Friday, September 16, 2022
Call for Papers: Beauty and Power: Aesthetics, History, and International Law
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts
- Abhandlungen
- Jochen Bung, Hegel über internationale Beziehungen und internationales Recht
- Stefanie Schmahl, Schutz und Rechte älterer Menschen in der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention und der Revidierten Europäischen Sozialcharta
- Jens T. Theilen, Die Argumentationsstrukturen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte
- Cathrine Crämer & Charlotte Mölter, Der IAGMR – ein Gerichtshof mit politischer Agenda?
Thursday, September 15, 2022
New Issue: Yale Journal of International Law
- Shu-Yi Oei, World Tax Policy in the World Tax Polity? An Event History Analysis of OECD/G20 BEPS Inclusive Framework Membership
- Cree Jones & Weijia Rao, (Un)stable BITs
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
New Volume: Revista Ius Inter Gentes
- Derecho Penal Internacional y Derecho Internacional Humanitario
- Carmela S. García Ganoza, 20 años de la Corte Penal Internacional: Logros, retos y oportunidades
- Fernanda Quispe Espirilla, Oliver Florian Huarachi Coquira & Milagros Maribel Rojas Blas, ¿Existió un conflicto armado no internacional (CANI) entre el Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (MRTA) y el Estado Peruano?
- Abdulkadir Nacar, Crimes against humanity or crimes against identify: a secular crime theory proposal
- Pablo César Rosales Zamora & Silvio Mezarina García, El genocidio en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia
- Alejandro José Velásquez Barrionuevo & Josselyn Roca Calderón, A una década del conflicto armado no internacional en Siria
- Entrevistas
- Kai Ambos, Aportes, avances y retos de la Corte Penal Internacional en los 20 años de su funcionamiento
- Jean Franco Olivera Astete, La Corte Penal Internacional y su contribución al Derecho Internacional Humanitario
- Derecho Internacional Privado
- Esteban Andrés Eraso Solarte & Vanessa Fernanda Jurado Benitez, Repensando el concepto de “fraude a la ley” sobre traslado de jurisdicciones en casos de maternidad subrogada
Conference: Emerging Issues of Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law
Call for Papers: 2023 ESIL Research Forum (Reminder)
Conference: Conference in Honour of Professor Marcelo Kohen, on the Occasion of His Retirement
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Workshop: Latin American International Law
Call for Papers: Global Corporations and International Law (PhD/Early Career Researcher Workshop)
Call for Submissions: Cambridge International Law Journal
The Cambridge International Law Journal (CILJ) is pleased to invite submissions for Volume 12(1), to be published in June 2023.
The Board welcomes articles and case notes that engage with current themes in international law, as well as book reviews on recently published works.
Volume 12(1) will include a special section on ‘Global Security Challenges and International Law’, in collaboration with the European Society of International Law’s Interest Group on International Economic Law. Security threats, both persisting and emerging, are increasingly the subject of international concern: whether and how international law can effectively address these challenges is a matter of utmost importance. At the same time, the question of which issues are deemed security threats is itself open to scrutiny. We invite contributions on this theme, in addition to contributions to the general section.
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly
- Aggie Hirst, Wargames Resurgent: The Hyperrealities of Military Gaming from Recruitment to Rehabilitation
- Rena Sung & Jonghyuk Park, How Do Economic Sanctions Affect Public Opinion and Consumer Behavior in Target States? Evidence from China's Economic Sanctions on South Korea
- Yehonatan Abramson, Gadi Heimann, & Zohar Kampf, The Servant of Many Masters: The Multiple Commitments of State- Agents
- Joseph MacKay, Art World Fields and Global Hegemonies Øyvind Svendsen, Theorizing Public Performances for International Negotiations Andrew Gates & George Klosko, Political Obligations of Refugees
- Jeremy Springman, Edmund Malesky, Lucy Right, & Erik Wibbels, The Effect of Government Repression on Civil Society: Evidence from Cambodia
- Caitlin Sparks, Shannon Brincat, & Tim Aistrope, The Imagination and International Relations Marieke de Goede & Carola Westermeier, Infrastructural Geopolitics Jun Yan Chang, Not between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Singapore's Hedging
- Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, One without the Other? Prediction and Policy in International Studies
- Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Egle Murauskaite, David Quinn, Devin Ellis, Allison Astorino-Courtois, & Corinne DeFrancisci, Escalation Management in Gray Zone Crises: The Proxy Factor
- Mary Anne Madeira, The Defeminizing Reversal: Globalization, Industrial Upgrading, and Female Labor Force Participation
- Vincent Charles Keating, Membership Has Its Privileges: Targeted Killing Norms and the Firewall of International Society
- David B Carter, Morgan L Kaplan, & Kenneth A Schultz, The Geography of Separatist Violence
- Liane Hartnett, Love is Worldmaking: Reading Rabindranath Tagore's Gora as International Theory Benjamin Helms & David Leblang, Labor Market Policy as Immigration Control: The Case of Temporary Protected Status
- Kavi Joseph Abraham, Modeling Institutional Change and Subject-Production: The World Bank's Turn to Stakeholder Participation Farsan Ghassim, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, & Luis Cabrera, Public Opinion on Institutional Designs for the United Nations: An International Survey Experiment Vanessa Alexandra Boese, Scott Gates, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, & Håvard Strand, Patterns of Democracy over Space and Time Iain Osgood & Hyeon-Young Ro, Free Trade's Organized Progressive Opposition
- Sara Kahn-Nisser, Vicious Cycle: Violations of Foreign Nationals’ Rights among CAT Countries
- Jérémie Cornut, Emotional Practices and How We Can Trace Them: Diplomats, Emojis, and Multilateral Negotiations at the UNHRC
- Christopher Schwarz, Material Scarcity, Mortality, and Violent Conflict
- Alexander Stoffel, The Dialectic of the International: Elaborating the Historical Materialism of the Gay Liberationists Alice B M Vadrot & Silvia C Ruiz Rodríguez, Digital Multilateralism in Practice: Extending Critical Policy Ethnography to Digital Negotiation Sites Aniruddha Saha, Nuclear Stigma and Deviance in Global Governance: A New Research Agenda
- Danielle L Lupton & Clayton Webb, Wither Elites? The Role of Elite Credibility and Knowledge in Public Perceptions of Foreign Policy
- Adam Dean, Arresting the Opposition: Labor Repression and Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries
- Claudia Junghyun Kim, Transnational Advocacy, Norm Regress, and Foreign Compliance Constituencies: The Case of the “Comfort Women” Redress Movement
- Koji Kagotani & Wen-Chin Wu, When Do Diplomatic Protests Boomerang? Foreign Protests against US Arms Sales and Domestic Public Support in Taiwan
- William L Allen & Evan Easton-Calabria, Combining Computational and Archival Methods to Study International Organizations: Refugees and the International Labour Organization, 1919–2015
- Iris Malone, Unmasking Militants: Organizational Trends in Armed Groups, 1970–2012
- Jiyoung Ko, Not So Dangerous? Nationalism and Foreign Policy Preference
- Joshua A Schwartz, Matthew Fuhrmann, Michael C Horowitz, Do Armed Drones Counter Terrorism, Or Are They Counterproductive? Evidence from Eighteen Countries
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Feminist Approaches to International Law Thirty Years on: Still Alienating Oscar?
New Issue: World Trade Review

- Qianwen Zhang & Andrew Mitchell, Data Localization and the National Treatment Obligation in International Investment Treaties
- Kian Cássehgari Possada, Emmanuelle Ganne, & Roberta Piermartini, The Role of WTO Committees through the Lens of Specific Trade Concerns Raised in the TBT Committee
- Giuseppe De Arcangelis, Rama Dasi Mariani, & Federico Nastasi, Trade and Migration: Some New Evidence from the European Mass Migration to Argentina (1870–1913)
- Henok Asmelash, The First Ten Years of WTO Jurisprudence on Renewable Energy Support Measures: Has the Dust Settled Yet?
- Kyounghwa Kim & Jaeyoun Roh, US Anti-Dumping Practices Evolving against Market Economies
- Yannick Stiller, Andreas Dür, & Robert A. Huber, Education and Trade Attitudes: Revisiting the Role of Economic Interest
Monday, September 12, 2022
Conference: International Law and the New Cold War
New Issue: Review of International Studies
- Jamie M. Johnson, Victoria M. Basham, & Owen D. Thomas, Ordering disorder: The making of world politics
- Antonia Witt, Beyond formal powers: Understanding the African Union's authority on the ground
- Christoph Harig & Nicole Jenne, Whose rules? Whose power? The Global South and the possibility to shape international peacekeeping norms through leadership appointments
- Sara E. Davies & Jacqui True, Follow the money: Assessing Women, Peace, and Security through financing for gender-inclusive peace
- Lisa Strömbom, Isabel Bramsen, & Anne Lene Stein, Agonistic peace agreements? Analytical tools and dilemmas
- Christine Andrä, Problematising war: Towards a reconstructive critique of war as a problem of deviance
- Zaheer Kazmi, Radical Islam in the Western Academy
- Bryan Mabee, The international politics of truth: C. Wright Mills and the sociology of the international
- Noran Shafik Fouad, The non-anthropocentric informational agents: Codes, software, and the logic of emergence in cybersecurity
Conference: Thirty-Eighth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Conference: 2022 Oslo International Environmental Law Conference
Ochi: The New Recipe for a General Principle of Law: Premise Theory to “Fill in the Gaps”
This article proposes a new theory, “premise theory”, to account for recent international criminal courts’ practice on finding general principles of law. After analysing the traditional theory of transposition from national to international legal settings, and the modification/choice model, this article demonstrates that the focus should be shifted from arbitrariness to the determinants of results of recognizing general principles of law. Premise theory explains a mechanism that judges modify a common legal principle or choose the most appropriate national legal principle to apply to the issue at hand to reflect the premises of the legal field, the court, and, sometimes, even the individual case. This article concludes with a proposal for utilizing premise theory as an explanatory tool and as a guide for legal reasoning to increase judicial transparency and predictability. Lastly, it advocates for the application of premise theory to other areas of international law.