Saturday, June 25, 2022
Workshop: History, Politics, Law and Koskenniemi's To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth
Conference: Liberalism and Ecology in the Anthropocene
Friday, June 24, 2022
Special Issue: Towards a Global History of International Organizations and Decolonization
- Towards a Global History of International Organizations and Decolonization
- Eva-Maria Muschik, Special issue introduction: Towards a global history of international organizations and decolonization
- Giorgio Potì, The League of Nations and the post-Ottoman recolonization of the Nile Valley: The imperial Matryoshka of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1922–1924
- Disha Karnad Jani, The league against imperialism, national liberation, and the economic question
- Bogdan C. Iacob, Malariology and decolonization: Eastern European experts from the League of Nations to the World Health Organization
- Cindy Ewing, ‘With a minimum of bitterness’: decolonization, the right to self-determination, and the Arab-Asian group
- Elisabeth Leake, States, nations, and self-determination: Afghanistan and decolonization at the United Nations
- Adam Mestyan, From administrative to political order? Global legal history, the organic law, and the constitution of mandate Syria, 1925–1930
- James Loeffler, Three days in December: Jewish human rights between the United Nations and the middle east in 1948
- Malika Rahal & Benjamin Thomas White, UNHCR and the Algerian war of independence: postcolonial sovereignty and the globalization of the international refugee regime, 1954–63
New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement
- Symposium: Behavioural Approaches to Compliance
- Daniel Peat, Veronika Fikfak, & Eva van der Zee, Behavioural Compliance Theory
- Daniel Peat, Perception and Process: Towards a Behavioural Theory of Compliance
- Niccolò Ridi & Veronika Fikfak, Sanctioning to Change State Behaviour
- Sophie Duroy, State Compliance with International Law in Intelligence Matters: A Behavioural Approach
- Articles
- Ladan Mehranvar & Lise Johnson, Missing Masters: Causes, Consequences and Corrections for States’ Disengagement from the Investment Treaty System
- Lingjie Kong & Congcong Liu, Application of the Principle of Unity in the Legal Settlement of Sovereignty Disputes over Islands and Other Maritime Features
- Current Developments
- Andreas Kulick, Provisional Measures after Ukraine v Russia (2022)
New Issue: International Legal Materials
- General Recommendation No. 36 (2020) on Preventing and Combating Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement Officials (C.E.R.D.), with an introductory note by Daniel Moeckli
- G.A. Res. 75/314 Establishing a Permanent Forum of People of African Descent (U.N.), with an introductory note by Chantal Thomas
- Case of Guzmán Albarracín v. Ecuador (Inter-Am. Ct. H.R.), with an introductory note by Christina M. Cerna
- Fedotova v. Russ. (Eur. Ct. H.R.), with an introductory note by Eszter Polgári
- Joined Cases C-682/18 and C-683/18 Peterson v. Google & Youtube And Elsevier v. Cyando (C.J.E.U.), with an introductory note by Justin Hughes
- Judgment on Foreign Soldiers' Immunity for War Crimes Committed Abroad (BGH), with an introductory note by Tom Syring
New Issue: International Theory
- Tanya Narozhna, The lived body, everyday and generative powers of war: toward an embodied ontology of war as experience
- Alena Drieschova, Representants and international orders
- Ian Hurd, The case against international cooperation
- Clive Gabay, Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better: IR theory, utopia, and a failure to (re)imagine failure
- Bernd Bucher & Julian Eckl, Football's contribution to international order: the ludic and festive reproduction of international society by world societal actors
- Joseph MacKay, Kenneth Waltz's approach to reading classic political theory and why it matters
- Amoz J. Y. Hor, The everyday emotional lives of aid workers: how humanitarian anxiety gets in the way of meaningful local participation
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Call for Submissions: Trade, Law and Development

Wednesday, June 22, 2022
New Issue: Global Constitutionalism

- Silvia Steininger, Creating loyalty: Communication practices in the European and Inter-American human rights regimes
- Andrea Birdsall, New technologies and legal justification: The United Kingdom’s use of drones in self-defence
- Frédéric Mégret, Ban on religious symbols in the public service: Quebec’s Bill 21 in a global pluralist perspective
- Ruji Auethavornpipat, Norm contestation and the weakening of migrant fisher protection in Thailand
- Laura-Stella Enonchong, Unconstitutional constitutional amendment or constitutional dismemberment? A reappraisal of the presidential term limit amendment in Cameroon
- Giovanni De Gregorio, Digital constitutionalism across the Atlantic
- Jessika Eichler, The transformative forces of international law? Questioning equality regimes from a multi-level perspective
- Andreas Kruck, Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Benjamin Daßler, & Raphaela Hobbach, Disentangling institutional contestation by established powers: Types of contestation frames and varying opportunities for the re-legitimation of international institutions
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

- Articles
- Eliana Cusato, Emily Jones, Birsha Ohdedar, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Symposium Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Global Law and the Environment
- Iyan Offor, Global Animal Law and the Problem of “Globabble”: Toward Decoloniality and Diversity in Global Animal Law Studies
- Claiton Fyock, What Might Degrowth Mean for International Economic Law? A Necessary Alternative to the (un)Sustainable Development Paradigm
- Malavika Rao, A TWAIL Perspective on Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Reflections from Indira Gandhi's Speech at Stockholm
- André Nunes Chaib, Multinaturalism in International Environmental Law: Redefining the Legal Context for Human and Non-Human Relations
- Zainab Lokhandwala, Peasants’ Rights as New Human Rights: Promises and Concerns for Agrobiodiversity Conservation
- Sanskriti Sanghi & Raushan Tara Jaswal, Of Promises and Discontents: Mapping India's Response to Guaranteeing the Right to Mental Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Mauro Barelli, China and Peacekeeping: Unfolding the Political and Legal Complexities of an Ambivalent Relationship
Call for Submissions: Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies
New Issue: Journal of Conflict Resolution

- Articles
- Bryan Robert Early, Nolan Fahrenkopf, Michael C. Horowitz, & James Igoe Walsh, Climbing the Ladder: Explaining the Vertical Proliferation of Cruise Missiles
- Ryan Brutger & Anton Strezhnev, International Investment Disputes, Media Coverage, and Backlash Against International Law
- Pablo M. Pinto & Boliang Zhu, Brewing Violence: Foreign Investment and Civil Conflict
- Carlo Koos & Summer Lindsey, Wartime Sexual Violence, Social Stigmatization and Humanitarian Aid: Survey Evidence from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
- Helga Malmin Binningsbø & Ragnhild Nordås, Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and the Perils of Impunity
- Risa Kitagawa & Sam R. Bell, The Logic of Transitional Justice and State Repression: The Effects of Human Rights Prosecutions in Post-Conflict States
- Nir Halevy & Yair Berson, Thinking about the distant future promotes the prospects of peace: A construal-level perspective on intergroup conflict resolution
Call for Papers: 2023 ESIL Research Forum
Monday, June 20, 2022
New Additions to the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law
The Audiovisual Library of International Law is also available as a podcast on SoundCloud and can also be accessed through the relevant preinstalled applications on Apple or Google devices, or through the podcast application of your preference by searching “Audiovisual Library of International Law.”
Call for Papers: IV Jornadas Chilenas de Derecho Antártico
New Issue: Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
- Climate change litigation and human rights
- Annalisa Savaresi & Joana Setzer, Rights-based litigation in the climate emergency: mapping the landscape and new knowledge frontiers
- Lucy Maxwell, Sarah Mead, & Dennis van Berkel, Standards for adjudicating the next generation of Urgenda-style climate cases
- Larissa Parker, Juliette Mestre, Sébastien Jodoin, & Margarentha Wewerinke-Singh, When the kids put climate change on trial: youth-focused rights-based climate litigation around the world
- Jacques Hartmann & Marc Willers, Protecting rights through climate change litigation before European courts
- Juan Auz, Human rights-based climate litigation: a Latin American cartography
- Birsha Ohdedar, Climate adaptation, vulnerability and rights-based litigation: broadening the scope of climate litigation using political ecology
- Kim Bouwer, The influence of human rights on climate litigation in Africa
- Lisa Benjamin & Sara L Seck, Mapping human rights-based climate litigation in Canada
- Justine Bell-James & Briana Collins, Human rights and climate change litigation: should temporal imminence form part of positive rights obligations?
- Sara K Phillips & Nicole Anschell, Building business, human rights and climate change synergies in Southeast Asia: what the Philippines’ National Inquiry on Climate Change could mean for ASEAN
- Nicola Silbert, In search of impact: climate litigation impact through a human rights litigation framework
- Orla Kelleher, Incorporating climate justice into legal reasoning: shifting towards a risk-based approach to causation in climate litigation
Call for Papers: Human Rights and International Investment Law PhD Workshop
Call for Papers: Transitions in Climate Arctic Governance
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Incidental Jurisdiction
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts
- Abhandlungen
- Christian Tomuschat, Die Bedeutung der Zeit im Völkerrecht
- Jelena von Achenbach, Die globale Verteilung von COVID-19-Impfstoffen durch die Public Private Partnership COVAX in öffentlich-rechtlicher Perspektive
- Fulvia Staiano, Transnational Organized Crime as a Threat to International Peace and Security
- Beiträge und Berichte
- Carina Bury, Zur Verknüpfung überkommener Vorstellungen völkerrechtlicher Normativität mit der unterlassenen Übernahme der Ramsar-Konvention von 1971 in den deutschen Rechtsraum
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Call for Papers: 2022 CIBEL Global Network Young Scholars Workshop
Conference: ILA 80th Biennial Conference
Mauri: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Protection of the Human Person: An International Law Analysis
Providing a much-needed study of the weapons paradox in the case of autonomous weapons, this book is a detailed and comprehensive account of the current debate over the use of autonomous weapons – should some form of regulation be applied or a total ban be enforced?
How can compliance with existing rules be ensured? Can responsibility be properly allocated? To what extent do concepts such as ‘human dignity’ and ‘humanity’ provide legal guidance in coping with technology? This book tackles these momentous challenges and strives to provide sound answers by elaborating on international law and proposing normative solutions for current and future human–machine interactions in this critical field. Diego Mauri expertly explains the complex new technological research involved in autonomous weaponry, with particular focus on technological developments that have elicited intense debates among diplomats, military experts, scientists, philosophers, and international lawyers.
Sun: Certifying China: The Rise and Limits of Transnational Sustainability Governance in Emerging Economies
China has long prioritized economic growth over environmental protection. But in recent years, the country has become a global leader in the fight to save the planet by promoting clean energy, cutting air and water pollution, and developing a system of green finance. In Certifying China, Yixian Sun explores the potential and limits of transnational eco-certification in moving the world's most populous country toward sustainable consumption and production. He identifies the forces that drive companies from three sectors—seafood, palm oil, and tea—to embrace eco-certification. The success of eco-certification, he says, will depend on the extent to which it wins the support of domestic actors in fast-growing emerging economies.
The assumption of eco-certification is that demand along the supply chain can drive businesses to adopt good practices for social, environmental, and economic sustainability by specifying rules for production, third-party verification, and product labeling. Through case studies drawn from extensive fieldwork and mixed methods, Sun traces the processes by which certification programs originating from the Global North were introduced in China and gradually gained traction. He finds that the rise of eco-certification in the Chinese market is mainly driven by state actors, including government-sponsored industry associations, who seek benefits of transnational governance for their own development goals. The book challenges the conventional wisdom that the Chinese state has little interest in supporting transnational governance, offering novel insights into the interaction between state and non-state actors in earth system governance in emerging economies.
Mayer: Climate Change Mitigation as an Obligation under Customary International Law
Climate treaties impose few substantive obligations on the mitigation of climate change. This article explores customary law as an alternative source of such obligations. The task faces considerable methodological difficulties due to the tension between ascending and descending reasoning in the identification of customary law. The methodology that international courts tend to follow, this article argues, would likely lead to the identification of a customary obligation on climate change mitigation, but one that only requires states to comply with the standard of care that most of them generally follow—even if that points to significantly less ambition than what global mitigation objectives suggest. It could be difficult to assess a state’s requisite level of mitigation action, but compliance with customary law could be tested by breaking down the customary mitigation obligation into implied duties reflecting the measures that states would generally be expected to take when exercising due diligence.
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly
- Allan Dafoe, Samuel Liu, Brian O'Keefe, & Jessica Chen Weiss, Provocation, Public Opinion, and International Disputes: Evidence from China
- David Brenner & Martina Tazzioli, Defending Society, Building the Nation: Rebel Governance as Competing Biopolitics
- Stephanie J Rickard, Interests, Institutions, and the Environment: An Examination of Fisheries Subsidies
- Scott Radnitz, Solidarity through Cynicism? The Influence of Russian Conspiracy Narratives AbroadGet accessArrow
- Mirko Heinzel, International Bureaucrats and Organizational Performance. Country-Specific Knowledge and Sectoral Knowledge in World Bank Projects
- Lourdes Aguas & Stephen Pampinella, The Embodiment of Hegemony: Diplomatic Practices in the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry
- Benjamin S Day & Alister Wedderburn, Wrestlemania! Summit Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Performance after Trump
- Anne-Kathrin Kreft & Philipp Schulz, Political Agency, Victimhood, and Gender in Contexts of Armed Conflict: Moving beyond Dichotomies
- Sabrina B Arias, Who Securitizes? Climate Change Discourse in the United Nations
- Tyler Jost, Kaine Meshkin, & Robert Schub, The Character and Origins of Military Attitudes on the Use of Force
- Pedro Seabra & Rafael Mesquita, Beyond Roll-Call Voting: Sponsorship Dynamics at the UN General Assembly
- Clara Egger & Doris Schopper, Organizations Involved in Humanitarian Action: Introducing a New Dataset
- Douglas M Gibler & Steven V Miller, An Appraisal of Project Mars and the Divided Armies Argument
- Bryce W Reeder, Michael Hendricks, & Edward Goldring, All Peacekeeping is Local: Measuring Subnational Variation in Peacekeeping Effectiveness
- Michal Smetana & Michal Onderco, Elite-Public Gaps in Attitudes to Nuclear Weapons: New Evidence from a Survey of German Citizens and Parliamentarians
- Rebecca Cordell, K Chad Clay, Christopher J Fariss, Reed M Wood, & Thorin M Wright, Disaggregating Repression: Identifying Physical Integrity Rights Allegations in Human Rights Reports
- Reed Wood, Gina Yannitell Reinhardt, Babak RezaeeDaryakenari, & Leah C Windsor, Resisting Lockdown: The Influence of COVID-19 Restrictions on Social Unrest
- Ned Dobos, Military Abolitionism: A Critical Typology
Salami: Implementing the AfCFTA Agreement: A Case for the Harmonization of Data Protection Law in Africa
The Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AEAfCFTA) is a revolutionary treaty of the African Union (AU) which creates an African single market to guarantee the free movement of persons, capital, goods and services. The AEAfCFTA is geared towards enabling seamless trade among African countries. The single market relies heavily on the processing of the personal data of persons resident within and outside the AU, thereby necessitating an effective data protection regime. However, the data protection regime across Africa is fragmented, with each country either having a distinct data protection framework or none at all. This lack of a uniform continental framework threatens to clog the wheels of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), because by demanding compliance with the various data protection laws across Africa, free trade will be inhibited, the very problem the AEAfCFTA seeks to remediate. These concerns are considered and applicable solutions are proposed to ensure the successful implementation of the AfCFTA.
New Issue: International Studies Review
- Niccolò W Bonifai, Nita Rudra, Carew Boulding, & Samantha L Moya, Globalization and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics
- Erik Voeten, Is the Public Backlash against Globalization a Backlash against Legalization and Judicialization?
- Edward D Mansfield & Jon C W Pevehouse, Nationalism, Populism, and Trade Agreements
- Quynh Nguyen, The Green Backlash against Economic Globalization
- Judith Goldstein, Wither the Trade Regime?
- Daniel W Drezner, The Death of the Democratic Advantage?
- Michael O Allen & Kenneth Scheve, Sustaining Capitalism and Democracy: Lessons from Global Competition Policy