Saturday, September 26, 2015
Call for Papers: Third Contemporary Challenges of International Environmental Law Conference

New Issue: Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law

- Long Articles
- Rosmarijn van Kleef, Reviewing Disciplinary Sanctions in Sports
- Armin Steinbach, Burqas and Bans: The Wearing of Religious Symbols under the European Convention of Human Rights
- Fayokemi Olorundami, The ICJ and its Lip Service to the Non-Priority Status of the Equidistance Method of Delimitation
- Isabelle Van Damme, Case C-414/11 Daiichi: The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the Competence of the European Union over the TRIPS Agreement
- Marina Aksenova, The Specific Direction Requirement for Aiding and Abetting: A Call for Revisiting Comparative Criminal Law
- Alysia Blackham, Tackling Age Discrimination against Older Workers: A Comparative Analysis of Laws in the United Kingdom and Finland
- Jane McAdam & Elizabeth Ferris, Planned Relocations in the Context of Climate Change: Unpacking the Legal and Conceptual Issues
- Short Articles
- Cameron A Miles, Sir Stafford Northcote’s Ode to the Fourth Article: An Insight into the Negotiation of the 1871 Treaty of Washington
- Eirik Bjorge, Been There, Done That: The Margin of Appreciation and International Law
- Case Note
- Naomi Hart & Sriram Srikumar, Investor-State Arbitration before the High Court of Singapore: Territoriality, Nationality and Arbitrability
Friday, September 25, 2015
New Issue: Global Trade and Customs Journal

- Weihuan Zhou, Assessment of ‘Material Injury’ and ‘Causation’: Recent Developments in Australia
- Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu, Re-constructing Dispute Settlement Mechanism in Trade and Investment Agreements: Key Considerations for the PACER Plus Negotiating Parties
- Adarsh Ramanujan, To Cumulate or Not to Cumulate: That Is the Question
- Niharika Dhall, The WTO Compatibility of the Indian AI Import Ban
Call for Submissions: Palestine Yearbook of International Law
Call for papers (Volume XIX)
The Palestine Yearbook of International Law is now inviting submissions of scholarly articles for publication for its next volume, XIX (2016). This is a general call for papers.
As such, the editors encourage the submission of scholarly pieces of relevance to public international law, including but not necessarily in relation to Palestine.
The Yearbook is published in the English language, is edited at Birzeit University’s Institute of Law (Birzeit, Palestine), and published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (The Hague, The Netherlands). The Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook is Mr. Ardi Imseis.
The Yearbook is now accepting abstracts for review. Abstracts should include a working title, with a preliminary outline of the author’s research and arguments, along with a current CV.
Important dates and contact information
Prospective authors should express interest by e-mailing an abstract (of under 750 words) of the suggested paper as indicated above, along with a CV by 31 October 2015 to:
- Mr. Ardi Imseis: ai295@cam.ac.uk;
- Ms. Reem Al-Botmeh: rbotmeh@gmail.com; and
- Mr. Ata Hindi: ahindi@birzeit.edu.
For more on the Palestine Yearbook of International Law, see here.
Symposium: The Present and Future Role of Investment Treaty Arbitration in Adjudicating Environmental Disputes
The symposium will focus on investment treaty arbitration from a forward-looking perspective: how can future practice might be shaped or reformed in a way that can both promote environmental sustainability and protect responsible and legitimate foreign investments? In light of this focus, the symposium will engage participants in discussions on specific reform proposals and practical policy and treaty practice responses to issues dealing with how international investment law and environmental law might become more mutually supportive and complimentary especially in the context of the adjudication of foreign investment disputes concerning environmental issues.
Saul: Defining Terrorism: A Conceptual Minefield
Calls to define ‘terrorism’ as a legal concept arose in the context of efforts to extradite ‘political offenders’ from the 1930s onwards, with many efforts, over 80 years to the present, to define, criminalize, and depoliticise a common global concept of ‘terrorism’. Those international efforts remain largely unsuccessful to this day. After the terrorist attacks on the United States of 11 September 2001 (‘9/11’), many states enacted ‘terrorism’ offences, spurred on by the perceived threat of global religious terrorism, obligations imposed by the UN Security Council, gaps in existing criminal liabilities and police powers, and the expressive function of stigmatising terrorism as a special kind of violence against public interests. National laws remain, however, startlingly diverse and there is still a global divergence. At the international level, there is certainly a basic legal consensus that terrorism is criminal violence intended to intimidate a population or coerce a government or international organisation; some national laws add an ulterior intention to pursue a political, religious or ideological cause. There remain intense moral and political disagreements, however, on whether there should be exceptions for just causes (such as liberation violence and rebellion), armed conflicts, and state violence. As a result, a conceptual impasse continues, even if agreement has been edging closer.
Slotte & Halme-Tuomisaari: Revisiting the Origins of Human Rights
- Martti Koskenniemi, Foreword. History of human rights as political intervention in the present
- Miia Halme-Tuomisaari & Pamela Slotte, Revisiting the origins of human rights: introduction
- Jacob Giltaij & Kaius Tuori, Human rights in antiquity? Revisiting anachronism and Roman law
- Virpi Mäkinen, Medieval natural rights discourse
- Annabel Brett, Human rights and the Thomist tradition
- Lynn Hunt, Revolutionary rights
- Samuel Moyn, Giuseppe Mazzini in (and beyond) the history of human rights
- Lauren Benton & Aaron Slater, Constituting the Imperial community: rights, common good, and authority in Britain's Atlantic empire, 1607–1815
- Kathryn Kish Sklar, Human rights discourse in women's rights conventions in the United States, 1848–70
- Martin Ceadel, The peace movement and human rights
- Gregory Claeys, Socialism and the language of rights: the origins and implications of economic rights
- Dzovinar Kévonian, André Mandelstam and the internationalization of human rights (1869–1949)
- Taina Tuori, From League of Nations mandates to decolonization: a brief history of rights
- Pamela Slotte, 'Blessed are the peacemakers': Christian internationalism, ecumenical voices and the quest for human rights
- Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, Lobbying for relevance: American internationalists, French civil libertarians and the UDHR
- Olivier Barsalou, The Cold War and the rise of an American conception of human rights, 1945–8
- Conor Gearty, Afterword
Call for Submissions: Trade, Law and Development

Special Issue on Trade & Public Health
Founded in 2009, the philosophy of Trade, Law and Development has been to generate and sustain a constructive and democratic debate on emergent issues in international economic law and to serve as a forum for discussion and distribution of ideas. In keeping with these ideals, the Board of Editors is pleased to announce Trade & Public Health as the theme for its next Special Issue (Vol. VIII, No. 1).
The tension between the competing values of free trade and regulatory autonomy has frequently found specific manifestation in trade disputes triggered by public health measures. In the recent past, governmental regulation aimed at protection of public health has given rise to several complex legal issues. Measures taken to ensure availability of affordable drugs, technical regulations aimed at controlling tobacco addiction, SPS measures aimed at protection of human life and health, stockholding of grains for food security, and mandatory plain packaging are a few instances of public health-related measures which have been subjected to intense legal scrutiny.
The prominence gained by public health related measures, and the legal intricacies associated therewith, call for closer scholarly attention. We believe that a volume dedicated to cutting-edge research on the tension between international economic law and public health regulation will be of immense relevance to legal practitioners, academics and policy-makers alike. Accordingly, the Board of Editors is pleased to invite original and unpublished submissions for the Special Issue on Trade and Public Health for publication as ‘Articles’, ‘Notes’, ‘Comments’ and ‘Book Reviews’, currently scheduled for publication in May, 2016.
Manuscripts may be submitted via e-mail, ExpressO, or the TL&D website. For further information and submission guidelines, please visit the Journal’s website.
In case of any queries, please feel free to contact us at: editors[at]tradelawdevelopment[dot]com.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Coates: Securing Hegemony through Law: Venezuela, the U.S. Asphalt Trust, and the Uses of International Law, 1904-1909
Most historians remember early twentieth-century American foreign policy for the Spanish-American War, Caribbean military occupations, and the bellicose rhetoric of Theodore Roosevelt, but the era was also a time when U.S. officials sought to expand the use of international law. To make sense of this apparent contradiction, Benjamin Coates explores the attempts of a New York–based corporation to enlist the U.S. government’s aid in recovering property that the Venezuelan government seized. An investigation of the relationship between the corporation, Washington, and Caracas highlights the ways that expanding U.S. power relied not simply on breaking the law but also on promoting a beneficial legal regime.
Viñuales: Foreign Investment and the Environment in International Law: The Current State of Play
This chapter provides an up-to-date view of the relationship between the international law governing foreign investment and environmental protection, covering developments until August 2015. The analysis is based among others on a dataset of 114 investment cases with environmental components compiled by the author. The chapter describes three main trends: (i) the increasing role of private investment in sustainable development instruments, particularly the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, (ii) the increasing reference to environmental considerations in IIAs, particularly FTAs, and mega-regional agreements, and (iii) the surge in investment disputes with environmental components in the last four years. It then turns to the legal analysis of several recent cases, including Unglaube v. Costa Rica, Clayton and Bilcon v Canada, Spence v. Costa Rica, Mesa v. Canada and Perenco v. Ecuador. The main conclusion is that environmental considerations are increasingly normalised or mainstreamed in the reasoning of investment tribunals, which in turn requires a full integration of environmental law in transactional, pre-litigation and litigation practice relating to foreign investment law.
Nollkaemper: The Problem of Many Hands in International Law
This paper examines the phenomenon of diffusion of responsibility from a political economy perspective. It argues that concerted actions that lead to harmful outcomes may trigger a diffusion of responsibility between States, international organisations (IOs) and other actors involved in the concerted action. Such diffusion may bring both costs and benefits for relevant actors. The chapter construes diffusion as a political process, of which international law is an integral part, and exposes the costs and benefits involved.
Benvenisti: Occupation and Territorial Administration
The exercise of effective control by one state in a territory of another state without the other state’s consent is subject to the law of occupation. In a global legal system that allocates public authority among sovereigns on a territorial basis and protects their respective entitlements, the law of occupation fills a “governance gap” that extends until the ousted government returns. The law must set limits to the exercise of public authority of the occupying state. Such an exercise of authority is inherently suspect due to the three-dimensional conflicts of interest that typically occur in occupations, between the occupier, the ousted government, and the occupied population. The literature has referred to the occupier as a “trustee,” most likely to underscore the occupier’s sensitive other-regarding duties in managing these conflicts. The law of occupation has evolved over time, reflecting changing perceptions concerning the source of sovereign authority (whether the prince or the people) and the constraints on the exercise of public authority (e.g., does the sovereign have unfettered discretion vis-à-vis its citizens or is it constrained by human rights obligations?). As a consequence, a study of the law of occupation offers a sort of “laboratory test” for examining the complexity – and the very viability – of a legal regime that expects one sovereign to act as a trustee of strangers. This chapter seeks to provide a general overview of the law of occupation.
New Volume: Annuaire français de droit international
- État, Condition et Statut – Territoire
- J. Verhoeven, Belgique contre Sénégal ou quel intérêt pour se plaindre d’autrui ? Cour international de Justice, 20 juillet 2012, Questions concernant l’obligation de poursuivre ou d’extrader
- T. Fleury-Graff, L’arrêt de la Cour supreme des Etats-Unis du 17 avril 2013, Kiobel et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. et al. : Présumption contre l’extraterritorialité nationale en matière de violations du droit international
- Contentieux International Général
- H. De Pooter, L’arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice dans l’affaire du Différend frontalier Burkina Faso/Niger (arrêt du 16 avril 2013)
- H. Azari, La junction d’instances devant la Cour international de Justice – À propos de l’ordonnance du 17 avril 2013 dans l’affaire relative à la Construction d’une route au Costa Rica le long du fleuve San Juan (Nicaragua c. Costa Rica)
- O.N.U. et Organisations Internationales
- P. Tavernier, Année des Nations Unies 25 décembre 2012 – 24 décembre 2013 – Problèmes juridiques
- A.-T. Norodom & P. Lagrange, Travaux de la Commission du droit international (65e session) et de la sixième commission (68e session)
- D. Ruziè, Jurisprudence du Tribunal administrative de l’Organisation international du travail
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Albahari: Crimes of Peace: Mediterranean Migrations at the World's Deadliest Border
Among the world's hotly contested, obsessively controlled, and often dangerous borders, none is deadlier than the Mediterranean Sea. Since 2000, at least 25,000 people have lost their lives attempting to reach Italy and the rest of Europe, most by drowning in the Mediterranean. Every day, unauthorized migrants and refugees bound for Europe put their lives in the hands of maritime smugglers, while fishermen, diplomats, priests, bureaucrats, armed forces sailors, and hesitant bystanders waver between indifference and intervention—with harrowing results.
In Crimes of Peace, Maurizio Albahari investigates why the Mediterranean Sea is the world's deadliest border, and what alternatives could improve this state of affairs. He also examines the dismal conditions of migrants in transit and the institutional framework in which they move or are physically confined. Drawing on his intimate knowledge of places, people, and European politics, Albahari supplements fieldwork in coastal southern Italy and neighboring Mediterranean locales with a meticulous documentary investigation, transforming abstract statistics into names and narratives that place the responsibility for the Mediterranean migration crisis in the very heart of liberal democracy. Global fault lines are scrutinized: between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; military and humanitarian governance; detention and hospitality; transnational crime and statecraft; the universal law of the sea and the thresholds of a globalized yet parochial world. Crimes of Peace illuminates crucial questions of sovereignty and rights: for migrants trying to enter Europe along the Mediterranean shore, the answers are a matter of life or death.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
New Issue: Stanford Journal of International Law

- Michaela Halpern, Protecting Vulnerable Environments in Armed Conflict: Deficiencies in International Humanitarian Law
- Heba Hazzaa & Silke Noa Kumpf, Egypt's Ban on Public Interest Litigation in Government Contracts: A Case Study of "Judicial Chill"
- Ryan McCarl, ICSID Jurisdiction over International Mass Investment Arbitrations: Due Process and Default Rules
- Angela Huyue Zhang, Taming the Chinese Leviathan: Is Antitrust Regulation a False Hope?
Milner & Tingley: Sailing the Water’s Edge: The Domestic Politics of American Foreign Policy
When engaging with other countries, the U.S. government has a number of different policy instruments at its disposal, including foreign aid, international trade, and the use of military force. But what determines which policies are chosen? Does the United States rely too much on the use of military power and coercion in its foreign policies? Sailing the Water’s Edge focuses on how domestic U.S. politics—in particular the interactions between the president, Congress, interest groups, bureaucratic institutions, and the public—have influenced foreign policy choices since World War II and shows why presidents have more control over some policy instruments than others. Presidential power matters and it varies systematically across policy instruments.
Helen Milner and Dustin Tingley consider how Congress and interest groups have substantial material interests in and ideological divisions around certain issues and that these factors constrain presidents from applying specific tools. As a result, presidents select instruments that they have more control over, such as use of the military. This militarization of U.S. foreign policy raises concerns about the nature of American engagement, substitution among policy tools, and the future of U.S. foreign policy. Milner and Tingley explore whether American foreign policy will remain guided by a grand strategy of liberal internationalism, what affects American foreign policy successes and failures, and the role of U.S. intelligence collection in shaping foreign policy. The authors support their arguments with rigorous theorizing, quantitative analysis, and focused case studies, such as U.S. foreign policy in Sub-Saharan Africa across two presidential administrations.
Sailing the Water’s Edge examines the importance of domestic political coalitions and institutions on the formation of American foreign policy.
New Issue: Global Policy
- Research Articles
- John Williams, Democracy and Regulating Autonomous Weapons: Biting the Bullet while Missing the Point?
- Ramesh Thakur, The Development and Evolution of R2P as International Policy
- Andy Sumner & Jonathan Glennie, Growth, Poverty and Development Assistance: When Does Foreign Aid Work?
- Yannis Karagiannis & Nikitas Konstantinidis, On the Conditional Success of International Conditionality Policies (With Evidence from Greece and Spain During the Eurozone Crisis)
- Kenneth W. Abbott & Steven Bernstein, The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: Orchestration by Default and Design
- Special Section: Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance
- Aseem Prakash, Adrienne Héritier, Barbara Koremenos & Eric Brousseau, Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance: An Introduction
- Barbara Koremenos, The Role of State Leadership in the Incidence of International Governance
- Adrienne Héritier & Aseem Prakash, A Resource-based View of the EU's Regional and International Leadership
- Magnus G. Schoeller, Explaining Political Leadership: Germany's Role in Shaping the Fiscal Compact
- Walter Mattli & Jack Seddon, New Organizational Leadership: Nonstate Actors in Global Economic Governance
- Angel Saz-Carranza, Agents as Brokers: Leadership in Multilateral Organizations
- Survey Articles
- Robert H. Wade & Jakob Vestergaard, Why is the IMF at an Impasse, and What Can Be Done about It?
- Helmut Reisen, Will the AIIB and the NDB Help Reform Multilateral Development Banking?
- Practitioners' Special Section: Private Investment and Public Funds for Climate Finance
- Andreas Klasen, Introduction to the Special Section: Private Investment and Public Funds for Climate Finance
- Tom Kerr, Good Fiscal Policy: Governments Using Carbon Pricing to Drive Low-Carbon Investment
- Karine Siegwart & Silvia Ruprecht-Martignoli, How to Mobilize Private Investment for Climate Friendly Products: The New Swiss Technology Fund
- Jan Vassard, Kim Richter & Ole Lindhardt, Money Matters on Our Way to a Greener Future: Biogas Plants’ Financing with Export Credits
- George Otieno, Harnessing the UN's SE4All Initiative: How ECAs and Multilateral Partners Support Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Practitioner Commentaries
- V. Nicholas Galasso, The World Bank is Getting ‘Shared Prosperity’ Wrong: The Bank Should Measure the Tails, Not the Average
- Francis Baert & Timothy M. Shaw, Reform Starts Bottom-Up. Can Civil Society Get The Commonwealth Back On Track?
New Issue: Questions of International Law
- What is the legal relationship between the International Criminal Court and non-state entities? Beyond the case of Palestine
- Introduced by Emanuele Cimiotta and Micaela Frulli
- Harmen van der Wilt, The Rome Statute: Only States are invited to tune in
- Nicola Napoletano, Non-state entity’s ‘Ability to lodge’ a Declaration pursuant to Article 12(3) of the ICC Statute
New Issue: World Politics

- Research Articles
- Joshua D. Kertzer & Brian C. Rathbun, Fair is Fair: social Preferences and reciprocity in international Politics
- Robin Harding, Attribution and Accountability: Voting for roads in Ghana
- Kate Baldwin & Eric Mvukiyehe, Elections and Collective Action: Evidence from Changes in Traditional Institutions in Liberia
- Victor Menaldo & Daniel Yoo, Democracy, Elite Bias, and Financial Development in Latin America
- Rikhil R. Bhavnani & Bethany Lacina, The Effects of Weather-Induced Migration on Sons of the Soil Riots in India
Carcano: The Transformation of Occupied Territory in International Law
This volume discusses the practice of transformative military occupation from the perspective of public international law through the prism of the occupation of Iraq and other cases of historical significance. It seeks to assess how international law should respond to measures undertaken in the pursuit of a given transformative project, whether or not supported by the Security Council.
Kanetake & Nollkaemper: The International Rule of Law in the Cycle of Contestations and Deference
This paper is the concluding chapter of the edited volume ‘The international rule of law in the cycle of contestations and deference’. The paper first provides some patterns of national contestations (section I) and international deference (section II). The paper moves on to identify some of the shortcomings of the process of developing international law through national contestations and international deference (section III). Our overall argument is that the cycle of national contestations and international responses can be conceptualized as an integral part of the rule of law in the international legal order (section IV).
New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

- General Articles
- Rudolf Adlung, Export Policies and the General Agreement on Trade in Services
- Manjiao Chi, The ‘Greenization’ of Chinese Bits: An Empirical Study of the Environmental Provisions in Chinese Bits and its Implications for China’s Future Bit-Making
- Arwel Davies, The GATT Article III:8(a) Procurement Derogation and Canada – Renewable Energy
- Vichithri Jayasinghe, The Legality of the European Union’s Special Incentive Arrangement
- Special JIEL Symposium on Transformative Transatlantic Agreements
- The Editors, JIEL Debate: Transformative Transatlantic Free Trade Agreements?
- Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Transformative Transatlantic Free Trade Agreements without Rights and Remedies of Citizens?
- Bernard Hoekman, Fostering Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation and Gradual Multilateralization
- Alberto Alemanno, The Regulatory Cooperation Chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Institutional Structures and Democratic Consequences
- Armand de Mestral, When Does the Exception Become the Rule? Conserving Regulatory Space under CETA
- Marco Bronckers, Is Investor–State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Superior to Litigation Before Domestic Courts?: An EU View on Bilateral Trade Agreements
- Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, How will TPP and TTIP Change the WTO System?
Monday, September 21, 2015
New Issue: Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé
- R. Ouedraogo, L’égalité des couples est- elle une composante des droits fondamentaux ? - Réflexion critique à partir des droits français et québécois
- R. Szczepaniak, Facteurs de développement de la responsabilité délictuelle des pouvoirs publics en Pologne
- D.J.M. Soulas- de Russel, Le rôle central du droit comparé pour le « nouveau juriste » de la mondialisation — un essai trilogique
New Issue: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights

- N. Jägers, Access to Justice for Victims of Corporate-Related Human Rights Abuse: An Echternach-Procession?
- J. Gerards, The ECtHR’s Response to Fundamental Rights Issues Related to Financial and Economic Difficulties: The Problem of Compartmentalisation
- L. Lavrysen, Strengthening the Protection of Human Rights of Persons Living in Poverty under the ECHR
- C. Lougarre, What Does the Right to Health Mean? The Interpretation of Article 11 of the European Social Charter by the European Committee of Social Rights
- A. Buyse, Human Rights for Foxes and Hedgehogs
New Issue: International Criminal Law Review

- Raymond Ouigou Savadogo, Non-coupables! Le non-refoulement, les assurances diplomatiques et la réinstallation des acquittés des juridictions pénales internationales dans leurs pays d’origine
- Giulio Vanacore, Legality, Culpability and Dogmatik: A Dialogue between the ECtHR, Comparative and International Criminal Law
- Farhad Malekian, The Canon of Love against the Use of Force in Islamic and Public International Law. Part II: The Anatomy of Love against Violations
- Caroline Fournet & Nicole Siller, ‘We Demand Dignity for the Victims’ – Reflections on the Legal Qualification of the Indecent Disposal of Corpses
- James David Meernik, Why Do Individuals Surrender to the International Criminal Tribunals?
- Vivek V. Nemane & Indraneel D. Gunjal, Article 124 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: ‘Transitional Provision’ or ‘The Right to (Convenient) Opt-out’
- Javid Gadirov, Causal Responsibility in International Criminal Law
Brennan: Prosecuting ISIL before the International Criminal Court: Challenges and Obstacles.
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Special Issue: Corporate Power and Human Rights
- Nicholas Connolly & Manette Kaisershot, Introduction: Corporate power and human rights
- Kendyl Salcito, Chris Wielga & Burton H. Singer, Corporate human rights commitments and the psychology of business acceptance of human rights duties: a multi-industry analysis
- Damien Short, Jessica Elliot, Kadin Norder, Edward Lloyd-Davies & Joanna Morley, Extreme energy, ‘fracking’ and human rights: a new field for human rights impact assessments?
- Christian Scheper, ‘From naming and shaming to knowing and showing’: human rights and the power of corporate practice
- Sally Wheeler, Global production, CSR and human rights: the courts of public opinion and the social licence to operate
- Manette Kaisershot & Samuel Prout, These are financial times: a human rights perspective on the UK financial services sector
- Sarah Knuckey & Eleanor Jenkin, Company-created remedy mechanisms for serious human rights abuses: a promising new frontier for the right to remedy?
- Daniel Augenstein & David Kinley, Beyond the 100 Acre Wood: in which international human rights law finds new ways to tame global corporate power
- Nicholas Connolly, CSR is dead: long live Pigouvian taxation
- Andrew Fagan, Defending corporate social responsibility: Myanmar and the lesser evil
Sunday, September 20, 2015
ASIL Workshop: How to Pursue a Career in International Environmental Law
Noortmann, Reinisch, & Ryngaert: Non-State Actors in International Law
- Math Noortmann, Cedric Ryngaert, &August Reinisch, Introduction
- Jean d’Aspremont, Non-State Actors and the Social Practice of International Law
- Eisuke Suzuki, Non-State Actors in International Law in Policy Perspective
- Math Noortmann, Transnational Law: Philip Jessup’s Legacy and Beyond
- Christian Henderson, Non-State Actors and the Use of Force
- Hans-Joachim Heintze & Charlotte Lülf, Non-State Actors Under International Humanitarian Law
- Manfred Nowak & Karolina Miriam Januszewski, Non-State Actors and Human Rights
- Cedric Ryngaert, State Responsibility and Non-State Actors
- Ramses A Wessel, International Governmental Organisations as Non-State Actors
- Math Noortmann, Non-Governmental Organisations: Recognition, Roles, Rights and Responsibilities
- Jan Wouters & Anna-Luise Chané, Multinational Corporations in International Law
- August Reinisch, Investors
- Jordan J Paust, Armed Opposition Groups
- Markus Kornprobst, Non-State Actors in International Relations: Actors, Processes, and an Agenda for Multifaceted Dialogue
- Alan Chong, Non-State Actors and Soft Power
- Barrie Axford, Non-State Actors and Globalisation: A Paradigm for a Decentred World?
- Cedric Ryngaert, Math Noortmann & August Reinisch, Concluding Observations