Warsaw to Riga: The Role of Exceptional Circumstances in the Attribution of the Conduct of State Enterprises to the State under the ILC Articles
Kiran Nasir Gore & Gloria M Alvarez, The 2001 ILC Articles on State Responsibility—An Annotated Bibliography