Sunday, August 11, 2024

New Volume: Ocean Yearbook

The latest volume of the Ocean Yearbook (Vol. 38) is out. Contents include:
  • Part 1: Tributes to Meinhard Doelle
    • Kristal K. Ambrose, The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as the Coordination Mechanism for Caribbean Small Island Developing States Participating in the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations  
    • Lamin Jawara & Tafsir Johansson, Analyzing the Impact of the Climate Emergency on Shipping through Analogical Interpretation of the COVID-19 Pandemic  
    • Tricia A. Lovell & Aspasia Pastra, Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear in Eastern Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities for Improved Governance  
    • Jenny Pope, Reflections on the Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Environmental Impact Assessment  
    • Clive Schofield, David Freestone & Duygu Çiçek, Reflections on Coastal State Response Options in an Era of Sea Level Rise: Practical Challenges and Legal Consequences  
  • Part 2: Reflections
    • Kristine Elfrida Dalaker, A Commentary on the BBNJ Agreement Using the History of the Making of UNCLOS and Its Implementation Agreements  
    • Tahnee Lisa Prior, Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Reflections from the Past for the Future of Earth Systems Governance
    • Peter Ricketts & Dotun Olutoke, A Commentary and Critique on Progress in Ocean and Climate Change Action at Recent COP Meetings
  • Part 3: The Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance
    • Ainhoa Campàs Velasco, Maritime Search and Rescue in the Nationality and Borders Act 2022: an Act of Deterrence?  
    • Thomas Sullivan, Murky Waters: Controlling the Ocean Transit of Floating Nuclear Power Plants  
    • Constantinos Yiallourides & Nicholas A. Ioannides, The Lebanon-Israel 2022 Maritime Boundary Agreement  
  • Part 4: Marine Resource Management and Conservation
    • Carolina Hazin & Daniela Diz, Less Specific and More Comprehensive? An Analysis of How the Ocean Is Reflected in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework  
    • Shelley K. Denny & Lucia M. Fanning, Conceptualizing Mi’kmaw Aboriginal and Treaty-Based Fisheries: Legal Constructs or Value-Based Way of Life?  
    • Gabriela A. Oanta, Recent Developments in the European Union’s Involvement in Mediterranean Fisheries Management  
  • Part 5: Shipping and Maritime Security
    • Benjamin J. Bemelen, Regulatory Obsolescence in the Technological Age: Analyzing Whether Autonomous Vessels Have Sovereign Immunity at Sea  
    • Christian Bueger & Timothy Edmunds, Maritime Security and the Wind: Threats and Risks to Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure  
    • Sophie Ryan, Submarine Communication Cables and Belligerent Rights in Armed Conflict