The emerging transnational criminal law - Call for papers
Venue: Faculty of Law, Meeting room 02-0-16, Studiegaarden,
Studiestraede 6, ground floor, DK-1455 Copenhagen K
In recent years, the contours of a distinct transnational criminal law have emerged. To investigate the new practices and legal innovations around this form of law, iCourts invites papers for a multidisciplinary conference on the emerging forms of transnational criminal law.
In the late 2000s, transnational criminal law emerged as a scholarly concept aimed at capturing a range of new legal innovations that have sprung up on the international and even global scene. In contrast to scholarship on international criminal law driven by the international criminal courts, the emergent transnational criminal law targeted other forms of borderless crimes codified in international treaties and not necessarily tied to the practices of international institutions.
With the emergence of transnational criminal law, a myriad of scholarly questions regarding the genesis of this specific concept and as well as the legal practices it seeks to encompass have arisen. To investigate these phenomena, new forms of law as well as the academic concepts formed around them, iCourts invites papers for a multidisciplinary conference on the emerging transnational criminal law. The aim of the workshop and related conference is to provide the first collective and transdisciplinary perspective on the emergence and development of transnational criminal law. In this context, iCourts welcomes papers that will address one of the following dimensions:
The concept of transnational criminal law:
To understand the role of transnational criminal law, more scholarship on the theoretical boundaries of the concept is needed. Such studies could include strictly legal studies of its substantive and procedural dynamics as well as socio-legal research on how this term was crafted and how it relates to conceptual innovations in other disciplines.
The practices of transnational criminal law:
If transnational criminal law is indeed an emerging field in its own right, understanding the practices active in it holds the key to understanding its developments. Papers are invited that tries to analyze how practices of transnational criminal law have evolved and are situated in a wider field of law and politics.
The agents and networks of transnational criminal law:
Tied closely to the concrete practices that characterize transnational criminal law are the agents and networks that are driving them. Here socio-legal scholarship can potentially make a significant contribution to understanding this new form of law and who have been the central drivers in its theoretical as well as practical development.
The institutions of transnational criminal law:
What are the institutions that have defined specific practices in transnational criminal law and what role do they play vis-à-vis other national and international organizations? Understanding the role of different institutions in transnational criminal law can provide pivotal insights into the functionality of this field and its practices.
Abstracts for the workshop should focus on making an original contribution within one or more of the dimensions identified above. Papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts of 250 words accompanied by a brief statement of what the research will add to the state of the art.
Deadline for abstracts is 1 December 2015. Please send abstracts to Mikkel Jarle Christensen:
The workshop will take place May 17-18 2016. iCourts will cover flights and accommodation if booked through the center.
Reworked and finished papers are planned to be presented on a public conference scheduled for January 2017.