- Michael Barnett, International Progress, International Order, and the Liberal International Order
- Doug Stokes & Martin Williamson, The United States, China and the WTO after Coronavirus
- Kristen Hopewell, Strategic Narratives in Global Trade Politics: American Hegemony, Free Trade, and the Hidden Hand of the State
- Jarrett T Wilde & Yue Xing, Comprehensive Sovereign Agency? China’s Model of International Recognition
- John Williams, English School—“Chinese IR” Engagements: Order, Harmony, and the Limits of Elitism in Global IR
Saturday, April 10, 2021
New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Politics
New Issue: London Review of International Law
- Articles
- Kate Miles, Painting international law as universal: imperialism and the co-opting of image and art
- Clair Quentin, Corporations, comity and the ‘revenue rule’: a jurisprudence of offshore
- Margot E Salomon, The radical ideation of peasants, the ‘pseudo-radicalism’ of international human rights law, and the revolutionary lawyer
- Daniel R Quiroga-Villamarín, Normalising global commerce: containerisation, materiality, and transnational regulation (1956–68)
Call for Panel Proposals: International Law Weekend 2021

Payk & Priemel: Crafting the International Order: Practitioners and Practices of International Law since c.1800
This volume sheds light on how lawyers have made sense of, engaged in, and shaped international politics over the past three hundred years. Chapters show how politicians and administrators, diplomats and military men, have considered their tasks in legal terms, and how the field of international relations has been filled with the distinctly legal vocabulary of laws, regulations, treaties, agreements, and conventions.
Leading experts in the field provide insights into what it means when concrete decisions are taken, negotiations led, or controversies articulated and resolved by legal professionals. They also inquire into how the often-criticised gaps between juristic standards and everyday realities can be explained by looking at the very medium of law. Rather than sorting people and problems into binary categories such as 'law' and 'politics' or 'theory' and 'practice', the case studies in this volume reflect on these dichotomies and dissolve them into the messy realities of conflicts and interactions which take place in historically contingent situations, and in which international lawyers assume varying personas.
Friday, April 9, 2021
New Issue: Moscow Journal of International Law
- Ludmila P. Anufrieva, Principles in Modern International Law (Certain Issues of Concept, Nature, Genesis, Substance and Scope)
- Yuri I. Skuratov, Eurasian Basis of the International Legal Policy of the Russian Federation
- Aleksey Y. Novoseltsev & Konstantin V. Stepanyugin, Russia`s Participation in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, Adjudicating Racial Discrimination Claims: Issues of Jurisdiction and Admissibility in Ukraine v. Russia
- Sergei Yu. Garkusha-Bozhko, The Problem of Cyber Espionage in the International Humanitarian Law
- Sergei A. Vasiliev, International Legal Measures to Ensure the Safety of Navigation
- Petr S. Dolgoshein, Improving the Regulatory Framework for Countering Extremism in the European Union (Case Study of Finland)
Seminar: Community: culture, identities, and memories
New Issue: Ocean Development & International Law

- Jan Jakub Solski, The Genesis of Article 234 of the UNCLOS
- Hao Shen, Developing China’s Legal Regime for International Deep Seabed Mining—The Present and Future
- Jinyuan Su, The Adjacency Doctrine in the Negotiation of BBNJ: Creeping Jurisdiction or Legitimate Claim?
- Alexander Lott, The Passage Regimes of the Kerch Strait—To Each Their Own?
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
- Editorial
- Anna Grear, Painful excavations: extractivism, dispossession, rights and resistance
- Research Articles
- Erin Fitz-Henry, Distribution without representation? Beyond the rights of nature in the southern Ecuadorian highlands
- Maria Antonia Tigre & Natalia Urzola, The 2017 Inter-American Court's Advisory Opinion: changing the paradigm for international environmental law in the Anthropocene
- Freya Mathews, Environmental struggles in Aboriginal homelands: Indigenizing conservation in Australia
- Lee Harrop & Jana Norman, Still Lives: a beautiful science
- Lee Harrop, Still Lives
- Jana Norman, An engraved invitation to consider human–earth relations: thinking non-dualism through the mining-based art practice of Lee Harrop
- Katerina Teaiwa, Artist statement
- Mandy Treagus, Flight of the frigate bird: Ocean Island, phosphate mining and Project Banaba
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Call for Abstracts: 2021 ASIL Research Forum

Shaffer: Governing the Interface of US-China Trade Relations
The U.S.-China relationship poses a frontal challenge to the multilateral trading system. This article addresses three dimensions for conceptualizing the interface between the U.S. and Chinese systems through trade law: (i) economic; (ii) geopolitical/security; and (iii) normative/social. By the economic interface, it refers to the U.S. critique of Chinese state capitalism, and in particular the use of state-owned enterprises and subsidies. By the geopolitical/security interface, it covers U.S. concerns over China as a rising technological power. By the normative/social policy interface, it references reactions to Chinese authoritarianism and human rights violations, which indirectly implicate U.S. workers and the U.S. social bargain through U.S. purchases of Chinese products. The article advances a middle ground between those working to reinforce the WTO system with new rules that limit the state’s role in the economy, and those who reject the WTO in favor of a power-based system to confront China. It proposes pragmatic reforms to govern the interface of their respective systems across the three dimensions in ways that would facilitate ongoing exchange while assuring latitude for each country to protect itself from the externalities of each other’s policies. The result would be greater room for bilateral and plurilateral bargaining, but it would be conducted within the umbrella of the multilateral system.
Call for Papers: International Law and Post-Pandemic Asia
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
New Issue: Rivista di Diritto Internazionale

- Articoli
- Riflessioni su questioni di giurisdizione della Corte internazionale di giustizia
- F. Fontanelli, Once Burned, Twice Shy. The Use of Compromissory Clauses before the International Court of Justice and Their Declining Popularity in New Treaties
- G. Asta, The Regime of Declarations of Acceptance of the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice: Assessing the Court’s Case-law in the Prism of Autonomy
- B. I. Bonafè, ICJ Jurisdiction in Incidental Proceedings
- G. Gaja, The Court’s Role in Ascertaining Its Jurisdiction over a Dispute on Its Own Motion
- P. d’Argent, Preliminary Objections and Breaches of Provisional Measures
- Z. Crespi Reghizzi, The International Court of Justice’s Advisory Jurisdiction, Dispute Settlement and State Consent: An Historical Perspective
- Note e Commenti
- T. Scovazzi, Come se non esistesse
Helmersen: The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice
How do the judges of the International Court of Justice, the most authoritative court in international law, use teachings when deciding cases? This book is the first book-length examination of how teachings are used in an important international institution. It uses three different methodologies: a traditional legal analysis, an empirical analysis where citations of teachings are counted and interviews with judges and staff. Three main patterns are identified: teachings have generally low weight, but this weight varies between different works and between different judges. The book suggests explanations for the patterns it identifies, in order to contribute to understanding not only when and how teachings are used, but also why, and compares the Court's practice with that of other international courts and tribunals. This study fills a gap in the international legal literature and will be essential reading for scholars and practicing international lawyers.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Conference: Democracy and Governance in the Internet Era
Capdepón & Figari Layús: The Impact of Human Rights Prosecutions: Insights from European, Latin American, and African Post-Conflict Societies
Human rights prosecutions are the most prominent mechanisms that victims demand to obtain accountability. Dealing with a legacy of gross human rights violations presents opportunities to enhance the right to justice and promote a more equal application of criminal law, a fundamental condition for a more substantive democracy in societies. This book seeks to analyse the impact, advances, and difficulties of prosecuting perpetrators of mass atrocities at national and international levels. What role does criminal justice play in redressing victims’ wrongs, guaranteeing the non-repetition of mass atrocities, and attempting to overcome the damage caused by systematic human rights violations? This volume addresses critical issues in the field of human rights prosecution by drawing on the experiences of a variety of post-conflict and authoritarian countries covering three world regions. Contributing authors cover prosecutions in post-Nazi Germany, post-Communist Romania, and transnational legal complaints by victims of the Franco dictatorship, as well as domestic and third-country prosecutions for human rights violations in the pioneering South American countries of Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay, prosecutions in Darfur and Kenya, and the work of the International Criminal Court.
The Impact of Human Rights Prosecutions offers insights into the difficulties human rights trials face in different contexts and regions, and also illustrates the development of these legal procedures over time. The volume will be of interest to human rights scholars as well as legal practitioners, participants, justice system actors, and policy makers.
New Issue: Revue belge de droit international
- Dossier Spécial : La paix par le droit 100 ans après le Traité de Versailles : quelles leçons et quel devenir pour la coopération internationale ?
- L. Delabie & S. Cassella, Présentation
- L. Delabie, Les États-Unis, la paix par le droit et la coopération multilatérale
- C. Manigand, Que reste-t-il de la Fédération européenne de l’entre-deux-guerres ?
- Y. Daudet, « La paix par le droit » et l’Académie de droit international de La Haye
- M.-C. Runavot, La contribution de la période d’entre-deux-guerres au développement d’un modèle d’organisation internationale
- S. Schirmann, La coopération économique et financière en Europe dans l’entre-deux guerres
- G. Le Floch, Le rôle des juridictions internationales dans la préservation de la paix
- J.-M. Thouvenin, La Cour permanente de Justice internationale : héritage et rupture dans le contentieux international
- F. Mailhé, L’apport de la période d’entre-deux-guerres au développement de l’arbitrage international : une époque pour trois destins
- S. Cassella, D’une excuse à une exception : la légitime défense depuis 1919
- E. Wyler, La résurgence de la doctrine de la « guerre juste » dans le Pacte de la SDN sous le masque des guerres licites
- G. Distefano, Les mandats de la SDN, une idée originale à la charnière entre le colonialisme déguisé et l’administration internationale
- J.-B. Pierchon, Les leçons des mandats de la SdN : internationalisation du régime colonial et protection des minorités
- S. Sur, Réflexions sur la paix par le droit
- Études
- J. Salmon, La reconnaissance par la Belgique du royaume d’Italie en novembre 1861 - Problèmes internationaux et internes
- K. Nakajima, Faut-il établir l’existence d’un autre différend pour que des demandes reconventionnelles soient déclarées recevables ? Une étude complémentaire sur la notion de différend devant la Cour internationale de Justice
- M. Franssen & X. Miny, « To be, and not to be ». La « reconnaissance juridictionnelle » de la Palestine dans le contentieux de l’apatridie en Belgique
- L. Ferro, No Interference, No Problem: Voter Influence Operations and International Law
Monday, April 5, 2021
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Anthony O'Dwyer, The Artists’ Resale Right Directive 2001/84/EC: A means of targeted intervention for visual artists
- Vandana Mahalwar, Burgeoning right of publicity: An overview of the Indian experiences
- Himanshu Arora, “Right to Repair” vis‐à‐vis Indian trade mark law: A comparative analysis
- Alice Wickens, Design piracy in the United States: Time to fashion a remedy?
- Morten Walløe Tvedt, A contract‐law analyses of the SMTA of the Plant Treaty: Can it work as a binding contract?
- Prabhat K. Saha & Shivam Kaushik, How effective are India's model guidelines on implementation of IPR policy for academic institutions? Seeking the answer from the US and the UK experience
- Tran Kien, Politics as a function of trademark: A new perspective from the historical development of trademark law in colonial and socialist Vietnam
- Deepa Kharb, The legal conundrum over regulation of access and benefit sharing obligations in digital sequence information over genetic resources‐assessing indian position
- Louise van Greunen & Iva Gobac, Building respect for intellectual property—The journey toward balanced intellectual property enforcement
- Soumya P. Patra & Raju KD, Application of standard essential patents in automotive industry: An analytical perspective
Louis & Maertens: Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World
Building on the concept of depoliticization, this book provides a first systematic analysis of International Organizations (IO) apolitical claims. It shows that depoliticization sustains IO everyday activities while allowing them to remain engaged in politics, even when they pretend not to.
Delving into the inner dynamics of global governance, this book develops an analytical framework on why IOs "hate" politics by bringing together practices and logics of depoliticization in a wide variety of historical, geographic and organizational contexts. With multiple case studies in the fields of labor rights and economic regulation, environmental protection, development and humanitarian aid, peacekeeping, among others this book shows that depoliticization is enacted in a series of overlapping, sometimes mundane, practices resulting from the complex interaction between professional habits, organizational cultures and individual tactics. By approaching the consequences of these practices in terms of logics, the book addresses the instrumental dimension of depoliticization without assuming that IO actors necessarily intend to depoliticize their action or global problems.
For IO scholars and students, this book sheds new light on IO politics by clarifying one often taken-for-granted dimension of their everyday activities, precisely that of depoliticization.
New Issue: Climate Law
- Kim Bouwer, Possibilities for Justice and Equity in Human Rights and Climate Law: Benefit-Sharing in Climate Finance
- Emilie Yliheljo, The Variable Nature of Ownership of Emission Units in the Intersection of Climate Law, Property Law, and the Regulation of Financial Markets
- Tomáš Bruner, Changing Climate, Unchanged Mandate: bric Countries in the UN Security Council
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Conference: 2021 ESIL Research Forum (Reminder)
Call for Submissions: Athena – Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization
Queirolo et al.: Brussels I bis Regulation and Special Rules: Opportunities to Enhance Judicial Cooperation
This volume critically and thoroughly addresses art. 67 Brussels I bis Regulation, which determines the relationships between the Regulation and other EU law instruments governing jurisdiction or the free movement of decisions. Also tackling “indirect” relevant relationships between international civil procedure and material law, the Volume rationalizes the main criticalities examined, and offers Principles, Recommendations and Guidelines to increase capacity of practitioners to address such issues, to improve awareness of stakeholders, and to support uniform application of EU law.