The latest issue of
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Vol. 14, no. 2, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Alessandro Bufalini, The Principle of Legality and the Role of Customary International Law in the Interpretation of the ICC Statute
- Gian Maria Farnelli, A Controversial Dialogue between International and Domestic Courts on Functional Immunity
- Sergey Y. Marochkin & Galina A. Nelaeva, The Changing Dynamics of International Lawmaking: Trying Heads of State for Rape and Sexual Violence
- Tomas Hamilton, Case Admissibility at the International Criminal Court
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Reflections on the Advisory Jurisdiction of ITLOS as a Full Court: The ITLOS Advisory Opinion of 2015
- Fernando Lusa Bordin, Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice