Saturday, August 17, 2024

New Issue: European Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law (Vol. 35, no. 2, May 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Editorial: In This Issue; In This Issue – Reviews; It’s a Scam: Third-party Services Promising (Smoother) Publication in EJIL
  • The European Tradition in International Law: Antonio Cassese
    • Megan Donaldson, Legal Innovation through a Biographical Lens: Antonio Cassese and the European Tradition
    • Kirsten Sellars, Revisiting Röling and Cassese’s Appraisal of the Tokyo Tribunal
    • Lorenzo Gradoni, Feet on the Clouds, Head against the Ground: Antonio Cassese’s Militant Legal Idealism
    • Adil Hasan Khan, The Spiritual Exercises of Antonio Cassese and the Re-Forming of a ‘European Tradition’ of International Law
  • Articles
    • Dilek Kurban, Authoritarian Resistance and Judicial Complicity: Turkey and the European Court of Human Rights
    • Niccolò Zugliani, The Supply of Weapons to a Victim of Aggression: The Law of Neutrality in Light of the Conflict in Ukraine
    • Ming-Sung Kuo, Militant Democracy Unmoored? The Limits of Constitutional Analogy in International Law
  • Roaming Charges
    • Moments of Dignity: Love and Care
  • Critical Review of Governance: Debate!
    • Christian Riffel, Constitutional Law-making by International Law: The Indigenization of Free Trade Agreements
    • Claire Charters, A Deeper Understanding of the Constitutional Status of Māori and Their Rights Required: A Reply to Christian Riffel
  • Review Essay
    • Thomas Bustamante, Taking Dworkin’s Legal Monism Seriously
  • Book Reviews
    • Shai Dothan, reviewing Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order?
    • Daniel Joyce, reviewing Carolyn N. Biltoft, A Violent Peace: Media, Truth, and Power at the League of Nations
    • Maria Aristodemou, reviewing Gerry Simpson, The Sentimental Life of International Law: Literature, Language, and Longing in World Politics
  • Book Review Symposium: The Hague Academy
    • Christian Tams and Gail Lythgoe, The Hague Academy: A Centenary of Scholarship
    • Yusra Suedi, The Hague Academy’s Development of Community Interests in International Law
    • Zaki S Shubber, Charting the Hague Academy’s Contribution to the Development of International Freshwater Law
    • Aliki Semertzi, Ecology, Economy and the Hague Academy
    • Outi Penttilä, Liability for Ultra-hazardous Activities: The Imprint of C. Wilfred Jenks on Environmental Law
  • The Last Page
    • Wilfred Owen, Miners

Friday, August 16, 2024

New Issue: Nordic Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 93, no. 3, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: ECI at 25
    • Jan Klabbers, Martti Koskenniemi, & Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Halcyon Days? A Helsinki Conversation on International Law in the Last Quarter of a Century
    • Katja Creutz, The Law of International Responsibility Situated: From Halcyon Days to a Fragmented Global Order
    • Ukri Soirila, Law, Humanitarianism, and Critique
    • Ville Kari, Investment Law and World Heritage: The Case of Le Morne
    • Parvathi Menon, Imperialism, Crime and International Law: A Political Economy Perspective
    • Rene Uruena, Global Governance in Uncertain Times: Exploring International Law’s Epistemic Function

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 28, no. 7, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Subnational authorities and human rights in Europe
    • Matthew Saul & Elisabeth Lambert, Subnational authorities and human rights in Europe
    • Matthew Saul, Local authorities at the European Court of Human Rights
    • Reto Walther, Subsidiarity in the ECHR: an empty promise for local authorities?
    • Tess Heirwegh, How human rights implementation by local authorities dealing with Traveller evictions could be improved – Exploring strategies through case study analysis in a Belgian municipality
    • Catherine Le Bris & Pierre-Edouard Weill, Do local authorities take human rights seriously? Lessons from the French case
    • Elif Durmuş, Exploring the role of regulation in urban citizenship practices: looking at Swiss and Turkish cities
    • Rhian Croke & Simon Hoffman, A response to decentralised governance of human rights: a Children's Rights Approach in Wales

Monday, August 12, 2024

New Issue: Ocean Development & International Law

The latest issue of Ocean Development & International Law (Vol. 55, nos. 1-2, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Anita Rayegani, Mesopelagic Mysteries: Regulating an Emerging Resource Amid Uncertainty
  • Xiaoyi Jiang & Zhiwei Wang, Emergency Marine Protected Areas Under the BBNJ Agreement: A Feasible Solution for Emergencies in ABNJ?
  • Luciana Fernandes Coelho, The Practice of the Caribbean SIDS on the Consent Regime for Marine Scientific Research Under UNCLOS: Trends, Gaps, and Recommendations
  • Yoshifumi Tanaka, Reflections on the Environmental Impact Assessment in the BBNJ Agreement: Its Implications for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Marine Arctic beyond National Jurisdiction
  • Vito De Lucia, After the Dust Settles: Selected Considerations about the New Treaty on Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction with Respect to ABMTs and MPAs
  • Lingjia Bu, The Role of Low-Tide Elevations in Maritime Delimitation Cases
  • Barbara Stępień, Towards a New Horizon: 1972 COLREG in the Era of Autonomous Ships
  • Hoon Cho, Is Compulsory Jurisdiction Under UNCLOS Part XV Expanding? A Critical Review of the Claims
  • Holly Leung, The Extended Continental Shelf in Nicaragua v Colombia: Identifying a Customary Rule Based on CLCS Submissions?
  • Julian Roberts, Designating Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

Sunday, August 11, 2024

New Volume: Ocean Yearbook

The latest volume of the Ocean Yearbook (Vol. 38) is out. Contents include:
  • Part 1: Tributes to Meinhard Doelle
    • Kristal K. Ambrose, The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as the Coordination Mechanism for Caribbean Small Island Developing States Participating in the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations  
    • Lamin Jawara & Tafsir Johansson, Analyzing the Impact of the Climate Emergency on Shipping through Analogical Interpretation of the COVID-19 Pandemic  
    • Tricia A. Lovell & Aspasia Pastra, Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear in Eastern Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities for Improved Governance  
    • Jenny Pope, Reflections on the Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Environmental Impact Assessment  
    • Clive Schofield, David Freestone & Duygu Çiçek, Reflections on Coastal State Response Options in an Era of Sea Level Rise: Practical Challenges and Legal Consequences  
  • Part 2: Reflections
    • Kristine Elfrida Dalaker, A Commentary on the BBNJ Agreement Using the History of the Making of UNCLOS and Its Implementation Agreements  
    • Tahnee Lisa Prior, Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Reflections from the Past for the Future of Earth Systems Governance
    • Peter Ricketts & Dotun Olutoke, A Commentary and Critique on Progress in Ocean and Climate Change Action at Recent COP Meetings
  • Part 3: The Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance
    • Ainhoa Campàs Velasco, Maritime Search and Rescue in the Nationality and Borders Act 2022: an Act of Deterrence?  
    • Thomas Sullivan, Murky Waters: Controlling the Ocean Transit of Floating Nuclear Power Plants  
    • Constantinos Yiallourides & Nicholas A. Ioannides, The Lebanon-Israel 2022 Maritime Boundary Agreement  
  • Part 4: Marine Resource Management and Conservation
    • Carolina Hazin & Daniela Diz, Less Specific and More Comprehensive? An Analysis of How the Ocean Is Reflected in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework  
    • Shelley K. Denny & Lucia M. Fanning, Conceptualizing Mi’kmaw Aboriginal and Treaty-Based Fisheries: Legal Constructs or Value-Based Way of Life?  
    • Gabriela A. Oanta, Recent Developments in the European Union’s Involvement in Mediterranean Fisheries Management  
  • Part 5: Shipping and Maritime Security
    • Benjamin J. Bemelen, Regulatory Obsolescence in the Technological Age: Analyzing Whether Autonomous Vessels Have Sovereign Immunity at Sea  
    • Christian Bueger & Timothy Edmunds, Maritime Security and the Wind: Threats and Risks to Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure  
    • Sophie Ryan, Submarine Communication Cables and Belligerent Rights in Armed Conflict