- Essays
- Mitt Regan, International Law and the Humanization of Warfare
- Nathan Pippenger, Contested Past, Contested Future: Identity Politics and Liberal Democracy
- Special Section: Voluntariness and Migration
- Eszter Kollar & François Boucher, Introduction: Voluntariness and Migration
- Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi, Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement
- Michael Blake, Voluntary and Involuntary Migrants: On Migration, Safe Third Countries, and the Collective Unfreedom of the Proletariat
- Christine Straehle, Migration, Climate Change, and Voluntariness
- Review Essay
- Tony Milligan, Is Space Expansion the Road to Dystopia?
Saturday, January 20, 2024
New Issue: Ethics & International Affairs
Friday, January 19, 2024
Call for Papers: A Multi-Disciplinary Take on the Role of the Judiciary in the Law of the Sea
Thursday, January 18, 2024
International Law and Social Science Spring 2024 Speakers Series
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Tijmes, Delgado Casteleiro, & Lucas Garín: Derecho Internacional Público
Derecho Internacional Público is a new textbook on Public International Law, specifically designed for Spanish-speaking readers. It offers a unique perspective, focusing on Latin American and Chilean views towards Public International Law. The book has been authored by a team of Chilean-based international lawyers, who have provided a diverse and rich vision of classic international law topics and some new ones. The topics covered in the book include the history, sources, and subjects of international law, as well as other essential topics such as international dispute settlement, the law of international responsibility, human rights, international criminal law, the law of the sea, international environmental law, international economic law, and intellectual property.
AJIL Unbound Symposium: International Laws Public and Private in Memory of Karen Knop
Monday, January 15, 2024
New Issue: Review of International Organizations

- Rie Kijima & Phillip Y. Lipscy, The politics of international testing
- Jean-Frédéric Morin, Clara Brandi, & Jakob Schwab, Environmental agreements as clubs: Evidence from a new dataset of trade provisions
- Saki Kuzushima, Kenneth Mori McElwain, & Yuki Shiraito, Public preferences for international law compliance: Respecting legal obligations or conforming to common practices?
- Jerg Gutmann, Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska, & Stefan Voigt, The comparative constitutional compliance database
- Magnus Lundgren, Theresa Squatrito, Thomas Sommerer & Jonas Tallberg, Introducing the Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset (IPOD)
- Sandra Lavenex, Philipp Lutz, & Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Migration governance through trade agreements: insights from the MITA dataset
New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

- Gauthier Vannieuwenhuyse, Exploring the Suitability of Arbitration for Settling ESG and Human Rights Disputes
- Bas van Zelst, Dealing with Accusations of Illegality in International Arbitration: Dutch Perspectives on the Interaction Between Private Law and Criminal Law Standards
- Panfeng Fu, The Complex and Evolving Legal Status of Ad Hoc Arbitration in China
- Sherif Elatafy, The Distinctive Aspects of Institutional Arbitration Under Egyptian Law
Call for Nominations: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Director)
Sunday, January 14, 2024
New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

- Fernando Piérola, Multilateral Trade Moves Ahead: Forward: A Multilateral Trade Perspective
- Christian Vidal-León, The Second Wave of the Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations: Overcapacity, Overfishing, and Other Disciplines
- Elena Bertola, Jaime Coghi, & Markus Jelitto, Facilitating Services Trade Through the Adoption of Good Regulatory Practices: The New Reference Paper on Services Domestic Regulation
- Olga Falgueras del Álamo, Green Trade and Trade Greener: The Wto Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured Discussions
- Niall Meagher & Leah Buencamino, The ACWL: Enhancing the Accessibility of the WTO Legal System
- Pedro Bravo, WTO, Women’s Empowerment and Financial Inclusion
- Hiromi Yano, Rebalancing the Trading Scale?: Recent Trends in the Implementation of Article 8 of the Safeguards Agreement
- Willie Shumba, The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Legal Pillar Behind the Harmonized System
Gantz & Payan: The Future of Trade: A North American Perspective
This critical book assesses the current trade policy challenges facing the US and offers a series of recommendations which, if implemented, have the potential to improve both US domestic trade policy and international/foreign policy. Focusing on the reform of the WTO, the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the continuing rivalry between the US and China, The Future of Trade crucially advances the ongoing dialogue between US governments and stakeholders.
This timely analysis proposes a clear, dynamic and comprehensive series of recommendations through an interdisciplinary approach analyzing law, economics and public policy in relation to the US home economy and its position in the global economic order. Chapters propose key suggestions, including rebuilding support for an open trading system; fostering integration between the United States, Canada and Mexico; and a restructuring of the WTO to create an equal system for all members. As many world powers retreat from globalization, David A. Gantz and Tony Payan argue that the US faces long-term challenges which will require effective non-controversial policy consensus at both a national and international level.