The latest issue of the
Review of International Political Economy (Vol. 28, no. 6, 2021) is out. Contents include:
Matthias Thiemann, Carolina Raquel Melches & Edin Ibrocevic,
Measuring and mitigating systemic risks: how the forging of new alliances between central bank and academic economists legitimize the transnational macroprudential agenda
Oliver Levingston, Minsky’s moment? The rise of depoliticised Keynesianism and ideational change at the Federal Reserve after the financial crisis of 2007/08
James D. G. Wood & Valentina Ausserladscheider, Populism, Brexit, and the manufactured crisis of British neoliberalism
Skylar Brooks, What finance wants: explaining change in private regulatory preferences toward sovereign debt restructuring
David L. Blaney, Provincializing economics: Jevons, Marshall and the colonial imaginaries of free trade
Damian Raess, The demand-side politics of China’s global buying spree: managers’ attitudes toward Chinese inward FDI flows in comparative perspective
Peter Knaack & Julian Gruin, From shadow banking to digital financial inclusion: China’s rise and the politics of epistemic contestation within the Financial Stability Board
Rahel Kunz, Julia Maisenbacher & Lekh Nath Paudel, The financialization of remittances: governing through emotions
Nils Röper, Between substantive and symbolic influence: diffusion, translation and bricolage in German pension politics
Erik Peinert, Cartels, competition, and coalitions: the domestic drivers of international orders
Matthias Diermeier, Judith Niehues & Joel Reinecke, Contradictory welfare conditioning—differing welfare support for natives versus immigrants
Abby Innes, The limits of institutional convergence: why public sector outsourcing is less efficient than Soviet enterprise planning
Serena Merrino, Currency and settler colonialism: the Palestinian case
David James Gill, Rethinking sovereign default