Saturday, August 1, 2015
Turns: The First Case of Cyberwar in Non-International Armed Conflict? The Matrix in Iraq
David Turns (Defence Academy of the United Kingdom) has posted an ASIL Insight on The First Case of Cyberwar in Non-International Armed Conflict? The Matrix in Iraq.
Friday, July 31, 2015
New Volume: Ocean Yearbook
The latest volume of the Ocean Yearbook (Vol. 29) is out. Contents include:
- Issues and Prospects
- Awni Behnam, The Nexus of Ocean Trade and Climate Change: A Review Essay
- Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance
- Jay L. Batongbacal, Extended Continental Shelf Claims in the South China Sea: Implications for Future Maritime Boundary Delimitations
- Nuwan Peiris, Arctic Sunrise from ITLOS: The Arctic Surprise and in Search of a Balanced Order
- Karen N. Scott, Engineering the ‘Mis-Anthropocene’: International Law, Ethics and Geoengineering
- Peter Luttmann, Ice-Covered Areas under the Law of the Sea Convention: How Extensive are Canada’s Coastal State Powers in the Arctic?
- Living Resources and Coastal Management
- Anna Antonova, Reforming European Union Participation in Fisheries Management and Conservation on the High Seas
- Mary Ann Palma-Robles, Tightening the Net: The Legal Link between Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Transnational Crime under International Law
- Cheryle Hislop & Julia Jabour, Quality Counts: High Seas Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean
- Ofelia Pérez Montero, Pedro Aníbal Beatón Soler, José Abelardo Planas Fajardo, Isabel Poveda Santana & Mirka Morales Hierrezuelo, Gender Approach in the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Program at Sevilla, Cuba
- Oil and Gas and Renewable Energy
- Godwin Eli Kwadzo Dzah, Re-Conceptualizing Environmental Governance in Ghana’s Offshore Oil and Gas Development
- Meinhard Doelle, Offshore Renewable Energy Governance in Nova Scotia: A Case Study of Tidal Energy in the Bay of Fundy
- Sarah McDonald & David L. VanderZwaag, Renewable Ocean Energy and the International Law and Policy Seascape: Global Currents, Regional Surges
- Maritime Transport
- Martin Jes Iversen, René Taudal Poulsen, Henrik Sornn-Friese & Stig Tenold, The Role of National Shipping Policy: A Scandinavian Perspective on Shipping Policies in a Global Economy
- Nengye Liu, China’s Law and Practice as a Coastal State for the Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution
- Joseph Anthony Loot, Implementing the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention in the Philippines: Rules, Organizations, and Prospects
- Dikdik Mohamad Sodik, The Indonesian Legal Framework on Navigational Aids, Shipping Telecommunications and Ocean Shipping Lanes for Navigational Safety in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
- Johanna Yliskylä-Peuralahti, Daria Gritsenko & Jenna Viertola, Corporate Social Responsibility and Quality Governance in Shipping
- Andreas Zink, The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention of 2004: A Decade of Evolution and Challenges
New Issue: Asian International Arbitration Journal

- Samantha Jayne Lord, The Procedure for Enforcement of Foreign-Related and Foreign Arbitral Awards in the People’s Republic of China: Is There A Need For Reform?
- João Ribeiro & Michael Douglas, Transparency in Investor-State Arbitration: The Way Forward
- Valerio de Oliveira Mazzuoli & Diego Luis Alonso Massa, Should BIT Dispute Resolution Clauses Be Treated As Agreements Between Investor And Host State ?
- Jonathan Muk Chen Yeen, The Sound of Silence – An Analysis of the Incorporation of Arbitration Terms after Contract Formation R1 International Pte Ltd v Lonstroff AG [2015] 1 SLR 521
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
New Issue: Revista de Direito Internacional
The latest issue of Revista de Direito Internacional (Vol. 11, no. 2, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Ana Luísa Soares Peres & Leticia de Souza Daibert, Governança global e a Organização Mundial do Comércio: Desafios Impostos pelo Novo Mandato de Desenvolvimento
- Celso Henrique Cadete de Figueiredo, A promoção da accountability na Organização Mundial do Comércio: uma análise horizontal e vertical
- Fernando Lopes Ferraz Elias, Os mecanismos de indução ao cumprimento no âmbito da OMC
- Camilla Capucio, A OMC e o regionalismo do século XXI: estratégia de imposição de modelos normativos?
- Alice Rocha da Silva, O redimensionamento da OMC no trato dos Acordos Comerciais Regionais
- Gleisse Ribeiro-Alves, O acordo GATS e a sua aplicação aos servícios do comércio eletrônico
- Humberto Alves de Vasconcelos Lima & Naiana Magrini Rodrigues Cunha, O problema da espionagem econômica internacional: seria a Organização Mundial do Comércio o foro adequado para sua apreciação?
- María Eugenia Marichal, La OMC y el proceso de globalización de la regulación alimentaria
- Matheus Linck Bassani, Um desafio na Organização Mundial do Comércio: viabilidade de um acordo plurilateral sobre energia
- Fabio Costa Morosini & Luisa Zuardi Niencheski, A relação entre os tratados multilaterais ambientais e os acordos da OMC: é possível conciliar o conflito?
- Jiang Jiani, Guihong Zhang, & Can Wang, International Standards for Intellectual Property Rights Protection: A Reflection on Climate-friendly Technology Transfer
- Marco Antônio Alcântara Nascimento, Dos contenciosos na OMC com enfoque em restrições às exportações da China
- Lucas Costa dos Anjos, A Organização Mundial do Comércio e a China: direito de propriedade e propriedade intelectual no país
- Gustavo Ribeiro, Export control as industrial policy on natural resources: Regulatory limitations on China – raw material and China - Rare earths cases
- Igor Abdalla Medina de Souza, Vinte Anos de Crise para a África? Poder, Assimetrias e a Abordagem Liberal da OMC
- Luciano Meneguetti Pereira & Etiene Maria Bosco Breviglieri, Os vinte anos da OMC, suas conquistas e desafios: uma análise do Brasil e o Sistema de Soluções de Controvérsias
- André Jansen do Nascimento, O direito ao desenvolvimento e os vinte anos do acordo sobre compras governamentais da OMC: uma análise da política legislativa brasileira
- Davorin Lapas, Interregional Organizations (IROs) in Europe: New Subjects
- Daniel Amin Ferraz, Grupo de sociedades: instrumento jurídico de organização da empresa plurisocietária
- David Falcão, Los Derechos Humanos en la Realidad Actual
- Patrícia Maria Lara Abreu & Rodrigo Bastos Raposo, Imunidade de jurisdição do Estado e reparação civil pela prática de tortura: o caso Zahra Kazemi v. República Islâmica do Irã
- Gabriela Alves Mendes Vieira & Marcelo Dias Varella, A Conexão entre a Corrupção e os Direitos Humanos
- Hitala Mayara Pereira de Vasconcelos, Da nacionalidade como direito humano: da necessária ampliação das hipóteses de aplicação do critério do jus sanguinis nos casos de adoção internacional
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
New Issue: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht

- Abhandlungen
- Felix Lange, Wider das “völkerrechtliche Geschwafel” – Hermann Mosler und die praxisorientierte Herangehensweise an das Völkerrecht im Rahmen des Max-Planck-Instituts
- Armin von Bogdandy, Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina
- Claudio Franzius, Grundrechtsschutz in Europa
- Douglas Howland, The Japan House Tax Case, 1899-1905: Leases in Perpetuity and the Myth of International Equality
- Stellungnahmen und Berichte
- Ignaz Stegmiller, Palästinas Aufnahme als “Mitgliedstaat” des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs
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