Inégalité. La notion peut sembler à la fois commune et fuyante, le phénomène peut sembler objectivé, puisque quantifiable, mais subjectif selon la perception de chacun (peut-être elle-même socialement déterminée). Pourtant, un constat s’impose : les inégalités sont partout, protéiformes (de revenu, d’accès au droit, d’accès aux services de base, à l’éducation, à la reconnaissance…) et multifactorielles (liées au genre, à l’origine sociale, à la résidence, intersectionnelles, etc.) ; elles se laissent mesurer et comparer au plan national, européen et international ; elles peuvent être freinées, simplement permises, ou favorisées voire amplifiées, objectivement ou par suite d’un calcul assumé, par les institutions juridiques internationales et européennes.
Egalité, disparités, inégalités, discriminations… Comment ces notions sont-elles construites et définies en droit international et européen, dans leurs deux dimensions, publique comme privée ? Comment s’opère le passage de l’une à l’autre et des notions ou des principes politiques aux principes de droit ? Comment expliquer et peut-être corriger des constructions qui, sous le fronton du principe d’égalité, organisent et codifient des inégalités ou les ignorent et les rejettent dans un autre ordre juridique ?
Le présent ouvrage, issu d’une Journée d’étude du Département de droit international et européen de l’Ecole de droit de la Sorbonne, regroupe les contributions originales de doctorants en droit international public, privé et européen sur les concepts et les principes, les inégalités dans les relations entre Etats, les inégalités dans les pratiques institutionnelles et juridictionnelles et les vulnérabilités dans la pratique juridique.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Lagrange & Dubin: Les inégalités et leurs manifestations en droit international
Lifshits: Tax Competence of the Eurasian Economic Union: A New Reading by the Court
In October 2022, the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) adopted the first Advisory Opinion fully devoted to the interpretation of the tax provisions of the EAEU Treaty. While reiterating its previous findings that the powers to impose taxes fall within the jurisdiction of the Member States, for the first time, the Court has argued in favour of limiting these powers by the law of the EAEU. Such limitations derive from the principles of non-discrimination and free competition of goods and services regardless of the country of production. In such a manner, the Court has made a significant contribution to the establishment of a single common market within the Union and has enriched the understanding of the principles governing the division of competence between the Member States and the bodies of the Union. The only conclusion that could be seen as dubious by the Court was regarding the collection of VAT on the basis of the country of destination and the fact that this is necessary to maintain competition and avoid double taxation and that the reasoning for such a mechanism is also predetermined by the nature of this tax.
Daase, Deitelhoff, & Witt: Rule in International Politics
There is hardly any aspect of social, political, and economic life today that is not also governed internationally. Drawing on debates around hierarchy, hegemony, and authority in international politics, this volume takes the study of the international 'beyond anarchy' a step further by establishing the concept of rule as the defining feature of order in the international realm. The contributors argue that the manifold conceptual approaches to sub- and superordination in the international should be understood as rich conceptualizations of one concept: rule. Rule allows constellations of sub- and superordination in the international to be seen as multiplex, systemic, and normatively ambiguous phenomena that need to be studied in the context of their interplay and consequences. This volume draws on a variety of conceptualizations of rule, exploring, in particular, the practices of rule as well as the relational and dynamic characteristics of rule in international politics.
New Issue: Journal of World Intellectual Property

- Articles
- Sherin Priyan & Gouri Gargate, Patent pools and innovation-based approach in global healthcare crisis
- Tasya S. Ramli, Ahmad M. Ramli, Ranti F. Mayana, Ega Ramadayanti, & Rizki Fauzi, Artificial intelligence as object of intellectual property in Indonesian law
- Which mode of governance for the innovation cities of Moroccan public universities? Hanane Nahid, Yassine Marzougui
- Brigitte Tenni, Joel Lexchin, Sovath Phin, Chalermsak Kittitrakul, & Deborah Gleeson, Lessons from India and Thailand for Cambodia's future implementation of the TRIPS Agreement for pharmaceutical patents
- Mrityunjay Kumar & Nalin Bharti, Why patent waiver for Covid-19 vaccines and pharmaceuticals?
- Adnan Jashari & Stefani Stojchevska, Intellectual property rights in outer space: How can pharmaceutical companies protect COVID-19 vaccine and immunotherapy developments aboard the ISS US national laboratory?
- Oluwaseun S. Fapetu, A re-examination of the plant variety act 2021 from the perspective of pre-exisiting obligation to protect plant varieties
- Ma Biyu & Yu Dingming, Other options to resolve patent infringement dispute, experiences from China
Friday, July 21, 2023
Meyer: Consumption Governance: The Role of Production and Consumption in International Economic Law
Third, I discuss the implications of the shift from production to consumption jurisdiction. I highlight three points. First, consumption jurisdiction creates concurrent jurisdiction, whereas production jurisdiction grants one country primary authority. In a globalized economy, concurrent consumption jurisdiction is more likely to lead to a race to the top in tax and regulation, whereas production jurisdiction is more likely to lead to a race to the bottom. Second, the shift to consumption jurisdiction is likely to have negative distributional implications for small and developing economies. Third, and counterintuitively, well-institutionalized areas of the law like international trade have struggled to adjust to new jurisdiction rules, while more thinly institutionalized areas, such as competition law and tax, have seen relatively less conflict.Over the last decade, international economic conflict has increased dramatically. To name only a few examples, the European Union has banned the import of products from deforested land and is poised to impose a duties on carbon-intensive imports; the United States has banned imports from China made with forced labor; and countries the world over threated to impose digital services taxes on U.S. corporations, leading to a new multilateral agreement on apportioning income tax revenue among countries. The Article argues that these conflicts are explained by a shift in the norms governing authority to tax and regulate international commerce. Different fields within international economic law describe the limits of state authority to tax and regulate in very different ways. But I argue that a trans-substantive set of principles underlies the varied doctrines in international trade, international tax, and international antitrust. Specifically, throughout the twentieth century, international law’s limits on jurisdiction rested at bottom on the notion that production could be taxed and regulated primarily and often only by the country in which production occurred (what this Article terms “production jurisdiction”). Today, by contrast, nations increasingly claim jurisdiction to tax and regulate production that occurs overseas based on their interest in controlling the kinds of activity that consumption within their borders supports (what this Article terms “consumption jurisdiction”).
I make three contributions. First, I describe the ongoing shift from production jurisdiction to consumption jurisdiction. In so doing, I explain that the diverse doctrines limiting state authority in international antitrust law, international tax, and international trade, are really part of a single overarching approach to jurisdiction and that disruptive policies within each of these issue areas can be tied to the change in that approach.
Second, I argue that the shift from production to consumption jurisdiction does not mean the end of globalization or the rise of protectionism. Rather, it reflects a change in states’ views as to whether national policies should be part of a nation’s comparative advantage in the global economy. Under production jurisdiction, producing nations could set policies to support export-oriented growth and consuming nations were largely disabled from taxing and regulating on the basis of productive activities that occurred overseas. Under consumption jurisdiction, nations can condition market access on compliance with the consuming nations’ policies on production, thus negating any advantage nations might confer on their producers via low levels of tax and regulation. As such, consumption jurisdiction is consistent with an open global economy, but one in which nations can choose what kinds of activities their consumption supports.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
New Issue: Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
- Special Issue: International Climate Litigation
- Benoit Mayer & Harro van Asselt, The rise of international climate litigation
- Daniel Bodansky, Advisory opinions on climate change: Some preliminary questions
- Aref Shams, Tempering great expectations: The legitimacy constraints and the conflict function of international courts in international climate litigation
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, The role of an advisory opinion of ITLOS in addressing climate change: Some preliminary considerations on jurisdiction and admissibility
- Rozemarijn J. Roland Holst, Taking the current when it serves: Prospects and challenges for an ITLOS advisory opinion on oceans and climate change
- Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli & Mario Gervasi, Harm to the global commons on trial: The role of the prevention principle in international climate adjudication
- Christina Voigt, The power of the Paris Agreement in international climate litigation
- Natalie Jones, Prospects for invoking the law of self-determination in international climate litigation
- Steve Lorteau, The potential of international ‘State-as-polluter’ litigation
- Riccardo Luporini & Annalisa Savaresi, International human rights bodies and climate litigation: Don't look up?
- Armando Rocha & Rômulo Sampaio, Climate change before the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights: Comparing possible avenues before human rights bodies
- Kári Ragnarsson, What can climate change litigation learn from socio-economic rights litigation?
- Shalini Iyengar, Human rights and climate wrongs: Mapping the landscape of rights-based climate litigation
- Chiara Tea Antoniazzi, Strengthening the complaint mechanisms of multilateral climate funds and carbon markets: A critical step towards a human rights-based green transition
- Henok Asmelash, The WTO dispute settlement system as a forum for climate litigation?
- Diego Mejía-Lemos, The suitability of investor-State dispute settlement and host State counterclaims for implementing climate change international responsibility
- Ji Ma, Bridging multinational corporations' investment-climate gap: Prospects for the direct claims approach
- Oliver Hailes, Unjust enrichment in investor–State arbitration: A principled limit on compensation for future income from fossil fuels
- Case Note
- Tadesse M. Kebebew, Dispute over the Status and Use of the Waters of the Silala (Chile v Bolivia): Is the International Court of Justice falling short?
New Issue: International Community Law Review

- Special Issue: Sustainable Development, Business and Human Rights: A Comparative Study
- Dalia Palombo, The US at the Margins of Business and Human Rights
- Pauline Martini & María Paula López Velásquez, Holding Corporations Liable for Breaches of Indigenous Peoples’ Right to a Healthy Environment in Colombia: Chimera or Reality?
- Matthieu Burnay & Bin Li, Chinese Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Discourses and Practices at National and International Levels
- Ludovica Chiussi Curzi, Climate Change and its ‘Grotian’ Effects on a Principle of Corporate Liability in International Law
- Jacinta Studdert, Valencia Govender, Johann Spies, Marta Jarque Branguli, Sofia Nievas, Maria Fernanda Roca Silva, Wen Zhu, Pryderi Diebschlag, Remi Sassine, Wim Cilliers, Kate Swart, Milena Szuniewicz-Wenzel, Sarah Hill-Smith, Saskia Wolters, & Catherine Wang, Corporate Due Diligence and Reporting Requirements for Climate Change and Human Rights
New Issue: Nordic Journal of International Law

- Tom Allen & Jan Mikael Lundmark, Norwegian Law and the Swedish Sami: Rights, Paternalism and International Law
- Alison Bisset, The Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty for Core Crimes: A Project in Need of Purpose
- Isak Nilsson, On the Path to Universalism? The Role of External Instruments in the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence
- José María Lorenzo Villaverde, The Danish Rigsfællesskab: A Decentralised State Which is Not Fully Aware of Being One
New Issue: Transnational Environmental Law
- Editorial
- Thijs Etty, Josephine van Zeben, Cinnamon Carlarne, Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, Bruce Huber, & Leonie Reins, The Methodologies of Transnational Environmental Law Scholarship
- Articles
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Shared State Responsibility for Land-Based Marine Plastic Pollution
- Laura Kaschny, Energy Justice and the Principles of Article 194(1) TFEU Governing EU Energy Policy
- Eva van der Zee, Strengthening Environmental Decision Making through Legislation: Insights from Cognitive Science and Behavioural Economics
- J. Michael Angstadt, Can Domestic Environmental Courts Implement International Environmental Law? A Framework for Institutional Analysis
- David J. Jefferson, Elizabeth Macpherson, & Steven Moe, Experiments with the Extension of Legal Personality to Ecosystems and Beyond-Human Organisms: Challenges and Opportunities for Company Law
- Craig M. Kauffman & Pamela L. Martin, How Ecuador's Courts Are Giving Form and Force to Rights of Nature Norms
- Ying Xia & Yueduan Wang, An Unlikely Duet: Public-Private Interaction in China's Environmental Public Interest Litigation
- Shawkat Alam, Laely Nurhidayah, & Michelle Lim, Towards a Transnational Approach to Transboundary Haze Pollution: Governing Traditional Farming in Fire-Prone Regions of Indonesia
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
New Issue: Climate Law
- Benjamin J. Richardson & Sarah Castles-Lynch, Trying to Express Climate Concerns through Environmental Law? The Changing Lawscape of Public Participation
- Felicity Deane & Callum Brockett, Carbon Border Adjustments: A Legal Tool for Mitigation or a Barrier to Justice?
- Benoit Mayer, Can Rights-Based Litigation Bolster Climate Action?
Milanovic: Revisiting Coercion as an Element of Prohibited Intervention in International Law
International law prohibits States from intervening in the internal and external affairs of other States, but only if the method of intervention is coercive. Building on recent developments in State practice, especially in the cyber context, this article argues that coercion can be understood in two different ways or models. First, as coercion-as-extortion, a demand coupled with a threat of harm or the infliction of harm, done to extract some kind of concession from the victim State – in other words, an act targeting the victim State’s will or decision-making calculus. Second, as coercion-as-control, an act depriving the victim State of its ability to control its sovereign choices.
The article argues that many of the difficulties surrounding the notion of coercion arise as a consequence of failing to distinguish between these two different models. Coercion-as-extortion consists of imposing costs on the victim State, so as to cause it to change its policy choices. This is precisely how coercion has traditionally been understood in this context, as “dictatorial” intervention. Coercion-as-control, by contrast, is not about affecting the victim State’s decision-making calculus – the victim State’s leadership may even be entirely unaware of the actions taken against it – but consists of a material constraint on its ability to pursue the choices that it wanted to pursue. Consider here, for example, a cyber operation against the elections in another country, which may be entirely unrelated to any demands or threats by the coercing State.
In developing these two models of coercion the article extensively discusses the role of intention in coercion and the possible approaches to conceptualizing the threshold of harm. It also explains how debates on coercion in the non-intervention context have been shaped by the problem of justification. On one hand there is an intuition that some forms of coercion are justified. On the other hand, the prohibition of intervention is regarded as a categorical rule admitting of no exceptions. This incentivizes approaches that narrow down the scope of prohibited intervention, e.g. through the exclusion of economic measures from the concept of coercion. The article cautions against such moralized conceptions of coercion, arguing that the reserved domain element of prohibited intervention is a better vehicle for accommodating problems of justification. In particular, coercive measures taken to enforce compliance with prior international legal obligations generally cannot constitute prohibited intervention in the internal or external affairs of the target State, although they may violate other rules of international law.
Grandaubert: L’immunité d’exécution de l’état étranger et des organisations internationales en droit international
Pour quelle raison les immunités d’exécution de l’État étranger et des organisations internationales résistent-elles fermement au processus d’érosion des immunités internationales ? Selon toute apparence, contrairement à l’immunité de juridiction, l’immunité d’exécution fait échapper ses bénéficiaires à des actes d’une certaine gravité sur leurs biens, à savoir des mesures de contrainte étatique. Ce constat en soi est toutefois insusceptible d’expliquer la solidité commune dont ces immunités font preuve dans un contexte où l’on distingue a priori entre l’immunité souveraine de l’État et les immunités fonctionnelles des organisations internationales.
Pour appréhender précisément la singularité de l’immunité d’exécution, cette thèse démontre que cette immunité tire sa force de son caractère fondamental pour le maintien de l’architecture du droit international. Il n’en demeure pas moins qu’en analysant ainsi l’immunité d’exécution, la thèse contribue à mettre en évidence l’effacement de la distinction communément admise entre les immunités de l’État et celles des organisations internationales.
En effet, l’immunité d’exécution a par essence pour objet d’assurer une protection contre la contrainte étatique, exercée dans un cadre juridictionnel ou non, aux biens employés par des entités agissant librement en qualité de pouvoir public en dehors d’un cadre exclusivement national. Reflet de la stabilité qui caractérise cette immunité en droit international, la protection qu’elle assure en pratique s’inscrit du reste dans un phénomène de consolidation.
SFDI: Le droit international multilatéral : Colloque de Perpignan
Sans minimiser les dimensions phénoménale et institutionnelle du multilatéralisme, la prolifération des études et des discours sur ces aspects, notamment sous l’angle de leur « crise », conduit le présent ouvrage à opérer un pas de côté. Privilégiant une approche normative du multilatéralisme, l’ouvrage se concentre sur l’étude du droit international multilatéral entendu comme une technique normative de réalisation du droit international, affectant tant sa formation que son application. Au-delà de la question médiatisée de savoir si le droit international peut encore être multilatéral en l’état actuel des relations internationales, il s’agit alors de se demander si le droit international doit être multilatéral : le droit international multilatéral est-il une nécessité ? Reste-t-il une technique adéquate de régulation juridique des relations internationales ou d’autres modes alternatifs ou dérivés (minilatéralisme, plurilatéralisme, bilatéralisme, unilatéralisme…) s’annoncent-ils plus adaptés ? Ces différentes techniques sont-elles d’ailleurs nécessairement exclusives du multilatéralisme ou des phénomènes de fertilisation croisée ne sont-ils pas observables ? Autant de questions qui traverseront la réflexion commune sur le droit international multilatéral : non seulement à travers la (ou les ?) définition(s) que plusieurs disciplines de sciences sociales en retiennent mais en analysant surtout sa formation ainsi que de ses mécanismes de mise en œuvre et de contrôle.
Souveraineté, sécurité et droits de la personne : Liber amicorum offert en l'honneur du Professeur Mohamed Bennouna
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Reisman & Pati: Human Flourishing: The End of Law - Essays in Honor of Siegfried Wiessner
This rich volume is an homage to the significant impact Professor Siegfried Wiessner has had on scholarship and practice in many areas of international and domestic law. Reflecting the depth and breadth of his writings, it is a collection of thought-provoking, original essays, exploring topics as diverse as theory about law, human rights, the rights of indigenous peoples, the rule of law, constitutional law, the rights of migrants, international investment law and arbitration, space law, the use of force, and many more, all integrated by the problem- and policy-oriented framework of what has come to be known as the New Haven School. Its title “Human Flourishing: The End of Law” reflects the conviction that the purpose of law ought to be to allow humans to achieve their full potential - to thrive and develop, both materially and spiritually, under the law. The volume contributes to a vision of the law as a public order in which the common interest is clarified and implemented peacefully, and offers a source of inspiration for scholars and practitioners working towards such an order of human dignity.
Mazibrada, Plozza, & Porsdam Mann: Innovating in uncharted terrain: on interpretation and normative legitimacy in the CESCR’s General Comment No. 25 on the right to science
Science permeates almost every aspect of society, yet the human right to science remains neglected. In 2020, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights published its General Comment No. 25, intended to interpret the abstract provisions of Article 15 ICESCR. As a non-binding treaty body pronouncement, the General Comment’s reception and impact depend on its normative legitimacy – the extent to which its reasoning is coherent, determinative, transparent, systemically consistent, and adheres to international law methodologies, particularly those set out in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. This article evaluates the General Comment’s normative legitimacy and practical value by reference to three key interpretations in Article 15: ‘science’, ‘enjoy the benefits’, and ‘participation’. The General Comment, it concludes, does not represent a comprehensive interpretation, but should be seen as opening a door to state practice and, therefore, more detailed interpretation by the Committee, States parties, and domestic and international courts. Despite purporting to innovate, the Committee’s approach generally builds on pre-existing conceptualisations, further increasing its normative legitimacy. The article concludes that the future impact of the right to science can be greatly enhanced by increased attention by the Committee and by States parties.
Mercurio: Capital Controls and International Economic Law
Focusing on capital controls, this study provides rigorous legal analysis to establish whether the mandate of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) extends to the capital account; that is, whether the IMF has the authority to control and/or regulate the use of capital controls by its member states. The book then analyses whether a country's use of capital controls is consistent with the obligations and commitments undertaken in various multilateral and bilateral trade and investment agreements. Finally, it analyses the tension within international economic law, as the IMF now encourages the use of capital controls under certain circumstances, while most trade/investment agreements prohibit or limit their use. Proposing a way forward to alleviate the tension and construct a more harmonious relationship between the norms and standards of finance, trade and investment, this study will be essential reading for policymakers.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Call for Papers: Misappropriation and Human Rights Implosion (Early Career Researchers)
Theilen: Intersectionality's Travels to International Human Rights Law
Over the last two decades, references to intersectionality have become increasingly common in international human rights law. Many human rights bodies now make use of intersectionality in some form and scholars propose more widespread and in-depth intersectional analysis as a way to better capture how human rights are realized or violated. Against the backdrop of this intersectional turn, the Article scrutinizes the dynamics of intersectionality’s travels to international human rights law, asking how power structures influence where and how intersectionality can travel and how its meaning and use change across contexts.
The Article provides a bird’s eye view of different human rights institutions and identifies a number of factors which condition the use of intersectionality, including the presence of political precommitments and the flexibility to express them, the kind of document or procedure at issue and how it is structured, as well as the institutional culture of any given human rights body and the weight it gives to legitimacy concerns and controversy avoidance. It also analyses how scholarship conceptualizes intersectionality in the context of its travels to human rights, arguing that it is presented as an always-already legal notion which impedes attention to dynamics of depoliticization within human rights. To challenge this depoliticization, the Article suggests that it is necessary to loosen our commitment to human rights institutions as forces of social good and instead approach the intersectional turn in human rights from a perspective grounded in political commitments to Black feminism and other emancipatory projects.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Henquet: The Third-Party Liability of International Organisations: Towards a ‘Complete Remedy System’ Counterbalancing Jurisdictional Immunity
In the broader context of the accountability of international organisations, this book focuses on the obligation of the United Nations - like many other organisations - to ‘make provisions for appropriate modes of settlement of [...] disputes of a private law character’ to which it is a party. The book advocates a systematic approach in conformity with the rule of law in discharging that obligation. That is needed to increase the legitimacy of international organisations, while bolstering their jurisdictional immunity. The book develops the basic features of a comprehensive dispute settlement mechanism, complemented by a new United Nations convention.
Conference: Asian Society of International Law 9th Biennial Conference
New Issue: International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

- Special Issue: Enhancing the Achievement of the SDGs
- Philipp Pattberg & Karin Bäckstrand, Enhancing the achievement of the SDGs: lessons learned at the half-way point of the 2030 Agenda
- Joyeeta Gupta & Courtney Vegelin, Inclusive development, leaving no one behind, justice and the sustainable development goals
- Ayṣem Mert & Elise Remling, Changes in the practices and narratives of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Magdalena Bexell, Thomas Hickmann, & Andrea Schapper, Strengthening the Sustainable Development Goals through integration with human rights
- Jonathan Pickering, Can democracy accelerate sustainability transformations? Policy coherence for participatory co-existence
- Graham Long, Jecel Censoro, & Katharina Rietig, The sustainable development goals: governing by goals, targets and indicators
- Maya Bogers, Frank Biermann, Agni Kalfagianni & Rakhyun E. Kim, The SDGs as integrating force in global governance? Challenges and opportunities
- Oscar Widerberg, Cornelia Fast, Montserrat Koloffon Rosas & Philipp Pattberg, Multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs: is the “next generation” fit for purpose?
- Casey Stevens, Strengthening reflexive governance to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs
- Johanna Karolina Louise Koehler, Not all risks are equal: a risk governance framework for assessing the water SDG
- Harro van Asselt, The SDGs and fossil fuel subsidy reform
- Bianca Haas, Achieving SDG 14 in an equitable and just way
- Ina Lehmann, Inspiration from the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework for SDG 15
- Joshua Philipp Elsässer, Sustainable development an oxymoron?
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 431
- Tiong Min Yeo, Common Law, Equity and Statute: The Effect of Juridical Sources on Choice-of-Law Methodology
- Marco Frigessi Di Rattalma, New Trends in Private International Law of Insurance Contracts
- Kermit Roosevelt III, The Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws
- Philippe Sands, Colonialism: A Short History of International Law in Five Acts
Jackson, Mulligan, & Sluga: Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War
The Paris peace settlements following the First World War remain amongst the most controversial treaties in history. Bringing together leading international historians, this volume assesses the extent to which a new international order, combining old and new political forms, emerged from the peace negotiations and settlements after 1918. Taking account of new historiographical perspectives and methodological approaches to the study of peacemaking after the First World War, it views the peace negotiations and settlements after 1918 as a site of remarkable innovations in the practice of international politics. The contributors address how a wide range of actors set out new ways of thinking about international order, established innovative institutions, and revolutionised the conduct of international relations. They illustrate the ways in which these innovations were merged with existing practices, institutions, and concepts to shape the international order that emerged out of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.