- Volume 403
- Yves Daudet, 1919-2019, Le flux du multilatéralisme
- Catherine Kessedjian, Le tiers impartial et indépendant en droit international
Saturday, February 22, 2020
New Volume: Recueil des Cours
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts
- Abhandlungen
- Jasper Finke, Interpretative Change as Evidence of International Law's Resilience in Times of Crisis
- Johann Justus Vasel, Illegal, irrational, fatal? Die Aufkündigung des JCPOA und ihre Folgen
- Beiträge und Berichte
- Dimitrios Parashu, Playing it safe: Das jüngste Rechtsgutachten des IGH, in Sachen Chagos
- Karin Oellers-Frahm, Italien und die Rettung von Migranten
Thursday, February 20, 2020
New Issue: International Interactions
- Articles
- Erin Baggott Carter, Diversionary cheap talk: economic conditions and US foreign policy rhetoric, 1945-2010
- Holley E. Hansen, Stephen C. Nemeth & Jacob A. Mauslein, United Nations peacekeeping and terrorism: short-term risks and long-term benefits
- Dennis M. Foster & Jonathan W. Keller, Single-party government, Prime Minister psychology, and the diversionary use of force: theory and evidence from the British case
- Ludovico Alcorta, Haley J. Swedlund & Jeroen Smits, Discrimination and ethnic conflict: a dyadic analysis of politically-excluded groups in sub-Saharan Africa
- Research Note
- Steven Ward, Status from fighting? Reassessing the relationship between conflict involvement and diplomatic rank
- Special Data Feature
- Charles R. Butcher & Ryan D. Griffiths, States and their international relations since 1816: introducing version 2 of the International System(s) Dataset (ISD)
Giuffré: The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law
This monograph could not be more timely, as discourses relating to refugees' access to territory, rescue at sea, push-back, and push-back by proxy dominate political debate. Looking at the questions which lie at the junction of migration control and refugee law standards, it explores the extent to which readmission can hamper refugees' access to protection. Though it draws mainly on European law, notably the European Convention on Human Rights, it also examines other international frameworks, including those employed by the United Nations and instruments such as the Refugee Convention. Therefore, this book is of importance to readers of international law, refugee law, human rights and migration studies at the global level. It offers an analysis of both the legal and policy questions at play, and engages fully with widely-disputed cases concerning readmission agreements, deportation with assurances and interception at sea. By so doing, this book seeks to clarify a complex field which has at times suffered from partiality in both its terminology and substance.
New Issue: Virginia Journal of International Law
- Articles
- Mary Zhao, Transparency in International Commercial Arbitration: Adopting a Balanced Approach
- King Fung Tsang & Jyn-An Lee, Unfriendly Choice of Law in FRAND
- Taisu Zhang & Tom Ginsburg, China’s Turn Toward Law
- Nadia Banteka, No Longer Immune? How Network Theory Decodes Normative Shifts in Personal Immunity for Heads of State
- Noah E. Lipkowitz, Why Countries Diverge over Extradition Treaties with China: The Executive Power to Extradite in Common and Civil Law Countries
New Issue: African Journal of International Criminal Justice
- Charles C. Jalloh, The International Law Commission’s First Draft Convention on Crimes Against Humanity
New Issue: Global Responsibility to Protect
- Special Issue: The Rohingya Crisis and Implications for Myanmar’s Peace Process
- Mohamad Rosyidin, Reconciling State’s Sovereignty with Global Norms: Indonesia’s Quiet Diplomacy in Myanmar and the Feasibility of the Implementation of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Southeast Asia
- Sophie Ryan, When Women Become the War Zone: the Use of Sexual Violence in Myanmar’s Military Operations
- Noel M. Morada, Continuing Violence and Atrocities in Rakhine since 2017: Beyond the Outrage, Failures of the International Community
- Emma Palmer, The Responsibility to Protect and Infrastructure in Myanmar
- José María Arraiza & Sara E. Davies, Enduring Peace: a Case Study of the Opportunities and the Challenges for Engaging in Myanmar’s Peace Process
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Call for Proposals: Conference on "Teaching International Law"
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
New Issue: Jus Cogens
- Alessandro Ferrara, “Most Reasonable for Humanity”: Legitimation Beyond the State
- Ryan Mitchell, Hegemony in a Multipolar World Order: Global Constitutionalism and the Großraum
- Maksymilian Del Mar, The Declamatory Tradition of Normative Inquiry: Towards an Aesthetic History of Legal and Political Thought
"Live from L": Space Law
Call for Papers: Challenges for Law and Development: Responses
Zaring: The Globalized Governance of Finance
Big banks are capable of wreaking havoc on the global economy, and governments have often felt powerless to stop them. Regulators have responded by developing coordinated programs to handle banks, insurers, broker dealers, shadow banks and other businesses that can blow up in a crisis. This program began informally and undemocratically, and has developed into something much more organized, formalized and predictable, even though it has never been legally enforceable. David Zaring examines the realities of the current international financial system and concludes that in fact this is a well-ordered and functioning regulatory environment: the international financial system enjoys a substantial degree of compliance, and operates predictably and harmoniously. As a result, perhaps this could serve as a paradigm for future global governance. Zaring explores three aspects of international financial regulation that can inform global governance: harmonization through rules, cooperation on enforcement and agreement on fundamental principles.
Nouazi Kemkeng: La protection des droits de l'homme en Afrique: L'interaction entre Commission et cour africaines des droits de l'homme et des peuples
Pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme africain, l'étude des rapports entre la Commission et la Cour africaines des droits de l'homme s'impose comme une nécessité. L'auteur relève que l'institution de la Cour africaine en 2004 marque une profonde mutation de l'ordre juridique africain en matière de protection des droits de l'homme. Cette étude permet de cerner la complémentarité au regard du droit substantiel et d'appréhender l'économie générale de la nouvelle procédure de protection des droits de l'homme en Afrique.
Bührer: Das Menschenwürdekonzept der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention
Insbesondere nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bildete sich die Menschenwürde als Rechtsbegriff heraus und fand Eingang in das Völkerrecht. Das deutsche Grundgesetz (GG) war die erste Verfassung, die die Menschenwürde an die Spitze der Verfassungsordnung stellte. In der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) ist die Menschenwürde hingegen nicht ausdrücklich benannt. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) nimmt jedoch regelmäßig auf sie Bezug.
Die Arbeit geht der Frage nach, welche Rechtsqualität die Menschenwürde im Konventionsrecht besitzt. Zudem wird eine positive Begriffsbestimmung vorgenommen. Dabei wird vor allem der völkerrechtliche Gehalt der Menschenwürde ebenso wie die Rechtsprechung des EGMR näher untersucht und ein Vergleich mit der Menschenwürde nach dem GG und auf der Ebene des EU-Rechts angestellt. Der Autor arbeitet grundlegend heraus, dass es sich bei der Menschenwürde um die gemeinsame Grundlage des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes, um einen allgemeinen Rechtsgrundsatz und ein universelles Rechtsprinzip handelt. Der Menschenwürde kommt eine normative Doppelfunktion als objektivem Rechtsgrundsatz sowie als eigenständigem Grundrecht zu. Diese Annahme prägt nicht nur das Menschenwürdeverständnis des GG und des EU-Rechts, sondern auch das Menschenwürdekonzept der EMRK.
Monday, February 17, 2020
UN Audiovisual Library of International Law Mini-Series on “Consular and Diplomatic Relations”
Call for Papers: Conflict and Contestation in International Law
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Special Issue: Comparative and International Investment Law: Prospects for Reform
- Georgios Dimitropoulos, Comparative and International Investment Law: Prospects for Reform – An Introduction
- Steven R Ratner, International Investment Law and Domestic Investment Rules: Tracing the Upstream and Downstream Flows
- Peter L Lindseth, Theorizing Backlash: Supranational Governance and International Investment Law and Arbitration in a Comparative Perspective
- Georgios Dimitropoulos, National Sovereignty and International Investment Law: Sovereignty Reassertion and Prospects of Reform
- Lizzie Knight & Tania Voon, The Evolution of National Security at the Interface Between Domestic and International Investment Law and Policy: The Role of China
- Mélida N Hodgson, Reform and Adaptation: The Experience of the Americas with International Investment Law
New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law
- Editorial
- Guide Jia, New China and International Law: Practice and Contribution in 70 Years
- Articles
- Rein Müllerson, Self-defence against Armed Attacks by Non-State Actors
- Mario Gervasi, On the United States’ Decision to Withdraw from and Cease Implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- Comments
- Jinyuan Su, The Practice of States on Air Defense Identification Zones: Geographical Scope, Object of Identification, and Identification Measures