- Current Events
- Angela Mudukuti, The Procedure for Appointing the International Criminal Court Prosecutor: High Moral Character and the Need for Comprehensive Vetting
- Articles
- Ward Ferdinandusse & Alex Whiting, Prosecute Little Fish at the ICC
- Mikkel Jarle Christensen, The Professional Market of International Criminal Justice: Divisions of Labour and Patterns of Elite Reproduction
- Alex Batesmith, International Prosecutors as Cause Lawyers
- Marina Lostal, Implementing Reparations in the Al Mahdi Case: A Story of Monumental Challenges in Timbuktu
- Symposium: Who Is Afraid of the International Criminal Court? Deterrence in International Criminal Justice
- Shai Dothan, Jakob v H Holtermann, & Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Foreword
- Frédéric Mégret, The Anti-deterrence Hypothesis: What if International Criminal Justice Encouraged Crime?
- Shai Dothan, The ICC Is NOT a Slice of Cheese
- Jakob v H Holtermann, In Defence of a Metaphor: A Reply to Shai Dothan’s Critique of Applying the Swiss Cheese Model on Deterrence to the International Criminal Court
- Natalie Hodgson, Exploring the International Criminal Court’s Deterrent Potential: A Case Study of Australian Politics
- Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Is the Quality of the ICC’s Legal Reasoning an Obstacle to Its Ability to Deter International Crimes?
- Hyeran Jo, Beth A Simmons, & Mitchell Radtke, Conflict Actors and the International Criminal Court in Colombia
- Marc Schack, Coercion at the ICC: A Rationalist International Relations Perspective
- Kevin Jon Heller, Who Is Afraid of the Crime of Aggression?
- Alex Whiting, Could the Crime of Aggression Undermine Deterrence?
- Mark A Drumbl, Epilogue: Some Musings on Deterrence
Saturday, January 8, 2022
New Issue: Journal of International Criminal Justice
New Volume: Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs
- Articles
- Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Neo-Liberal, State-Capitalist and Ordo-Liberal Conceptions of World Trade: The Rise and Fall of the WTO Dispute Settlement System
- David KC Huang & Nigel N.T. Li, Why China Finds It Difficult to Enable the Rule of Law
- Jaemin Lee, All Words and No Action ― Korea’s FTA Experience in Addressing Investigating Authorities’ Discretion in Trade Remedy Investigations and Ensuing Legal Implications
- Special Reports
- Benny Yiu-ting Tai, The Rebirth of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law
- Bo-jiun Jing, Cybersecurity is National Security: Can Taiwan Have the Digital Cake and Eat It Too?
- Jeffrey (Chieh) Lo, A Story of Two Disputes: (Potential) Investment Claims that hit Taiwan under the Singapore-Taiwan FTA (ASTEP)
Friday, January 7, 2022
Call for Papers: The Reality of International Legal Theory – Reality in International Legal Theory
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Williams: Lawyering Peace
In all but the rarest circumstances, the world's deadly conflicts are ended not through outright victory, but through a series of negotiations. Not all of these negotiations, however, yield a durable peace. To successfully mitigate conflict drivers, the parties in conflict must address a number of puzzles, such as whether and how to share and/or re-establish a state's monopoly of force, reallocate the ownership and management of natural resources, modify the state structure, or provide for a path toward external self-determination. Successfully resolving these puzzles requires the parties to navigate a number of conundrums and make choices and design mechanisms that are appropriate to the particular context of the conflict, and which are most likely to lead to a durable peace. Lawyering Peace aims to help future negotiators build better and more durable peace agreements through a rigorous examination of how other parties have resolved these puzzles and associated conundrums.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Virtual Book Symposium: van Logchem’s "The Rights and Obligations of States in Disputed Maritime Areas"
Ishii: Japanese Maritime Security and Law of the Sea
Japan, the geopolitical lynchpin in the East Asian region, has developed a unique maritime security policy and interpretation of the law of the sea. Japanese Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea is the first title to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis on these themes in English, examines Japan’s domestic laws and its approach to international law. The topics covered include Japan’s claim over its maritime entitlement, policies on the use of force at sea, and the mandates of the Self-Defense Force and the Japan Coast Guard to use coercive measures in maritime zones and airspace, both in peacetime and in times of emergency.
Hsieh: New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law
This book provides the first systematic analysis of new Asian regionalism as a paradigm shift in international economic law. It argues that new Asian regionalism has emerged amid the Third Regionalism and contributed to the New Regional Economic Order, which reinvigorates the role of developing countries in shaping international trade norms. To substantiate the claims, the book introduces theoretical debates and evaluates major regional economic initiatives and institutions, including the ASEAN+6 framework, APEC, the CPTPP and the RCEP. It also sheds light on legal issues involving the US-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as trade policies of Asian powers, the European Union and the United States. Hence, the legal analysis and case studies offer a fresh perspective of Asian integration and bridge the gap between academia and practice.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
New Issue: Revista Tribuna Internacional
- Artículos
- Fernando Rolandelli, El Consejo de Seguridad de la Naciones Unidas, los regímenes de sanciones y la experiencia argentina
- Marianela Ginette Lotito, Tamara Luciana Bustamante, & Lucrecia Ovejero Solá, Revisión de los argumentos esgrimidos en contra del terrorismo como crimen autónomo de la Corte Penal Internacional
- Leandro L Baltar & Luciana B. Scotti, La utilización de la videoconferencia en procesos judiciales y extrajudiciales internacionales: Desafíos para el Derecho Internacional Privado
- Bruno Arpi, La relevancia del Derecho Antártico frente los desafíos regionales y el papel primordial de Argentina y Chile en su fortalecimiento.
- Robert Currie Ríos & Paulina Sandoval Valdés, Chilean Antarctic Statute and Environmental Impact Assessment: regulatory considerations to protect the Antarctic environment and its dependent and associated ecosystems
New Issue: Revista Peruana de Derecho Internacional
- Jose Felix Pinto-Bazurco Barandiarán, La 26° Conferencia De Las Partes En La Convención Marco De Las Naciones Unidas Sobre Cambio Climático: Análisis Y Perspectiva
- Luis Solari de la Fuente, América Latina: 2022
- Francisco Belaunde Matossian, Lucha Contra El Terrorismo Yihadista Y Estado De Derecho
- Sergio Díaz-Granados, Caf: El Banco De La Reactivación De América Latina Y El Caribe
- Ricardo Estanislao Morote Canales, La Participación Del Perú En El Consejo De Seguridad (2006- 2007): Haití, La República Democrática Del Congo Y Timor-Leste
- Luciana Cumpa García Naranjo, Intereses Del Perú En Arica: Realidad Y Desafíos
Monday, January 3, 2022
Job Opening: Program Officer (American Society of International Law)
Stone Sweet, Sandholtz, & Andenas: The Failure to Destroy the Authority of the European Court of Human Rights: 2010-2018
In the 2010-2018 period, certain Member States of the Council of Europe engaged in an unprecedented attempt to undermine the authority of the European Court of Human Rights. The United Kingdom and Denmark, supported by critics in academia, notably sought to institutionalise the principles of ‘subsidiarity’ and ‘margin of appreciation’ as formal deference doctrines. In a series of High Level Conferences, a large majority of Member States repudiated these efforts, leaving the basics of the Court’s powers intact. Despite scholarly efforts to demonstrate the contrary, our analysis does not confirm that the Court has ‘walked-back’ rights, or retreated from its basic jurisprudential orientations.
New Issue: Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos
- Artículos
- Gabriela Commatteo & Pilar Moreyra, Discriminación 4.0: una aproximación a los problemas que suscitan la biometría y los sistemas de reconocimiento facial
- Sebastián Nicolás Pérez Trench, Los sistemas de reconocimiento facial: una mirada a la luz del examen de proporcionalidad
- Fátima López Poletti, El principio de proporcionalidad en el derecho de acceso a la información pública: usos y potencialidades para mitigar la discrecionalidad estatal al invocar una excepción legal
- Allen Juan Zegarra Acevedo, How the Peruvian Agrarian Reform Affected the Human Rights of Peasants
- Notas
- Gisela Ferrari & Guadalupe Fernández Mehle, Una resolución administrativa argentina y la paridad de género en los órganos de administración de ciertas personas jurídicas: un análisis a la luz del principio de igualdad
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Bosco: The Poseidon Project: The Struggle to Govern the World's Oceans
In 1609, the Dutch lawyer Hugo Grotius rejected the idea that even powerful rulers could own the oceans. "A ship sailing through the sea," he wrote, "leaves behind it no more legal right than it does a track." A philosophical and legal battle ensued, but Grotius's view ultimately prevailed. To this day, "freedom of the seas" remains an important legal principle and a powerful rhetorical tool. Yet in recent decades, freedom of the seas has eroded in multiple ways and for a variety of reasons. During the world wars of the 20th century, combatants imposed unprecedented restrictions on maritime commerce, leaving international rules in tatters. National governments have steadily expanded their reach into the oceans. More recently, environmental concerns have led to new international restrictions on high seas fishing. Today's most dangerous maritime disputes-including China's push for control of the South China Sea-are occurring against the backdrop of major changes in the way the world treats the oceans. As David Bosco shows in The Poseidon Project, the history of humanity's attempt to create rules for the oceans is alive and relevant. Tracing the roots of the law of the sea and the background to current maritime disputes, he shows that building effective ocean rules while preserving maritime freedoms remains a daunting task. Bosco analyzes how fragile international institutions and determined activists are struggling for relevance in a world still dominated by national governments. As maritime tensions develop, The Poseidon Project will serve as an essential guide to the continuing challenge of ocean governance.