The latest issue of
Global Responsibility to Protect (Vol. 13, no. 1, 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Forum: The Uighur Population in China and R2P
- Cecilia Jacob, Adrian Gallagher, & Charles T. Hunt, Pursuing Accountability and Protection for the Uighur and Muslim Minorities in China
Michael Clarke, Settler Colonialism and the Path toward Cultural Genocide in Xinjiang
Sophie Ryan, Atrocity Crimes in Xinjiang: Moving beyond Legal Labels
Andrew Garwood-Gowers, China and the Uighurs: Options for Legal Accountability
Rosemary Foot, R2P Sidelined: The International Response to China’s Repression of Muslim Minorities in Xinjiang
Nadira Kourt, United Nations’ Response to Mass Atrocities in China
- Thomas Peak, Rescuing Humanitarian Intervention from Liberal Hegemony
Alexandra Bohm & Garrett Wallace Brown, R2P and Prevention: The International Community and Its Role in the Determinants of Mass Atrocity