Saturday, March 18, 2023

Call for Papers: Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal Justice

The European Society of International Law's Interest Group on International Criminal Justice is organizing a workshop on "Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal Justice," to take place online and in-person in Aix-en-Provence on August 31, 2023, immediately prior to the ESIL 2023 Annual Meeting. The call for papers is here. The deadline for submissions is April 11, 2023.

Call for Papers: Business and Human Rights Research Workshop (Junior Researchers)

A call for papers has been issued for a "Business and Human Rights Research Workshop," to take place July 12, 2023, at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. This workshop is part of the conference “Towards a mandatory human rights due diligence: legislative proposals and lessons learned,” to be held July 13-14, 2023. The call aims, amongst other things, to analyze the content, scope and challenges of the most recent legislative proposal and developments in mandatory due diligence legislation. It seeks to provide a forum for junior and early-career researchers in the business and human rights field. Selected papers will be included in a special issue of the Spanish Journal of Business and Human Rights published by Editorial Colex. Proposals can be written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, with a maximum length of 3.500 characters. Submissions can be made here until April 28, 2023. Further details are here.

Call for Papers: REFORM of the UN minority rights regime

The Minority Rights Solidarity Network in conjunction with the Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research has issued a call for papers for a workshop on "REFORM of the UN minority rights regime," to be held on May 11, 2023, at the University of Sussex. The deadline for abstracts is March 31, 2023. Details are here.

New Issue: Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy

The latest issue of the Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (Vol. 17, no. 2, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Julien Chaisse & Xueliang Ji, Hong Kong’s Participation in International Dispute Settlement: Deviations from Conventional Sovereignty
  • Chao Wang & Taixia Shen, Implications of the EU’s Position on Trade Distortion for EU-China Trade Relations: From Selective Adaptation to Coordinated Compliance
  • Yan Cai, Eunmi Kim, Zhuoqi Teng & Yuantao Fang, Legalized Backsliding: The Product Under Consideration in the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement
  • Xu Qian, Rethinking Investment Treaties for Sustainable Development: From the “New Delhi Declaration” Principles to Modern Investment Law & Policy
  • Hyuntaik Lee, The Presumption of Conformity for Climate Measures: Reconciling the Climate Change Regime and the WTO
  • Tae Jung Park & Kil Won Lee, Modalities of Securing Policy Autonomy in Preferential Trade Agreements
  • Hui Chen, Adaptation of Lever Effect Theory to the New Context: A Re-Examination of the Relationship Between Agriculture Dispute Settlement and Negotiation in the WTO

New Volume: Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional

The latest volume of the Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (Vol. 23, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Doctrina
    • Rein Müllerson, Guerra en Ucrania: ¿cómo llegamos allí, hay forma de salir de esto?
    • Paulo Borba Casella, Tendencias contemporáneas sobre la opinio juris y la prueba material del derecho internacional consuetudinario
    • Carlo Carvajal Aguilar, La responsabilidad internacional de los grupos armados no estatales y el derecho de las víctimas a las reparaciones
    • Adriana Fillol Mazo, Los alimentos y el empleo de veneno en situaciones de conflicto armado: análisis a la luz de los medios y métodos de guerra prohibidos en el derecho internacional humanitario
    • Luciano Pezzano, La obligación de descolonizar en el derecho internacional
    • Jorge Alberto López Lechuga, Las obligaciones de los Estados poseedores de armas nucleares en las aguas internacionales incluidas en zonas libres de armas nucleares
    • Yovana Reyes Tagle, La influencia de la doctrina en el Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina
    • Ademar Pozzatti & Lucas Silva de Souza, A governança global da saúde entre hard e soft law: os desafios da responsabilidade social das empresas farmacêuticas
    • Luis Manuel Marcano Salazar, El principio de la legalidad y el juicio de Núremberg (1946): aporte a la doctrina del derecho procesal internacional
  • Comentarios
    • María Laura Fornasar, A denegação de homologação de sentença arbitral estrangeira com fundamento na ausência de imparcialidade do árbitro
    • Magdalena Bas Vilizzio, Reformando la solución de controversias inversor-Estado antes de la próxima sindemia
    • André Ricci de Amorim, Interfaces entre o direito internacional e o direito brasileiro acerca do acesso à água e a proposta de emenda à Constituição No. 4, de 2018
    • Luis Romano Damiani Pellegrini, Fundamentos teórico-conceptuales de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas: la teoría de los derechos humanos y el modelo social de la discapacidad
    • Jaime Cárdenas Gracia, Escisión y anexión de Estados. El caso de la República de Texas (1836-1845)
    • Rubén Leal Buenfil, Implicaciones jurídicas de la interrelación entre competencia económica y comercio internacional en Norteamérica
    • Tânia Alves Martins & Deilton Ribeiro Brasil, El desastre ecológico de la pandemia Covid-19: el cuidado de nuestra casa común desde la perspectiva de la ONU y los pueblos indígenas

New Volume: Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional

The latest volume of the Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional (Vol. 16, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Carlos Soria Rodríguez, La evaluación del impacto ambiental en el esperado acuerdo para la gobernanza de la biodiversidad marina fuera de la jurisdicción nacional y su previsible aplicación a las tecnologías para la obtención de energía renovable marina
  • Walter Arévalo Ramírez & Andrés Rousset Siri, Resistencia y retroceso (backlash) contra las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: Estudio de 11 casos de reacciones de los Estados a la autoridad del tribunal y la recusación de jueces en el caso “Bedoya Lima”
  • Ignacio Perotti Pinciroli, Derecho de las relaciones exteriores, Derecho internacional comparado y el papel de los tribunales nacionales en la justicia transicional: los casos de Argentina y España
  • Vanesa Menéndez Montero, Entre el mito y la legalidad: el delito de destrucción del patrimonio cultural en el derecho penal internacional
  • Doris Teresita Mendoza López, El nuevo orden jurídico internacional en materia tributaria

Call for Submissions: Anuario Iberoamericano sobre Derecho Internacional Humanitario

The Anuario Iberoamericano sobre Derecho Internacional Humanitario has issued a call for submissions for its fourth volume. The call is here.

Call for Papers: Who judges the judges? Oversight mechanisms in international dispute resolution

A call for papers has been issued for a conference on "Who judges the judges? Oversight mechanisms in international dispute resolution," to take place June 21-22, 2023, at the University of Oxford. The call is here.

New Volume: Anuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal

The latest volume of the Anuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal (Vol. 10, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Sección de Artículos de Investigación desde el Derecho Internacional Penal
    • Yoveslav Radoslavov Yordanov, Los Acuerdos sobre el Estatuto de las Fuerzas Armadas Extranjeras como límite a la actividad jurisdiccional de la Corte Penal Internacional
    • Ana Isabel Carreras Presencio, Esperanza en el sistema jurídico de Derecho Penal de la comunidad internacional.
    • Michael Méndez, Proceso de constitucionalización del sistema internacional: discusión teórica sobre sus avances y conclusiones
    • Maria Alejandra Pabon Acevedo, La limitada aplicación de la responsabilidad del superior jerárquico y sus consecuencias al derecho a la verdad en Colombia
  • Ensayos seleccionados del XI Certamen Blattmann, Odio Benito y Steiner
    • João Pedro de Souz, aExclusión de pruebas ilícitas e integridad de los procesos una interpretación del artículo 69(7)(b) del Estatuto de Roma y los precedentes de la Corte Penal Internacional
    • David Estévez Lledó, Los Derechos Humanos internacionalmente reconocidos ante la Corte Penal Internacional
    • Damaris Eliana Martinez Acosta, ¿Todos los caminos conducen a La Haya? Reflexiones de política criminal tras 17 años de examen preliminar en Colombia
    • Elena Carolina Diaz Galan, Matrimonio forzado y crimen internacional: una nueva tendencia normativa y jurisprudencial
    • Laura Cristina Acosta Reaza, Herramientas de la justicia penal internacional en la investigación local de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos
  • Ensayos seleccionados del V Certamen de Estudios Críticos sobre la Justicia
    • Miguel Alfredo Ledesma Chavarro, De la interdicción a la plena capacidad jurídica

Call for Papers: Ukraine and the Post-Liberal International Order after the Zeitenwende

A call for papers has been issued for a conference, in the hybrid format, on "Ukraine and the Post-Liberal International Order after the Zeitenwende," to be held June 15-16, 2023, at the University of Zürich. The call is here.

New Issue: Asian Journal of International Law

The latest issue of the Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 13, no. 1, January 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Notes and Comments
    • Yurika Ishii, Immunity Ratione Materiae of the Marines as Vessel Protection Detachments: A Case Note on the M/V Enrica Lexie Case
    • Prabhash Ranjan & Praharsh Gour, The TRIPS Waiver Decision at the World Trade Organization: Too Little Too Late!
  • Articles
    • Ai Abe, An Outstanding Claim: The Ryukyu/Okinawa Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination under International Human Rights Law
    • Wanshu Cong, Contesting Freedom of Information: Capitalism, Development, and the Third World
    • Vasudevan Shritha, Would the “Optional Protocol” Effectuate India's Due Diligence Obligation Under the Women's Convention?
    • Mohammad-Ali Bahmaei & Habib Sabzevari, Self-Judging Security Exception Clause as a Kind of Carte Blanche in Investment Treaties: Nature, Effect and Proper Standard of Review
    • Huu Duy Minh Tran, The Approach of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf to Submissions Involving Unresolved Disputes: Should It Be Modified?
    • Ignacio de la Rasilla, Looking Forward Through and Beyond the Western Classics of International Law
    • Megumi Ochi, The New Recipe for a General Principle of Law: Premise Theory to “Fill in the Gaps”

Friday, March 17, 2023

New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement

The latest issue of the Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Vol. 14, no. 1, March 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Béatrice I Bonafé, Unusual Source of Inspiration: Cooking International Law
  • Articles
    • William Hamilton Byrne & Zuzanna Godzimirska, Pleading for international law: assessing the influence of party to proceedings on legal change in international courts
    • Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan, Anna Howard, & Stavros Brekoulakis, Influence in investor-state dispute settlement: a dynamic concept
    • Kun Fan, Beyond law and politics: an empirical study of judicial mediation in China
  • Current Developments
    • Pietro Ortolani & Bas van Zelst, International commercial courts and EU law: easing the tension
    • Benjamin Salas Kantor & Carolina Valdivia Torres, Competing over the continental shelf: the legal versus the geophysical entitlements
    • Gracious Avayiwoe, Towards clarity: the ‘may be affected’ requirement and non-party intervention at the International Court of Justice

Margulis: Shadow Negotiators: How UN Organizations Shape the Rules of World Trade for Food Security

Matias E. Margulis
(Univ. of British Columbia - School of Public Policy and Global Affairs) has published Shadow Negotiators: How UN Organizations Shape the Rules of World Trade for Food Security (Stanford Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:

Shadow Negotiators is the first book to demonstrate that United Nations (UN) organizations have intervened to influence the discourse, agenda, and outcomes of international trade lawmaking at the World Trade Organization (WTO). While UN organizations lack a seat at the bargaining table at the WTO, Matias E. Margulis argues that these organizations have acted as "shadow negotiators" engaged in political actions intended to alter the trajectory and results of multilateral trade negotiations. He draws on analysis of one of the most contested issues in global trade politics, agricultural trade liberalization, to demonstrate interventions by four different UN organizations—the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (SRRTF).

By identifying several novel intervention strategies used by UN actors to shape the rules of global trade, this book shows that UN organizations chose to intervene in trade lawmaking not out of competition with the WTO or ideological resistance to trade liberalization, but out of concerns that specific trade rules could have negative consequences for world food security—an outcome these organizations viewed as undermining their social purpose to reduce world hunger and protect the human right to food.

New Issue: Journal du Droit International

The latest issue of the Journal du Droit International ("Clunet") (Vol. 150, no. 1, Janvier-Février-Mars 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Doctrine
    • Syméon Karaglannis, Les voies de circulation et les dispositifs de séparation du trafic dans les détroits internationaux
    • Valérie Pironon, L’adaptation des règles de compétence juridictionnelle issues du règlement Bruxelles I bis aux actions en réparation des préjudices causés par une pratique anticoncurrentielle
  • Variétés
    • Francesco Seatzu & Paolo Vargiu, Les agences de notation de crédit et leurs activités de rating, un re gard à travers le prisme du droit international public
    • Ludovic Chan-Tung, Le rôle des collectivités fédérées dans la politique climatique internationale des Etats-Unis

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Smith & Klinkner: Mass Graves, Truth and Justice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Investigation of Mass Graves

Ellie Smith
(Bournemouth Univ.) & Melanie Klinkner (Bournemouth Univ.) have published Mass Graves, Truth and Justice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Investigation of Mass Graves (Edward Elgar Publishing 2023). Here's the abstract:

Across the world, mass graves, often containing a multitude of human remains, are sites of human loss, suffering and unimaginable acts of cruelty. While no one mass grave or its investigation is the same, all mass graves contain evidence that is essential to the realisation of justice and accountability goals for victims, affected communities, states in transition and the international community.

This book tactfully examines this sensitive topic, demonstrating how mass grave investigations can be highly complex, context-specific, lengthy and expensive processes, requiring significant planning, coordination, expertise and resources. The book analyses the various processes involved in mass grave investigation from a number of disciplinary perspectives and a variety of geographical, cultural and political contexts, including Bosnia, Guatemala, Libya, Nepal and Rwanda. Chapters feature expert contributions from voices in the fields of forensic sciences, advocacy and the judiciary, along with world-leading international legal expertise on mass graves, their protection and investigation.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Symposium: The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems

On April 14, 2023, the Saint Louis University School of Law will host a symposium on "The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems." Details and registration are here.

Minkova: Responsibility on Trial: Liability Standards in International Criminal Law

Liana Georgieva Minkova
(Univ. of Cambridge) has published Responsibility on Trial: Liability Standards in International Criminal Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2023). Here's the abstract:
Establishing individual criminal responsibility for mass atrocities is the foundational principle of international criminal justice, but this process is highly complex, and is accompanied by political and legal dilemmas about its operation. The book examines the drafting, interpretation, and application of the rules for assessing individual criminal responsibility as those rules emerge from the intense contestations among judges, lawyers, and academics within the legal field. Focusing on the International Criminal Court (ICC), the book provides a rich analysis of the international debates around questions of criminal responsibility by interrogating formal legal documents and legal scholarship alongside more candid accounts (interviews, memoirs, minutes). These debates are of key importance for international criminal law and global justice because how criminal responsibility laws are construed in practice determines which conduct merits punishment and, ultimately, demarcates the boundaries of what are considered the 'gravest' acts that 'shock' humanity.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Symposium: Queer Liberation Under International Law

On March 28, 2023, the Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review and the Cardozo Journal for Equal Rights & Social Justice will host a hybrid symposium on "Queer Liberation Under International Law." Program and registration are here.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Workshop: International Legal Theory and the Cognitive Turn

On March 16-17, 2023, the University of Hamburg will host a workshop on "International Legal Theory and the Cognitive Turn." The program is here.

Call for Papers: The EU as a Regional International Organisation

The Asser Institute and the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies have issued a call for papers on "The EU as a Regional International Organisation," to be held December 1, 2023, in The Hague. The call is here.

Conference: Thirty-Ninth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law will host in the hybrid format the Thirty-Ninth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference on April 21, 2023. The theme is: "Energy Disputes in ISDS." The program is here.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Call for Participation: "New Voices in International Law" for ASIL Annual Meeting

The American Society of International Law has issued a call for participation for "New Voices in International Law" at the 2023 ASIL Annual Meeting. Here's the call:

The Society seeks to incorporate new voices into several of its panels for the upcoming Annual Meeting. If you are a young scholar or practitioner with particular expertise to contribute to one of the panels set out below, we would love to hear from you. By no later than Thursday, March 16th, please submit a short description of your qualifications and what you believe you could contribute substantively to the panel, (in 200 words or less) and a résumé or CV via this Google Form: Decisions will be made no later than March 22. New voice panelists are expected to attend the Annual Meeting in person.

  • Synergy or Dissonance on Business and Human Rights? The interplay between national practice and international law
  • Regulating States' Sovereign Rights under Today's Global Challenges
  • Beyond Greenwashing: Navigating the complex policy framework for green finance
  • Managing Climate Migration: Legal and policy considerations in approaches
  • Economic Statecraft or Economic Warfare?
  • Artificial Intelligence and International Law: Uncharted Territory?

New Volume: Asian Yearbook of International Law

The latest volume of the Asian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 26, 2020) is out. Contents include:
  • Seokwoo Lee & Hee Eun Lee, Korea: From Norm Taker to Norm Maker in International Law
  • Le Thi Anh Dao & Vu Quoc Tuan, Building an Agreement on Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction: What Are the Positions of Asian States?

Call for Submissions: Climate Change Law in Indonesia (Climate Law)

The journal Climate Law has issued a call for submissions for a special issue on "Climate Change Law in Indonesia." The call is here.

New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

The latest issue of the Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 26, no. 1, March 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: 25th Anniversary
    • Andrea K Bjorklund & Gabrielle Marceau, New (Paradigms In) International Economic Law
    • Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, The WTO’S Contribution to the Challenges of Global Commons
    • Kristalina Georgieva & Rhoda Weeks-Brown, The IMF’s Evolving Role Within a Constant Mandate
    • Lisa Jorgenson & Carsten Fink, WIPO’s Contributions to International Cooperation on Intellectual Property
    • Meg Kinnear, The Role of ICSID in International Economic Law
    • Chiara Giorgetti, The Transformation of International Organizations—Specialization, New Initiatives, and Working Methods—Some Observations on the Work of UNCITRAL Working Group III
    • Joost Pauwelyn, Taking Stakeholder Engagement in International Policy-Making Seriously: Is the WTO Finally Opening Up?
    • Lucinda A Low, Corporate Power and Accountability in International Economic LawGet accessArrow
    • Joel P Trachtman, Platforms and Global Governance: Globalization on Steroids
    • Mira Burri, Trade Law 4.0: Are We There Yet?
    • Reuven Avi-Yonah, International Taxation, Globalization, and the Economic Digital Divide
    • Meredith Kolsky Lewis, International Trade Agreements: Laboratories of Innovation or Propellers of Fragmentation?
    • Isabelle Van Damme, 25 Years of Law and Practice at the WTO: Did the Appellate Body Dig its Own Grave?
    • Valerie Hughes, Maintaining Relevance in a Much-Changed World: Reforming WTO Dispute Settlement
    • Manjiao Chi, International Regulation of Industrial Subsidy
    • Petros C Mavroidis & André Sapir, State Capitalism in the GATT/WTO Legal Order
    • Anne van Aaken, Investment Law in the Twenty-First Century: Things Will Have to Change in Order to Remain the Same
    • Federico Ortino, ISDS and Its Transformations
    • Locknie Hsu, The Evolution of the ‘Trade and …’ ‘Debate’—A View from ASEAN

New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 27, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
  • Barbara Mikołajczyk, Universal human rights instruments and digital literacy of older persons
  • Klaus D. Beiter, Why neoliberal ideology, privatisation, and other challenges make a reframing of the right to education in international law necessary
  • Audrey L. Comstock, The UN voluntary compact and peacekeeping abuse: assessing a soft law solution for sexual exploitation and abuse
  • Mehmet Faruk Kocak, Protecting the right to housing in the era of financialisation: four principles for urban renewal
  • Vera Lúcia Raposo, Health, privacy and liberty: a call for digital governance during (and after) the pandemic
  • Abby Kleiman, Climate displacement and human rights: rectifying the current legal protection lacuna through international and regional solutions
  • Marieke J. Hopman, The child’s right to freedom of expression in Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara