- Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, & Maarja Saluste, Informing WTO Reform: Dispute Settlement Performance, 1995-2020
- Thomas Cottier & Anirudh Shingal, Migration, Trade and Investment: Towards a New Common Concern of Humankind
- Mira Burri, Towards a New Treaty on Digital Trade
- Okanga Ogbu Okanga, Testing for Consistency: Certain Digital Tax Measures and WTO Non-Discrimination
- Sangeeta Khorana & William A. Kerr, Electronic Government Procurement in the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: An Opportunity for Increased Transparency and Accountability?
- Nadja Al Kanawati & Nishadee Perera, Can the WEF Re-Connect the WTO to the Global Business Community?
- Luyao Che, The Chinese Conception of the Rule of Law and Its Embodiment Under the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative (BRI)