British Institute of International and Comparative Law has issued a call for papers for new scholars for its
annual conference, to be held June 11, 2010, in London. The conference theme is: "Energy Security and Its Impacts on the International Legal System." Here's the
British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Annual Conference 2010
Energy Security and its Impacts on the International Legal System
The 2010 Annual Conference of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law will be held on Friday 11 June 2009 in London. The theme of the conference will be: ‘Energy Security and Its Impacts on The International Legal System’.
This Call for Papers is for new scholars to submit a proposal for a paper to be delivered at the Conference. It is designed to encourage new academics, doctoral and masters students, and new legal professionals. A list of panels and a brief summary of the issues to be addressed by them is set out below, though this is not the final programme. Papers on national and comparative approaches to energy security or on subjects within these themes, or more generally on the topic of energy security and international law are sought.
Interested persons should submit a synopsis (350-600 words) of their proposed presentation no later than Wednesday 24 March 2009 at 5.00 pm GMT. The synopsis should provide an outline of the proposed paper and should identify the argument to be advanced, and the major issues to be addressed. Proposal submissions should be accompanied by a short CV (no more than 2 pages). The submission should indicate the author’s name, institutional affiliation and contact details.
All papers should be sent in the first instance by email to Ms Orsolya Deák at o.deak@biicl.org. The proposals will then be considered by members of the Conference Steering Group. The outcome of the review will be announced in early April 2010. Unfortunately, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law will not be able to cover travel expenses for successful applicants.
Conference Panels:
Protecting Energy Investments in a Changing Legal Regime
The regime governing investment in the energy sector is undergoing great change. There are impacts on energy investments in many ways; their structure, the obligations on the investors including environmental and possibly returns. This panel will discuss these changes as well as consider the withdrawal of Russia from the Energy Charter Process in October 2009.
Energy Security: Territorial Limits and Nuclear Power
The desire by states for energy security has transboundary consequences. This includes negotiations over use of and access to resources and territorial boundaries. The use of some energy sources can have potential impacts internationally, especially the gaining and use of nuclear power. This panel will discuss these and related issues of public international law.
Energy, Human Rights and Indigenous Peoples
The nature of many of the activities associated with energy production, such as its exploration, facilities, transport, waste products and general development, can have impacts on those living nearby. In many instances, these are indigenous peoples, with cultures and practices that may operate in a fragile environment. This panel will explore some of the relevant issues in this area, including the responses of those involved in the energy sectors to human rights and sustainable development concerns.
Energy Production, Transport and Supply: Cross Border Private Law Issues
In the chain from production to supply of energy, multiple private law issues arise concerning contracting, joint activities, ownership of pipelines, transport fee claims, changes of supplier or adjustment clauses in contracts of supply. Several of these questions can have cross-border dimensions. This panel will shed light on how the various actors in the energy sector, including consumers, can avoid the pitfalls of private law in an international context.
Competition Law and Access and Security of Energy
The energy sector has undergone detailed scrutiny by competition authorities throughout Europe, with dawn raids, sector enquiries and threats of further regulation or market investigations. This panel will consider questions such as: How has the sector coped with these various demands?; How do regulators and counsel respond, whether through innovative access remedies in merger and other cases, detailed compliance programmes, environmental initiatives and the over-riding concern to ensure security of supply and fair pricing to all?; and how will possible changes to the regulatory regime itself affect competition, regulation and the constant need for innovation?