This incisive book provides a comprehensive overview of the WTO dispute settlement practice from 1995 up until the present day, illustrating the need for it to be resurrected from its current state of crisis.
By inquiring into the current set-up of WTO adjudication system, the book explores to what extent its original intent has been followed in practice. Its empirical analysis of decades of data regarding the number, duration, and subject matter of dispute adjudications, as well as the frequency of implemented or non-implemented settlements, illuminates the effectiveness of the system and highlights the issues that have led to the WTO’s present predicament. Petros C. Mavroidis employs these findings to build a case for the urgent reform of the WTO dispute settlement system by virtue of its accomplishments. He then concludes with a proposal for a reinvigorated ‘Dispute Settlement Understanding 2.0’.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Mavroidis: The WTO Dispute Settlement System: How, Why and Where?
Friday, July 22, 2022
New Issue: Revista Española de Derecho Internacional
- Editorial
- Andrés Sáenz de Santa María, Paz: Las epidemias, las pandemias y el derecho internacional: a propósito de la resolución del IDI de septiembre de 2021
- Estudios
- Migraciones y Asilo: Análisis y Perspectivas
- Silvia Morgades Gil, El Pacto Mundial sobre los Refugiados y el Nuevo Pacto de la Unión Europea sobre Migración y Asilo: derecho informal y jurisprudencia internacional en materia de acceso a la protección
- Carolina Soler García, La Unión Europea, ¿un gendarme en el Mediterráneo central?: Las operaciones EUNAVFOR MED Sofia e Irini
- Carlos Villán Durán & Carmelo Faleh Pérez, España ante la Convención internacional sobre la protección de los derechos de todos los trabajadores migratorios y de sus familiares
- Miscelánea
- Georgina Garriga Suau & Christopher A. Whytock, Choice of law for immovable property issues: new directions in the European Union and the United States
- Irene Purificación Lozano López, La explotación económica de los territorios ocupados por el Estado Islámico: cuestiones de responsabilidad internacional y penal
- David Manzano Cosano, La isla de Guam: de colonia española a territorio no autónomo
- Nuria Marchal Escalona, El nuevo marco europeo sobre notificación y obtención de pruebas en el extranjero: hacia un espacio judicial europeo digitalizado
- Foro
- ¿Entre Migración y Refugio? Desplazamientos por Causas Climáticas E Inadecuación Normativa (II): La Necesidad de Buscar Respuestas Adecuadas Desde la UE
- Montserrat Abad Castelos, Nota introductoria
- Gloria Fernández Arribas, La necesidad de una acción normativa por parte de la Unión Europea en materia de protección de desplazados medioambientales transfronterizos
- Beatriz Felipe Pérez, El visado climático europeo como instrumento de protección jurídica para las personas migrantes climáticas
- Una Década Desde Las Primaveras Árabes: ¿Qué Ha Cambiado En El Orden Regional En Oriente Medio Y El Norte De África?
- Inmaculada Marrero Rocha, Nota introductoria
- Alberto Priego Moreno, Tendencias de la transformación de Oriente Medio y el Norte de África desde la Primavera Árabe
- Jordi Quero Arias, La continuidad en el orden regional de Oriente Medio tras una década desde las Primaveras Árabes
- Extranjeros, Derechos Forales y Reglemantos Europeos de Derecho Internacional Privado
- Miguel Gardeñes Santiago, Nota introductoria
- Ana Fernández-Tresguerres García, Los Reglamentos europeos y el Derecho interregional
- Francisco de Borja Iriarte Ángel, ¿Puede un extranjero estar sometido a un Derecho foral?
New Issue: Arbitration International
- Articles
- William Blair, Gökçe Uyar, Grace Cheng, & Yang Zhao, Arbitrating financial disputes—are they different and what lies ahead?
- Hans-Patrick Schroeder & Wolfgang Junge, Tribunal secretaries re-examined—comparative legal framework, best practices, and terms of appointment
- Filip Nordlund, Determining the applicable law to the arbitration agreement in the absence of a choice of law clause under Hong Kong Law: a call for renewed internationalism
- Paul E Trinel, Counterclaims and legitimacy in investment treaty arbitration
- Ali Lazem & Ilias Bantekas, The treatment of tax as expropriation in International investor–state arbitration
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Pegorari & Puig: Indigenous Peoples as Actors of International Economic Law
Over the past decades, IEL has broadened its disciplinary scope to accommodate pressing social issues associated with globalization's (side)effects. These issues range from environmental degradation to globalization's detrimental impact on culturally distinct and economically marginalized groups such as Indigenous peoples. Looking at Indigenous peoples as actors of IEL illuminates the complex interactions between human and economic-focused areas of international law. It also uncovers the way in which globalization marginalizes societies across the globe. In this sense, to address current demands to make globalization equitable, international economic law must do better to incorporate Indigenous peoples as central, not just marginal, actors.
Keitner: Extraterritorial Rights of Refugees
The predominant role of borders in international law and relations persists notwithstanding the realities of global interdependence, transnational networks, and the bonds created by our shared humanity. Wealthier countries often portray their national borders as impermeable barriers that ‘protect’ them from incurring obligations towards the citizens and inhabitants of other countries, with rare exceptions. In the mid-twentieth century, states formalized certain treaty-based obligations towards noncitizens, which have become embedded in customary international law, by creating an international legal regime of refugee protection. This chapter catalogues the erosion of crucial pillars of that regime, spurred by the domestic political mobilization of anti-immigrant sentiment. Domestic judicial institutions have relied on the doctrinal significance of territorial borders to approve, or at least defer to, states’ narrow interpretations of their legal obligations towards ‘outsiders.’ International bodies have supported more expansive interpretations. The persistence of this interpretive gap jeopardizes the ability of the international system to respond adequately to the needs of the world’s population.
New Issue: La Comunità Internazionale
- Articoli e Saggi
- Maria Irene Papa, Osservazioni critiche sui lavori della Commissione del diritto internazionale in tema di atti unilaterali degli Stati
- Osservatorio Europeo
- Lorenzo F. Pace, L’Euro compie vent’anni: un “progetto” essenziale per la stabilità del processo d’integrazione ma dalla struttura giuridica “fragile”.
- Osservatorio Diritti Umani
- Antonio J. Palma, La salvaguardia del diritto all’istruzione nell’azione del Consiglio di sicurezza per il mantenimento della pace: riflessioni a margine della risoluzione 2601 (2021)
- Francesco Seatzu, Les personnes handicapées mentales possèdent-elles (encore) un droit de vote dans le système de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme?
- Note e Commenti
- Michele Corleto, In tema di contrasto alla pirateria marittima: il caso Enrica Lexie (Italia c. India) tra diritto del mare e questioni di giurisdizione.
Fernandez & de Frouville: Tensions et dynamiques de la justice pénale internationale
Cet ouvrage reprend les actes des sixièmes journées de la justice pénale internationale qui se sont tenues en ligne les 28 et 29 janvier 2021. A l’occasion de cette nouvelle édition, le Centre Thucydide et le Centre de recherche sur les droits de l’homme et le droit humanitaire (CRDH) de l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas ont proposé de faire le bilan du processus d’examen engagé à la Cour pénale internationale (dit « review process »), mais aussi de discuter de l’actualité judiciaire de la Cour et des derniers développements au sein des tribunaux hybrides et mécanismes ad hoc.
Ce large tour d’horizon portant sur l’actualité en 2020 fait apparaître une justice pénale internationale sous tension, sur fond de crise sanitaire, entravant nombre des enquêtes et freinant l’engagement des poursuites. Mais un regard plus attentif permet aussi de voir de multiples dynamiques à l’œuvre. La justice pénale internationale fait preuve de résilience et trouve des interstices pour se déployer et se renouveler, en attendant des vents plus favorables. Cet ouvrage rend compte de ce tableau nuancé. Il revient sur les dynamiques institutionnelles à l’œuvre au sein de la Cour pénale internationale, l’activité judiciaire des différentes juridictions compétentes sur des crimes de droit international – avant de faire la part belle, en guise de synthèse, à quelques défis permanents de la justice pénale internationale.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Special Issue: Bilateral Labor Agreements
Calamita & Giannakopoulos: ASEAN and the Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Global Challenges and Regional Options
The reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a subject of ongoing debate in international institutions, yet an ASEAN perspective on the subject has been largely absent to date. This book addresses that gap by presenting, analysing and assessing ISDS reform from an ASEAN perspective, taking into account the experience, needs and concerns of ASEAN as a community and of its member states.
The book provides a consolidated summary of the range of ISDS reform proposals that have been put forward internationally, alongside a systematic overview of the ISDS provisions of over 300 international investment agreements concluded by ASEAN and its member states. Combining this information, the authors critically analyse the content, structure and modalities of reform proposals from an ASEAN standpoint, including their ability to address reform concerns particular to ASEAN member states. Chapters explore a wide range of topics, covering the rationale, modalities and concerns involved in ISDS reform.
Elong Mboulé: Le régime juridique des biens des organisations internationales
Les biens sont d’une importance capitale pour le fonctionnement des organisations internationales. La détermination des règles qui leur sont applicables, pose cependant, une difficulté majeure. Cette difficulté tient d’une part à la diversité des organisations internationales et leur autonomie juridique, et d’autre part, à la variété des éléments constitutifs dudit régime.
Cette diversité pourrait faire obstacle à la systématisation d’un régime juridique autonome et cohérent en la matière. Il n’en est pourtant rien. Une analyse du droit et de la pratique de près d’une trentaine d’organisations internationales représentant les principales catégories d’organisations, les pratiques d’États hôtes et les jurisprudences nationales et internationales les plus pertinentes, révèle en effet de fortes convergences. Cet ouvrage démontre qu’il existe un droit commun des biens des organisations internationales et que ce régime sui generis est riche, diversifié, mais cohérent.
Conference: Power and the Development of International Law: Asian Perspectives
New Issue: Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme
- L. Burgorgue-larsen, In memoriam Mireille Delmas-Marty (1941-2022)
- S. Slama, Les pass (sanitaire et vaccinal) passent sans encombre les portes du Palais Royal
- F. Bernard, Les droits fondamentaux et la lutte contre la pandémie de Covid-19 en Suisse
- C. Maubernard, K. Blay-Grabarczyk, L. Milano, C. Nivard, & R. Tinière, Les juridictions de l’Union européenne et les droits fondamentaux
- M. Borres, C. Romainville, & M. Verdussen, Chronique de jurisprudence constitutionnelle comparée
- O. Nederlandt, Les agents pénitentiaires : des ambassadeurs de l’État de droit
- B. Dejemeppe, Non bis in idem et violences familiales
- Bestellen G. Ninane, Prestation de serment et liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion
- J-P. Marguénaud, Le démantèlement de la tradition patriarcale patronymique par le principe de non-discrimination
- M. Bossuyt, La Cour persiste dans sa volonté de faire instaurer une procédure d’« asile médical »
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Rosenthal, Oosterveld, & SáCouto: Gender and International Criminal Law
The last few decades have seen remarkable developments in international criminal justice, especially in relation to the pursuit of individuals responsible for sexual violence and other gender-based crimes. Historically ignored, justified, or minimised, this category of crimes now has a heightened profile in the international political and judicial arena. Despite this, gender is poorly understood, and blind spots, biases, and stereotypes prevail.
This book brings together leading feminist international criminal and humanitarian law academics and practitioners to examine the place of gender in international criminal law (ICL). It identifies and analyses past and current narrow understandings of gender, before considering how a limited conceptualization affects accountability efforts. The authors consider how best to implement a more nuanced understanding of gender in the practice of international criminal law by identifying possible responses, including embedding a sophisticated gender strategy into the practice of ICL, the gender-sensitive application of international human rights and humanitarian law, and encouraging a gender-competent approach to judging in ICL. The authors' aim is to strengthen efforts for accountability for all atrocity crimes-war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and aggression.
New Volume: Austrian Review of International and European Law
- Francesco Spera, The Employment of International Soft Bilateral Instruments by the European Union in its External Relations
- Veronika Haász & Melinda Szappanyos, Derogations from the ICCPR and Guide to the Duty of Notification: Apropos the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Lando Kirchmair, Moving the International Court of Justice from Bilateralism to Serving the Community Interest – A Proposal to Refrain from Being a ‘National Judge’
- Éva Grünwald, Ruling On or Out the Implicit: Methodological Suggestions for the Measurement of the Effect of Implicit Social Cognition on the Work of International Courts and Third Party Decision Making Bodies and Implications for Legal Reforms
- Relja Radović, A Sketch of the Concept of ‘Unneutrality’
- Caroline L Silva, Domestic Courts’ Structural Bias and the Reception of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence
- Stratis G Georgilas, ICAO Council Decisions and the Supervisory Role of the International Court of Justice
- Giulio Alvaro Cortesi, The Case of Certain Iranian Assets: The Standard for Joining Preliminary Objections to the Merits Revisited and the Treatment of State-Owned Enterprises before the International Court of Justice
Monday, July 18, 2022
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Carbon Border Adjustments
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Sperfeldt: Practices of Reparations in International Criminal Justice
Combining interdisciplinary techniques with original ethnographic fieldwork, Christoph Sperfeldt examines the first attempts of international criminal courts to provide reparations to victims of mass atrocities. The observations focus on two case studies: the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, where Sperfeldt spent over ten years working at and around, and the International Criminal Court's interventions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Enriched with first-hand observations and an awareness of contextual dynamics, this book directs attention to the 'social life of reparations' that too often get lost in formal accounts of law and its institutions. Sperfeldt shows that reparations are constituted and contested through a range of practices that produce, change, and give meaning to reparations. Appreciating the nature and effects of these practices provides us with a deeper understanding of the discrepancies that exist between the reparations ideal and how it functions imperfectly in different contexts.
Perrone & Schneiderman: Lost to History? Latin America and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
Latin Americans have sought to contribute to the content of international economic law since at least the late nineteenth century, longing to be both the authors and addressees of international law. As a principal contribution to a new international economic order (NIEO), the 1974 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (CERDS) might be considered the last chapter of a 100 year-long effort. This chapter reflects on what the present may have looked like had CERDS taken hold. By tracing the negotiating positions that were embraced by its two principal protagonists, Mexico and the United States, and highlighting some of its change making proposals, we hope to elucidate the ways in which international economic law has adopted paths that are resistant to reform. Our aim is to return to a moment at which claims about the universality of international economic law, as defined by a small group of powerful states, were directly and unanimously opposed by the subjects of international law.
New Issue: World Politics
- Zachary Elkins & Tom Ginsburg, Imagining a World without the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Carly Wayne & Yuri M. Zhukov, Never Again: The Holocaust and Political Legacies of Genocide
- Nicholas Kuipers, The Long-Run Consequences of The Opium Concessions for Out-Group Animosity on Java
- Erin A. York, Preferences Over Foreign Migration: Testing Existing Explanations in the Gulf
New Issue: Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
- Articles
- Marc Limon, United Nations recognition of the universal right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment: An eyewitness account
- Emma Allen & Mario Prost, Ceci n'est pas un État: The Order of Malta and the Holy See as precedents for deterritorialized statehood?
- Arie Trouwborst & Jens-Christian Svenning, Megafauna restoration as a legal obligation: International biodiversity law and the rehabilitation of large mammals in Europe
- Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli & Priska Lueger, A democratic nuclear energy transition? Public participation in nuclear activities
- Yankun Zhao & Bill Butcher, Coming to terms with public participation in decision making: Balancing clarity and impact in the Aarhus Convention
- J. Michael Angstadt, Environmental norm diffusion and domestic legal innovation: The case of specialized environmental courts and tribunals
- Rebeca Macias Gimenez, Making space for indigenous law in state-led decisions about hydropower dams: Lessons from environmental assessments in Canada and Brazil
- Jonathan Verschuuren, Achieving agricultural greenhouse gas emission reductions in the EU post-2030: What options do we have?
- Romina Schaller, Till Markus, Klaas Korte, & Erik Gawel, Atmospheric CO2 as a resource for renewable energy production: A European energy law appraisal of direct air capture fuels
- Carola Glinski, The public–private governance regime on sustainable ship recycling: An in-depth analysis
- Ruoying Li & Shuang Lyu, Applying the precautionary principle to Fukushima nuclear wastewater disposal at sea
- Hilmer J. Bosch & Joyeeta Gupta, Water property rights in investor-state contracts on extractive activities, affects water governance: An empirical assessment of 80 contracts in Africa and Asia
- Case Note
- Diego Mejía-Lemos, The right to a healthy environment and its justiciability before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: A critical appraisal of the Lhaka Honhat v Argentina judgement