Randall Lesaffer & Janne E. Nijman, The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius (Cambridge Univ. Press 2021)The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius is a compilation of the life, theories, and thoughts of one of the most influential figures of international law. Through the contribution of several scholars, the life of Grotius is synthesized into five logical parts. His works on philosophy, theology, politics, and law are examined, and context is provided. Being both introductory and advanced, the authors leave the reader with a greater understanding of what led to the formation of much of Grotius’ ideas: precisely what a companion should do. In the likely event that Grotius finds his way into your research, this book will be a valuable addition to it.
Albert Vlodder
Ph.D. Student in Public International Law
Åbo Akademi University
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Most Interesting 2021: Lesaffer & Nijman, The Cambridge Companion to Hugo Grotius
New Volume: Recueil des Cours

- Volume 421
- José Angelo Estrella-Faria, La protection des biens culturels d’intérêt religieux en droit international public et en droit international privé
New Issue: International Legal Materials
- Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean, Preliminary Objections (ITLOS), with introductory note by Thomas Burri & Jamie Trinidad
- “Situation in Palestine” (Int'l Crim. Ct. Pre-Trial Chamber), with introductory note by Anne Bayefsky
- Arbitral Award of Oct. 3, 1899 (Guy. v. Venez.) (Decision on Jurisdiction) (I.C.J.), with introductory note by Brendan Plant
- The Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Election System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with introductory note by Simon N.M. Young
New Volume: Australian Year Book of International Law
- Obituary
- HE Judge Crawford AC SC FBA
- Special Issue Covid-19 and International Law
- Imogen Saunders, David Letts, Esmé Shirlow, & Donald R Rothwell, COVID-19 and International Law: Sketching the Parameters
- David Chieng, Supply Chains, COVID-19 and the GATT Security Exception: Legal Limits of ‘Pandemic Exceptionalism’
- Kate Ogg & Chanelle Taoi, COVID-19 Border Closures: A Violation of Non-Refoulement Obligations in International Refugee and Human Rights Law?
- Jessica Hambly, International Refugee Law in Crisis: Islands, Incarceration and Neo-Refoulement during COVID-19
- Hitoshi Nasu, The ‘Infodemic’: Is International Law Ready to Combat Fake News in the Age of Information Disorder?
- Joanna Mossop, Law of the Sea and the Pandemic—Humanitarian Principles under Siege?
- Shruti Rana, Seismic Shifts: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Gendered Fault Lines and Implications for International Law
- Robert Knox & Ntina Tzouvala, International Law of State Responsibility and COVID-19: An Ideology Critique
- Sarah Heathcote, State Responsibility, International Law and the COVID-19 Crisis
- Dilan Thampapillai & Sam Wall, Does International Law Need a Conscience? Evaluating the India–South Africa Proposal to Suspend TRIPS Obligations and the COVID-19 Vaccines
- Jonathan Liljeblad, International Human Rights Law and the Protection of Medical Scientists against State Inference during COVID-19
- Matthew Zagor, Human Rights and Structural Inequality in the Shadow of COVID-19—A New Chapter in the Culture Wars?
- Jolyon Ford, COVID-19, International Human Rights Law and the State-Corporate Complex
- Jeremy Farrall & Christopher Michaelsen, The UN Security Council’s Response to COVID-19: From the Centre to the Periphery?
- Articles
- Andreas Østhagen, Drawing Lines at Sea: Australia’s Five Decades of Maritime Boundary Delimitation
- Notes
- Daniel Kang, Navigating China’s ‘3D’ Backlash against the International Legal Order: Adapting to Displacement, Disablement and Diversion
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Editorial
- Catherine Kessedjian, Rebalancing Investors’ Rights and Obligations
- Articles
- Hugo Thomé, Holding Transnational Corporations Accountable for Environmental Harm Through Counterclaims in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Myth or Reality?
- Fernando Dias Simões, Investment Arbitration and the Chimera of an Ideal Adjudicative Community
- Patrick Dumberry, Host States’ Due Diligence Obligation Towards Foreign Investors in the Context of Rebellions and Civil Wars
- Vitaliy Pogoretskyy, The Arbitration Panel Report in Ukraine – Export Prohibition on Wood Products: Lessons from the ‘Pegasus’ of International Adjudication
- Anna Ventouratou, The Law on State Responsibility and the World Trade Organization
- Gilbert Gagné & Delphine Ducasse, The Treatment of Cultural Services in Latin American Countries’ Trade Agreements
- Abhijit Das, Sachin Kumar Sharma, Raihan Akhter, & Teesta Lahiri, Special Safeguard Mechanism for Agriculture: Implications for Developing Members at the World Trade Organization
- Markus Burgstaller & Scott Macpherson, Deepfakes in International Arbitration: How Should Tribunals Treat Video Evidence and Allegations of Technological Tampering?
Friday, December 17, 2021
Most Interesting 2021: Parmar & Variath, An Introduction to International Law
Swati Singh Parmar & Adithya A. Variath, An Introduction to International Law (Thomson Reuters 2021)An Introduction to International Law is a preliminary text that provides a thorough understanding of the subject and critical evaluation of its processes. The book offers perspectives on the history of international law that would enable the reader to approach the subject with a non-European tradition. The initial chapters set the discourse in motion and prepare the reader to undertake the study of a legal system that continuously reinvents itself. With a brief history, approaches, contexts, concepts, theories and case laws, the book is aimed to assist the reader in her study of the subject. With the help of precepts and principles, those that are outdated and those that are retained, the text offers active engagement for the reader. The arrangement of the contents will invoke the reader’s interest in international law and will encourage further enquiry into the subject. The book offers a study of recent case laws and accounts of contemporary events that make International Law a dynamic system. Chapter outlines, the structure of the chapters and suggestions for reading make the book reader friendly and accessible. Authors of the book have shared their experience of writing the book: Swati Singh Parmar, Navigating a Journey of Writing Through “Intellectual Settler Colonialism”; Adithya Anil Variath, A Subaltern Protagonist’s proposition of International Law.
Amana Khare
Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai
Call for Papers: Cambridge International Law Journal 11th Annual Conference
New Issue: International Human Rights Law Review

- Manisuli Ssenyonjo, Human Trafficking in the Context of Global Migration: Modern Manifestation of De Facto Slavery, Servitude and Forced or Compulsory Labour
- Thi Hong Yen Nguyen & Phuong Dung Nguyen, Ensuring the Rights of Women Migrant Workers – Analysis and Practice from Viet Nam
- Jeremy Julian Sarkin, The Need for a New Paradigm in International Law to Provide International Protection: Learning the Lessons from Past Processes and Designing a Mechanism to Assist Victims of Arbitrary Detentions and Enforced Disappearances in Syria
- Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi, Compensation for Wrongful Conviction/Miscarriage of Justice in Hong Kong in Light of A v Secretary for Justice and Another [2020] HKCFI 427; HCAL 176/2018 (11 March 2020)
Conference: XXIInd Congress of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Most Interesting 2021: Kravik, An analysis of stagnation in multilateral law-making – and why the law of the sea has transcended the stagnation trend
Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik, An analysis of stagnation in multilateral law-making – and why the law of the sea has transcended the stagnation trend, Leiden Journal of International Law, Vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 935-956, December 2021As an environmental governance advocate, I have at times (over the last few years especially) given over to despair at the seeming end of multilateralism. An article from Andreas Kravik: An analysis of stagnation in multilateral law-making – and why the law of the sea has transcended the stagnation trend (33:4 Leiden J. Int’l L.) offered a welcome and urgent counter-narrative. Kravik, a Norwegian lawyer and diplomat, gives a brief but compelling view of the trenches in multilateral policymaking in an effort to explain why more progress is not being made. My sole critique is that the article may be mistitled – what Kravik finds is not stagnation, but rather a dogged, weedy flowering of law-making in spite of ongoing realignments in great power politics. Some of this may indeed be attributable to the unique context of the law of the sea as the article insightfully suggests, particularly noting its empowerment of smaller and developing states with large ocean territories and the regime’s flexible and institution-based decision-making. But Kravik’s experience suggests that just as much may be due to the gravitational pull of cooperative links in our inter-connected world. The article is worth reading if only for its overview of some critical ongoing negotiations both within and beyond the ocean realm, including in the arms trade, space, and human rights arenas. But for lawyers practicing outside of the so-called “great powers,” it may be equally valuable as a reminder that multilateralism is not a choice for the rest of the world, but the proverbial water in which we all continue to swim. Those who tread water risk being left behind.
Andrew Friedman
Project Lead, Seabed Mining
The Pew Charitable Trusts
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- Karen Engle & Lucas Lixinski, Quilombo Land Rights, Brazilian Constitutionalism, and Racial Capitalism
- Shai Stern, A World of Their Own: Illiberal Religious Communities Struggle to Comply with COVID-19 Public Health Regulations
- Iryna Bogdanova & Maria Vasquez Callo-Muller, Unilateral Cyber Sanctions: Between Questioned Legality and Normative Value
- Shelly Aviv Yeini, The Ministerial Exception: Our Lady of Guadalupe School and Antidiscrimination Employment Laws
Suhr: Rainbow Jurisdiction at the International Criminal Court: Protection of Sexual and Gender Minorities Under the Rome Statute
This timely book comprehensively examines whether the worst human rights violations directed specifically at sexual and gender minorities are punishable under international criminal law, as codified in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Drawing on general rules of interpretation, the development of human rights for sexual and gender minorities, and the social construction of gender, this monograph reveals that the worst crimes committed against persons because of their sexual orientation or gender identity can amount to crimes against humanity, particularly the crime of persecution under Article 7(1)(h). It also shows how legislators can be held individually criminally responsible for passing laws that criminalize consensual same-sex sexuality.
New Issue: Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies

- Roderic Alley, Humanitarian Law Compliance: The Disadvantaged State Problem
- Remzije Istrefi & Arben Hajrullahu, Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Kosovo and Lessons to be Learned from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- Simon McKenzie & Eve Massingham, Taking Care Against the Computer: Precautions Against Military Operations on Digital Infrastructure
- Owiso Owiso, Seeking ‘Truth’ After Devastating, Multi-Layered Conflict: The Complex Case of Transitional Justice in South Sudan
- Emmanuel Sarpong Owusu, ‘Guilty of Having Been Obedient’: A Fresh Dissection of the Superior Orders Controversy
- Alexandra Wormald, Protecting the Environment During and After Armed Conflict, the International Law Commission and an Overdue Due Diligence Duty for Corporations: Good in Principle?
New Issue: Ethics & International Affairs
- Essay
- Hendrik Schopmans & Jelena Cupać, Engines of Patriarchy: Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Times of Illiberal Backlash Politics
- Book Symposium: Territorial Sovereignty
- Michael Blake, Unwanted Compatriots: Alienation, Migration, and Political Autonomy
- Adom Getachew, The State's Imperial Shadows
- Christopher Heath Wellman, Do Legitimate States Have a Right to Do Wrong?
- Anna Stilz, Reply to My Critics
- Feature
- Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Allen Buchanan, Shuk Ying Chan, Cécile Fabre, Daniel Halliday, R. J. Leland, Florencia Luna, Matthew S. McCoy, Ole F. Norheim, G. Owen Schaefer, Kok-Chor Tan, & Christopher Heath Wellman, On the Ethics of Vaccine Nationalism: The Case for the Fair Priority for Residents Framework
- Review Essay
- Mollie Gerver, Helping Refugees Where They Are
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Most Interesting 2021: Clooney & Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law
Amal Clooney & Philippa Webb, The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2021)The book devotes a chapter to the thirteen components of the right to a fair trial under Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and includes another chapter on remedies. It makes plain the origin, rationale, and scope of the right based not only on the vast jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and Human Rights Committee, but also on the emerging jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and international criminal courts.
The book adopts a largely analytical perspective, identifying areas of convergence and divergence in the case law, but also offers short critiques to conclude each chapter. As such, the book will be particularly welcomed by lawyers and adjudicators involved in the works of international human rights bodies and international criminal courts, who will turn to it to quickly grasp concepts and efficiently trace pertinent materials. Practitioners will find numerous factual scenarios—from detainees at Guantánamo Bay to the former President of the Maldives—illustrating how the components of a fair trial apply in practice. As the book’s mastery of sources matches its technical craftsmanship, it represents a timely, authoritative, and engaging contribution to the international standard of a fair trial.
Jonathan Brosseau-Rioux
PhD Candidate
Sorbonne Law School
Job Opening: Post-Doc in Law specialised in international law (Graduate Institute)
Most Interesting 2021: Genoud, Vernacularisation from Above: Finance’s Appropriation of Human Rights in Land Governance
Christelle Genoud, Vernacularisation from Above: Finance’s Appropriation of Human Rights in Land Governance, International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 1356-73, 2021Written against the backdrop of the 2007/2008 crisis moment, Christelle Genoud sheds light on legal responses to the adverse effects of the financialization of food production. More specifically, she investigates the extent to which initiatives, such as the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects Rights, Livelihoods and Resources (PRAI) can deliver better conditions for local populations suffering from environmental and social harm due to industrial farming and large-scale land investments. Using three such initiatives as case studies, Genoud then demonstrates how they are used to camouflage the full extent of the devastating impact of financialized land and food governance. Engaging with the concept of ‘vernacularisation from below’ developed by legal anthropologist to describe the use of human rights in local contexts, Genoud then argues that these initiatives permit human rights to be vernacularized from above. Genoud’s paper, not only illuminates a major issue of concern in the contemporary global order, but does so convincingly. As such, this paper meaningfully contributes to international law scholarship on land-grabbing (Tzouvala 2019) and food speculations (Chadwick 2019).
Lys Kulamadayil
Univ. of Amsterdam
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
New Issue: Swiss Review of International and European Law
- Articles
- Marco Sassòli, Die schweizerische Neutralität und der Fall Crypto AG
- Constance Kaempfer, Domestic mechanisms for the implementation of international obligations in the Swiss cantons
- Frauke Renz, Are our red lines just mavelous fiction? Determining limits to outsourcing during armed conflicts?
Most Interesting 2021: Krieger, Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law
Heike Krieger, Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2021)The changing nature of modern armed conflicts poses deep challenges to IHL, affecting compliance and the effectiveness of the regime. This observation permeates almost all discussions on IHL. But are compliance and effectiveness the only (and the best) lenses through which to assess the contemporary challenges of IHL and to question its status as a legal regime? This book brings to the foreground legitimacy as analytical lens to engage normatively with the contemporary challenges of IHL. This is indeed a novel and underexplored perspective on IHL that merits great attention.
The volume uses legitimacy as criterium to analyse law-making processes in IHL. Law-making is convincingly being understood in a broad sense, covering not only treaty-making but also involving judicial practice and the making of manuals on IHL. The volume explores a broad spectrum of processes and actors involved in IHL law-making processes, suggests a convincing framework for approaching current IHL developments, and at the same time also provides a new way to think about the potential and the limits of the IHL regime.
Rachele Marconi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law
University of Macerata
Visiting Fellow
Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law
New Issue: Journal on the Use of Force and International Law
- Article
- Simona Ross, U.S. justifications for the use of force in Syria through the prism of the Responsibility to Protect
- ‘Arria Formula’ Meeting Contributions
- James A. Green, Introduction to contributions on the February 2021 ‘Arria formula’ meeting of the UNSC
- Adil Ahmad Haque, The use of force against non-state actors: all over the map
- Naz K. Modirzadeh & Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga, A conversation between Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga and Naz Khatoon Modirzadeh on the origins, objectives, and context of the 24 February 2021 ‘Arria-formula’ meeting convened by Mexico
Tigre & Lichet: The CRC Decision in Sacchi v. Argentina
Monday, December 13, 2021
Most Interesting 2021: Reiners, Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions for Human Rights
Nina Reiners, Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions for Human Rights (Cambridge Univ. Press 2021)
This fascinating and well-written book provides an in-depth study of the lawmaking process at the UN human rights treaty bodies. It looks at the importance of informal collaborations in developing treaty interpretations. Empirically the book focuses on the debates and the General Comment on the ‘Right to Water’. However, by going beyond the study of formal processes, Reiners demonstrates the crucial role of various actors, including NGO representatives and human rights professionals in the actual lawmaking process. Reiners identifies, conceptualises, and studies these actors working together as ‘Transnational Law Making Coalitions’.
The book achieves the study with the help of an innovative theoretical framework. It provides several detailed case studies and new and original data. This book is fascinating not only for the empirical insights it provides but also for the novel conceptualisation of transnational lawmaking coalitions. The book also appeals to scholars of International Law interested in the lawmaking process beyond the formal aspects and International Relations scholars interested in the practical workings of the UN human rights treaty bodies. But it also appeals to those interested in human rights or international organisations more generally. It is a stellar example of an interdisciplinary work that bridges International Law and International Relations in a meaningful way, from which scholars from both disciplines can benefit.
Sassan Gholiagha
Visiting Researcher
WZB Berlin
New Issue: Review of International Political Economy

- Matthias Thiemann, Carolina Raquel Melches & Edin Ibrocevic, Measuring and mitigating systemic risks: how the forging of new alliances between central bank and academic economists legitimize the transnational macroprudential agenda
- Oliver Levingston, Minsky’s moment? The rise of depoliticised Keynesianism and ideational change at the Federal Reserve after the financial crisis of 2007/08
- James D. G. Wood & Valentina Ausserladscheider, Populism, Brexit, and the manufactured crisis of British neoliberalism
- Skylar Brooks, What finance wants: explaining change in private regulatory preferences toward sovereign debt restructuring
- David L. Blaney, Provincializing economics: Jevons, Marshall and the colonial imaginaries of free trade
- Damian Raess, The demand-side politics of China’s global buying spree: managers’ attitudes toward Chinese inward FDI flows in comparative perspective
- Peter Knaack & Julian Gruin, From shadow banking to digital financial inclusion: China’s rise and the politics of epistemic contestation within the Financial Stability Board
- Rahel Kunz, Julia Maisenbacher & Lekh Nath Paudel, The financialization of remittances: governing through emotions
- Nils Röper, Between substantive and symbolic influence: diffusion, translation and bricolage in German pension politics
- Erik Peinert, Cartels, competition, and coalitions: the domestic drivers of international orders
- Matthias Diermeier, Judith Niehues & Joel Reinecke, Contradictory welfare conditioning—differing welfare support for natives versus immigrants
- Abby Innes, The limits of institutional convergence: why public sector outsourcing is less efficient than Soviet enterprise planning
- Serena Merrino, Currency and settler colonialism: the Palestinian case
- David James Gill, Rethinking sovereign default
Call for Papers: Deconstructing International Law
New Issue: London Review of International Law
- Articles
- Kate Grady, Symposium Introduction: The 2003 Iraq War: history, legacy, resistance
- Robert Knox, International law, politics and opposition to the Iraq War
- Matthew Craven, The tyranny of strangers: transformative occupations old and new
- Gina Heathcote, Maritime demarcation in the Gulf after 2003
- Kate Grady, War and order: rethinking criminal accountability for the Iraq War
- Books etc.
- Madelaine Chiam, Public invocations of international law and legacies of the Iraq War
New Volume: Anuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal
- Sección de Artículos de Investigación desde el Derecho Internacional Penal
- Libia Arenal Lora, La regulación jurídica de los crímenes contra el medio ambiente en el derecho internacional: desafíos para la definición del ecocidio como un crimen internacional
- Juan Carlos Caita Moreno, El Potestad Jurisdiccional de la Corte Penal Internacional: El caso de Israel y Palestina, ¿estatolatría beligerante o falta de competencia?
- Ensayos seleccionados del XI Certamen Blattmann, Odio Benito y Steiner
- Laura Daniela Useche Acevedo, La Reponsabilidad de Crecer en el Conflicto
- Silvina Sánchez Mera, La Persona Civil y los Legados Esencialistas en la Corte Penal Internacional
- Alejandro Sánchez Frías, El interés de la justicia en el Estatuto de Roma: un análisis a partir de las decisiones en la situación de Afganistán
- Wendy Pena González, Ensayos seleccionados del V Certamen de Estudios Críticos sobre la Justicia
- ¿Un Derecho penal «de» la comunidad? Joel Moris Fernando Ramírez Mendoza, Bases para una Justicia Restaurativa-Transicional en Colombia problemas sobre la implementación de lo “restaurativo” en la JEP
- Daniela Sodini, ¿Es posible la reparación integral a víctimas de trata de personas mediante una acción civil in forma pauperis?
- Osvaldo R. Burgos, Círculo de moralidad, exclusión jurídica y capitalismo de vigilancia Una reflexión sobre nuestros patrones de juicio
Besson: Reconstructing the International Institutional Order: Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 3 December 2020
Call for Submissions: Special Issue on "International Climate Litigation"
New Issue: Global Studies Quarterly
- Research Articles
- Grant Dawson, Classical Realism, Status, and Emotions: Understanding the Canada/Saudi Arabia Dispute and Its Implications for Global Politics
- Debak Das, “The Courtroom of World Opinion”: Bringing the International Audience into Nuclear Crises
- Jens Steffek & Philip Wegmann, The Standardization of “Good Governance” in the Age of Reflexive Modernity
- Jaakko Heiskanen, In the Shadow of Genocide: Ethnocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and International Order
- Sharifah Munirah Alatas, A Malaysian Perspective on Foreign Policy and Geopolitics: Rethinking West-Centric International Relations Theory
- Mathis Lohaus, Wiebke Wemheuer-Vogelaar, & Olivia Ding, Bifurcated Core, Diverse Scholarship: IR Research in Seventeen Journals around the World
- Naheem Jabbar & Usman Ali, “Like a Hair Drawn from Flour”: Everyday Militarization and Female Recruitment for Church Security Teams in Pakistan
- Joseph Torigian, A New Case for the Study of Individual Events in Political Science
- Rafael Duarte Villa, Fabrício H Chagas-Bastos, & Camila de Macedo Braga, Going beyond Security Community and Balance of Power: South America's Hybrid Regional Security Governance
- Kandida Purnell, Bodies Coming Apart and Bodies Becoming Parts: Widening, Deepening, and Embodying Ontological (In)Security in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Research Notes
- A Burcu Bayram & Marcus Holmes, The Logic of Negative Appeals: Graphic Imagery, Affective Empathy, and Foreign Development Aid
Sunday, December 12, 2021
New Issue: Journal of World Trade

- Americo Beviglia Zampetti, Patrick Low, & Petros C. Mavroidis, Consensus Decision-Making and Legislative Inertia at the WTO: Can International Law Help?
- Ahmed Essa Al-Sulaiti, WTO Members Can Save Their ‘Crown Jewel’: A View from the Arab World
- Weihuan Zhou, Demystifying Australia: China Trade Tensions
- James Scott & Rorden Wilkinson, China and the WTO, Redux: Making Sense of Two Decades of Membership
- Revisiting the Debate on Import-Led Substitution and Export-Led Industrialization: Where Is India Heading Under Self-Reliant India?
- Hyo Won Lee & Youngwan Kim, Who Uses the Special and Differential Treatment Provisions of the WTO?
- Xiaoyan Wang & Xinzhe Song, Terroir and Trade War: Reforming China’s Legislation on Generic Terms Under the nfluence of the EU and US
New Issue: Security Studies
- Frances Yaping Wang, Barking Without Biting: Understanding Chinese Media Campaigns During Foreign Policy Disputes
- Kit Rickard & Kristin M. Bakke, Legacies of Wartime Order: Punishment Attacks and Social Control in Northern Ireland
- Hyun-Binn Cho, Nuclear Coercion, Crisis Bargaining, and The Sino-Soviet Border Conflict of 1969
- Jan Stockbruegger, US Strategy and the Rise of Private Maritime Security
- Katherine Irajpanah & Kenneth A. Schultz, Off the Menu: Post-1945 Norms and the End of War Declarations
- Oil and War: An Exchange
New Issue: Journal of Conflict & Security Law

- Mika Hayashi, NATO’s Nuclear Sharing Arrangements Revisited in Light of the NPT and the TPNW
- Mateusz Piątkowski, War in the Air from Spain to Yemen: The Challenges in Examining the Conduct of Air Bombardment
- Scarlett McArdle & Christy Shucksmith-Wesley, International Non-State Humanitarian Actors outside of the International Legal System: Can there be any Legal Consequences for Humanitarian Actors?
- Marco Odello, The Enrica Lexie Incident and the Status of Anti-Piracy Security Personnel on Board
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

- Articles
- Raymond Kuo & Brian Dylan Blankenship, Deterrence and Restraint: Do Joint Military Exercises Escalate Conflict?
- Magnus Lundgren, Kseniya Oksamytna, & Vincenzo Bove, Politics or Performance? Leadership Accountability in UN Peacekeeping
- Aseem Mahajan, Reuben Kline, & Dustin Tingley, Collective Risk and Distributional Equity in Climate Change Bargaining
- Justin Conrad, Liana Eustacia Reyes, & Megan A. Stewart, Revisiting Opportunism in Civil Conflict: Natural Resource Extraction and Health Care Provision
- Tim Heinkelmann-Wild & Marius Mehrl, Indirect Governance at War: Delegation and Orchestration in Rebel Support
- Data Set Feature
- Guy Schvitz, Luc Girardin, Seraina Rüegger, Nils B. Weidmann, Lars-Erik Cederman, & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Mapping the International System, 1886-2019: The CShapes 2.0 Dataset
- Hanne Fjelde & Kristine Höglund, Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO)
New Issue: Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Special Issue: Regional Cooperation and Marine Environmental Protection Under the UNCLOS Regime
- Markiyan Z. Kulyk, Advancement of the Duty to Cooperate in Marine Environmental Protection in the Jurisprudence of ITLOS
- Nilufer Oral, Implementing the Duty to Cooperate under the 1982 UNCLOS for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction under a New BBNJ Agreement
- Margaret A. Young, Protection of the Marine Environment: Rights and Obligations in Trade Agreements
- James Harrison, Towards Integrated Management of Regional Marine Protected Area Networks: A Case Study of Regime Interaction in the Southern Ocean
- Minchul Kim, Cutting the Gordian Knot: Is an Effective Cooperation Regime for Marine Scientific Research in Northeast Asia Feasible?
- Sookyeon Huh, Marine Scientific Research in Japan’s Practice
- Nong Hong, China’s Approach to Marine Scientific Research: Legislation, Policy and Practice
- Irini Papanicolopulu, Maritime Spatial Planning and Protection of the Marine Environment
- Lan Ngoc Nguyen, Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in the Settlement of Marine Environmental Disputes under UNCLOS
- Tomas Heidar, The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the Protection of the Marine Environment