The Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law (EtYIL) is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes scholarly works of the highest standard in the field of international law broadly defined, but with a focus on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa region. The first edition of EtYIL is due for publication in 2016. All are invited to submit ideas, abstracts, and manuscripts by emailing the editorial team at For more information on the Yearbook and submission guidelines, click here.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Call for Submissions: Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law
Call for Submissions: Yearbook of International Environmental Law

Yearbook of International Environmental Law
Vol 26. (2015)
Call for Papers
Addressing Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals
The Editors of the Yearbook of International Environmental Law (YIEL) welcome submissions for Volume 26 (2015) on the theme: Addressing Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Once again the world’s leaders gather in Paris (30 November to 11 December 2015) in a Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to address the consequences of our present lifestyle: greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from human activities are now driving climate change at the highest levels in history with carbon dioxide emissions having risen by almost 50% (since 1990), average global temperature increasing (between 1880 to 2012) by 0.85°C and the global average sea level rising between 1901 to 2010. It is quite clear that the proposals offered to simply stall the degradation and mitigate its immediate effects go beyond the traditional solutions usually reflected in a ‘legal instrument’. The minimum measures required constitute a major interference with the economic and social structure of States and effectively the economic paradigm of our era.
A blueprint of such a massive intervention may be found in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted on 25 September 2015 in the UN Sustainable Development Summit (UNSDS) in New York. Essentially a sequel to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted in 2000, the SDGs are to be realized in an incremental, persuasive and leisurely way in a 15-year cycle. They include challenges as diverse as inequality in living standards, sustainable cities, clean water and energy, women’s empowerment, quality education, healthy lives, poverty and hunger. Interestingly, Goal 13 specifically addresses mitigating threats of climate change through strengthening resilience to climate-related hazards; integrating climate change measures into national policies, and improving human and institutional capacity. Although, it is supplemented by the commitment undertaken by developed States parties to the UNFCCC to jointly mobilize $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions, transparency on implementation and full operationalization of the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization, it is important to note that both developing and developed States undertake obligations relating to climate change.
It is in this context that the present call for papers invites contributions on climate change in the wider context of the SDGs with a view to enriching our knowledge-base and understanding of both the problems we may usefully address and the tentative and wide- ranging solutions offered in UNFCCC COP 21 and elsewhere. Papers may encompass empirical approaches, theoretical discussions and perspectives from practice.
Topics of interest for submission could include, but are not limited to:
1. Comments on the outcome of UNFCCC COP 21 (Paris)
2. Blueprint for Climate Change Action (Sustainable Development Goal 13)a. Approaches – mitigation and adaptation
3. Environmental Dimension of the SDGs
b. Mechanisms
c. Resources
d. COP 21 Outcome: Road Aheada. Concept
4. Global Conferencing Technique in IEL and SDGs
b. Process
c. Normative value
d. Institutions
e. Enforcement
5. “Collective Journey” - People vs. Planet
6. Monitoring SDGs - Commitments of OECD countries
7. Effectuation of SDGs at national and regional level
8. Lessons learnt from MDGs - Realism vs. OptimismSubmissions should be sent by 31st March 2016 to our Assistant Editor Stacy Belden (
Friday, December 18, 2015
New Issue: Michigan Journal of International Law
- Steven R. Ratner, After Atrocity: Optimizing UN Action Toward Accountability for Human Rights Abuses
- Annecoos Wiersema, Uncertainty, Precaution, and Adaptive Management in Wildlife Trade
- Kevin Kolben, Dialogic Labor Regulation in the Global Supply Chain
- Laurie R. Blank & Benjamin R. Farley, Identifying The Start of Conflict: Conflict Recognition, Operational Realities and Accountability in the Post-9/11 World
New Issue: Revista Tribuna Internacional
- Sergio Muñoz Gajardo, El trabajo de la Corte Suprema de Chile en el ámbito procesal internacional. Comentarios con motivo de la presentación del libro Derecho Procesal Internacional de la profesora Carola Canelo Figueroa
- Laura Araceli Aguzin, Impacto de las fuentes del derecho internacional en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina
- Leopoldo M. A. Godio & Julián M. Rosenthal, The Prompt Release of Vessels in Provisional Measures Procedures. New Trends and Challenges?
- Moisés A. Montiel M., La Responsabilidad Democrática en las Américas: Un mandato compartido
- Gladys Fabiola Morales Ramírez, Esfuerzos nacionales para la implementación de las sentencias interamericanas: La experiencia mexicana
- Giancarlo Mosciatti Gómez, Los argumentos estadounidenses para justificar el uso de la fuerza contra el Estado Islámico
- Virginia Petrova Georgieva, El principio Nemo iudex in causa sua ante los tribunales internacionales. Un estado de la cuestión
- Luis Valentín Ferrada Walker, La Antártica ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia: A 60 años de los casos Reino Unido c. Chile y Reino Unido c. Argentina
Madsen: The New Sociology of International Courts
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

- Kirsten Juhl, The politicisation of the missing persons issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Kalina Arabadjieva, Challenging the school segregation of Roma children in Central and Eastern Europe
- Benjamin Thomas Greer & Jeffrey G. Purvis, Corporate supply chain transparency: California's seminal attempt to discourage forced labour
- Sam Raphael, Crofton Black, Ruth Blakeley & Steve Kostas, Tracking rendition aircraft as a way to understand CIA secret detention and torture in Europe
- Patricia Lundy & Bill Rolston, Redress for past harms? Official apologies in Northern Ireland
- Reed Coughlan, Kathryn Stam & Lindsey N. Kingston, Struggling to start over: human rights challenges for Somali Bantu refugees in the United States
- Meredith Raley, The drafting of Article 33 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: the creation of a novel mechanism
De Baere & Wouters: The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law
- Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, Prologue: An Overview of the Contribution of International Tribunals to the Rule of Law
- Geert De Baere, Anna-Luise Chané & Jan Wouters, The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law: A Framework for Analysis
- Philippe Couvreur, The International Court of Justice
- Kenneth Chan & Jan Wouters, Constructing the International Criminal Court’s Rule of Law Identity
- Peter Van den Bossche, The Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization
- Philippe Gautier, The Contribution of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the Rule of Law
- Paul Lemmens, The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the Rule of Law
- Koen Lenaerts, The Court of Justice as the Guarantor of the Rule of Law Within the European Union
- Serge Brammertz, International Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law: The Experience of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
- Hans Van Houtte & Barbara Concolino, The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and its Contribution to International Law
- Daniel Fransen, The Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the Rule of Law
- Andreas Follesdal, Epilogue: Curb, Channel and Coordinate: The Constitutionalism of International Courts and Tribunals
Thursday, December 17, 2015
New Issue: Revista de Direito Internacional
- Tullio Treves, Coastal States’ Rights in the Maritime Areas under UNCLOS
- Victor Alencar Mayer Feitosa Ventura, Tackling illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing: the ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Flag-state Responsibility for IUU fishing and the principle of due diligence
- Luciana Fernandes Coelho, Reflexões provenientes do dissenso: uma análise crítica do caso Austrália vs. Japão perante a Corte Internacional de Justiça
- Tiago Vinicius Zanella, Os tratados internacionais de direito do mar e seus efeitos sobre terceiros Estados
- Carina Costa de Oliveira &Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Os limites dos termos bem público mundial, patrimônio comum da humanidade e bens comuns para delimitar as obrigações de preservação dos recursos marinhos
- Carina Costa de Oliveira & Luciana Coelho, Os limites do planejamento da ocupação sustentável da zona costeira brasileira
- Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau, Jorge Gomes do Cravo Barros, Pierre Mazzega, & Liziane Paixão Silva Oliveira, Correndo para o mar no antropoceno: a complexidade da governança dos oceanos e a estratégia brasileira de gestão dos recursos marinhos
- Alexandre Pereira da Silva, A Comissão de Limites da Plataforma Continental (CPLC) e os desafios na delineação das plataformas continentais estendidas
- Fernando Rei & Valeria Cristina Farias, O grande jogo do Ártico: reflexões a partir da perspectiva econômica à tutela ambiental
- Renata Brockelt Giacomitti & Katya Regina Isaguirre, Instrumentos Públicos e Privados para o dano ambiental causado por derramamento de óleo no mar sem origem definida: as manchas órfãs
- Marcelo D. Varella, A necessidade de repensar os mecanismos da responsabilidade ambiental em caso de riscos de vazamento de petróleo na zona econômica exclusiva no Brasil
- Inez Lopes Matos Carneiro de Farias, O Direito Internacional Privado e a Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual por Danos Ambientais causados por Transportes Marítimos à luz do Direito Brasileiro
- Joedson de Souza Delgado & Ana Paula Henriques da Silva, A fiscalização sanitária das embarcações em águas jurisdicionais brasileiras – notas acerca da (in)efetividade da Súmula 50 da AGU
- André Panno Beirão & Charles Piñon, A IMO e a repressão ao roubo armado contra navios: da retórica internacional à cooperação regional
- Maiquel Aneglo Dezordi Wermuth & Rafaela Corrêa, O Direito Internacional em face da pirataria em alto-mar: uma perspectiva crítica
- Eduardo Augusto Souto da Costa Schneider, Pirataria marítima: a experiência Somali
- Leonardo de Camargo Subtil, As interferências entre a política externa e de segurança comum europeia (PESC) e o direito das Nações Unidas
- Paul Hugo Weberbauer & Eugênia Cristina Ribeiro Nielsen, Introdução às regras de aplicação da convenção da ONU sobre contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias e o Direito Internacional Privado brasileiro
- Mariano De Alba Uribe, Drawing the Line: Addressing Allegations of Unclean Hands in Investment Arbitration
- Mateus de Oliveira Fornasier & Luciano Vaz Ferreira, A regulação das empresas transnacionais entre as ordens jurídicas estatais e não-estatais
- George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo, Para que serve a história do direito internacional?
- Stefan Kirchner, Outlawing Hate Speech in Democratic States — The Case against the Inherent Limitations Doctrine concerning Article 10 (1) of the European Convention on Human Rights
New Issue: Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional
- Ariel Dulitzky & Maria Daniela Rivero, Trabajo de orfebrería: Las relaciones entre la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y los Procedimientos Especiales del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas
- Carlos Espósito, Sobre plomeros y arquitectos sociales: elementos y problemas del fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre la inmunidad jurisdiccional de los Estados
- Hernán Gullco, El juicio por jurados y el derecho al recurso
- Sebastián Machado Ramírez, La controversia territorial y marítima entre la República de Colombia y la República de Nicaragua: navegando en aguas turbias
- Liliana Obregón, Carlos Calvo y la profesionalización del derecho internacional
- Marko Milanovic, Tratados de derechos humanos y vigilancia extranjera: La privacidad en la era digital
- Fernando Tesón, Falsa costumbre
- Mark Pieth, De las palabras a la acción: la experiencia de la OCDE en la lucha contra la corrupción
- Entrevista a Juan Méndez
- Entrevista a Alicia Ely Yamin
New Issue: The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals

- Special Issue: Latin America and International Adjudication
- Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, Introduction to the Special Issue
- Matthias Packeiser, Latin America in the Beginning of the 20th Century: A Turn to Adjudication?
- Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, The Challenges of the Judicial Dialogue in Mercosur
- Tafadzwa Pasipanodya, Government Regulation on Trial: Expropriation Claims against Latin American States at ICSID
- Marilda Rosado de Sá Ribeiro & Orlando José Guterres Costa Júnior, Global Governance and Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Importance of the Argentine Crisis for Future Disputes
- Giovanna M. Frisso, The Genocide Convention as a Human Rights Treaty: The Possible Contribution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice
- Eleonora Mesquita Ceia, The Contributions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the Development of Transitional Justice
- Bruno Rodrigues de Almeida & Raphael Carvalho de Vasconcelos, Socio-environmental Disputes within MERCOSUR: Lack of a More Meaningful Cooperation
Hilpold: The Security Council and the Fight Against Terrorisms: Does SC Resolution 2249 (2015) Lead to a More Grotian or a More Kantian International Society?
SC Res. 2249 of 20 November 2015 was intended to open up a new chapter in the fight against terrorism in general and against ISIS in particular. However, in academia this Resolution was received with criticism and stupor. First attempts to interpret this Resolution ended up in inconclusiveness.
In this article, after an analysis of SC Resolution 2249, it will be shown that the criteria developed for assessing jus ad bellum in inter-state relations are of no easy application in the relationship between states and non-state actors and in particular in regard to terrorists. If the prohibition of the use of force applies at all in this field this has to happen in a largely modified way. Fears that a lowered threshold for the use of force against terrorists will introduce a new “Hobbesian” element in international law do not appear to be justified. On the contrary, it is argued here that a state community showing more solidarity in the fight against terrorism will reinforce their Kantian traits. Res. 2249 can offer an important contribution for such a development to take place.
Dupont, Schultz, & Angin: Political Risk and Investment Arbitration: An Empirical Study
Investment arbitrations should not happen too often, because they are costly processes for both parties. Yet they regularly happen. Why? We investigate the hypothesis that investment arbitrations are used as a means of last resort, after dissuasion has failed, and that dissuasion is most likely to fail in situations were significant political risk materializes. Investment arbitration should thus tend to target countries in which certain types of political risk has materialized. In order to test this hypothesis, we focus in this paper on two drivers of political risk: bad governance, and economic crises. We test various links between those two drivers of risk and arbitration claims. We use an original dataset that includes investment claims filed under the rules of all arbitration institutions as well as ad hoc arbitrations. We find that bad governance, understood as corruption and lack of rule of law (using the WGI Corruption and WGI Rule of Law indexes), has a statistically significant relation with investment arbitration claims, but economic crises do not.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Chehtman: Terrorism and the Conceptual Divide between International and Transnational Criminal Law
Whether terrorism should be conceptualized as a transnational or international crime is a deeply contested issue in contemporary international law. What is more interesting, the terms of the debate are made significantly more difficult by the fact that the adequate distinction between these categories is itself a matter of controversy. This paper provides an answer to this question by precisely clarifying the conceptual and normative fault lines between domestic, transnational and international criminal law. Accordingly, it first provides a conceptual analysis of these categories and suggests that the key distinction between them is jurisdictional, ie it concerns the scope of the right to punish them. On this basis, it examines where terrorism fits in these categories and why. Unsurprisingly, the article argues that terrorist acts do not fit in one category only. The paper distinguishes four “varieties” of terrorism which are conceptualized along two axes, ie, national and cross-border terrorism, and state terrorism and terrorism conducted by non-state groups. Ultimately, it concludes that while the majority of terrorist acts conducted by non-state groups belong to the province of transnational criminal law, the majority of those perpetrated by state authorities should be conceptualized as core crimes of international criminal law. But what is more important, the article proposes a substantive criterion to explain why any such act should belong in one category or the other.
New Issue: Rivista di Diritto Internazionale

- Articoli
- P. Picone, Gli obblighi erga omnes tra passato e futuro
- A. Adinolfi, Disciplina del licenziamento individuale e fonti europee: quali limiti ed obblighi per il legislatore nazionale?
- Note e Commenti
- A. Cannone, L’ordinanza del Tribunale internazionale del diritto del mare sulla vicenda della Enrica Lexie
- S. Sonelli, Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e giudici nazionali nella giurisprudenza « trial and error » della Corte costituzionale
- L. Marotti, Sulla funzione consultiva del Tribunale internazionale del diritto del mare
- M.C. Noto, Atti di protesta violenta in mare: pirateria, terrorismo o fattispecie autonoma?
- G. Zarra, Conflitti di giurisdizione e bilanciamento dei diritti nei casi di diffamazione internazionale a mezzo internet
- Panorama
- C. Di Turi, Conflitto armato internazionale, diserzione e nozione di « persecuzione »: quali prospettive per l’obiezione di coscienza dopo il caso Shepherd?
- S. Marino, L’obbligo di rinvio pregiudiziale fra responsabilità dello Stato e circolazione della sentenza nell’Unione
New Issue: Revista Iberoamericana de Derecho Internacional y de la Integración
- Derecho Internacional Privado
- Renata Alvares Gaspar & Luciane Klein Vieira, La cooperación jurídica internacional en Brasil. Especial referencia al diálogo entre el DIPr autónomo y convencional y los derechos humanos
- Jonathan M. Brodsky, Repaso y reflexiones sobre las reglas de competencia judicial internacional directa en materia civil y comercial en el derecho comunitario europeo. A propósito de la reciente puesta en funcionamiento del Reglamento N° 1215/ 2012 “Bruselas I bis”
- Sebastián Paredes, Perspectivas desde un concepto moderno de cooperación jurisdiccional internacional a la reserva de Argentina a las notificaciones postales del Convenio de La Haya de 1965
- Derecho Internacional Publico
- Juan P. Bohoslavsky & Carlos Espósito, Persuasión y obligación. Sobre la normatividad internacional de los los Principios UNCTAD de Otorgamiento y Toma Responsables de Préstamos Soberanos
- Alfredo López Bravo, El Orden Democrático en el Derecho Internacional Público
- Claudio G. Morassutti, La validez del juicio de Nüremberg en el Derecho Internacional de la época
- Agustina N. Vázquez, Yukos vs. Federación Rusa. Laudos arbitrales, delitos económicos e impuestos
- Derecho de la Integracion
- Bruno Ayllón Pino, La dimensión exterior de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC). Avances en el diálogo y la cooperación extra-regional
New Issue: Human Rights & International Legal Discourse
- G. Corradi, Human Rights in Development and Development Cooperation
- A. Vandenbogaerde, Jurisdiction Revisited: Attributing Extraterritorial State Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- L. Verdonck, Human Rights in an Age of Economic Globalisation: The Case of the Mogalakwena Mine, South Africa
- G. Corradi, Human Rights and Legal Pluralism in Legal Development Aid: Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa
- J. Murillo Chávarro, Extraterritorial Obligations to Ensure the Enjoyment of the Human Right to Water in a Transboundary Context
New Issue: Journal of East Asia and International Law
- Issue Focus: Regional Trade Agreement in the Global Economy
- Ying Bi, Rising Mega RTA? China-Japan-Korea FTA under the New Trade Dynamism
- Eric Yong Joong Lee, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a US Strategic Alliance Initiative under the G2 System: Legal and Political Implications
- Yong Shik Lee, Regional Trade Agreements in the WTO System: Potential Issues and Solutions
- Articles
- Jaemin Lee, Collective Self-Defense or Collective Security? Japan’s Reinterpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution
- Arina N. Shebubakar, International Agreement or Private Agreement? Uplift Policy in Oil and Gas Taxation in Production Sharing Contracts between Foreign Contractors and the Indonesian Government
- Note & Comment
- Chao Zhang & Yen-Chiang Chang, Russian Absence at the Arctic Sunrise Case: A Comparison with the Chinese Position in the South China Sea Arbitration
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Foreign Investment Protection in China
- Francois LeSieur, Canada
- Yongmin Bian, China
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
New Issue: Transnational Legal Theory
- Special Issue: Transnational Criminal Law
- Jessica Roher, Nicola Dalla Guarda & Maryam Khalid, Introduction
- Neil Boister, Further reflections on the concept of transnational criminal law
- Cian C. Murphy, Transnational counter-terrorism law: law, power and legitimacy in the ‘wars on terror’
- Prabha Kotiswaran & Nicola Palmer, Rethinking the ‘international law of crime’: provocations from transnational legal studies
- Frédéric Mégret, The ‘elephant in the room’ in debates about universal jurisdiction: diasporas, duties of hospitality, and the constitution of the political
- Sabine Gless, Bird's-eye view and worm's-eye view: towards a defendant-based approach in transnational criminal law
- Ben Bowling & James Sheptycki, Global policing and transnational rule with law
- Michael Reed-Hurtado, International criminal law's incongruity in Colombia: why core crime prosecution in national jurisdictions should be included in analyses of transnational criminal law
- Nicola Dalla Guarda, Governing the ungovernable: international relations, transnational cybercrime law, and the post-Westphalian regulatory state
AJIL Unbound Symposium: Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction and the ILC’s Draft Articles
New Issue: Nordic Journal of Human Rights

- Sofie A.E. Høgestøl, Palestinian Membership of the ICC: A Preliminary Analysis
- Kristel Jüriloo, Free Legal Aid – a Human Right
- Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, Cross-fertilisation, Clarity and Consistency at an Overburdened European Court of Human Rights – the Case of the Discrimination Grounds under Article 14 ECHR
- Benedict Abrahamson Chigara & Chidebe Matthew Nwankwo, ‘To be or not to be?’ The African Union and its Member States Parties' Participation as High Contracting States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998)
New Issue: International Peacekeeping
- Special Section I: Bosnia and Herzegovina: 20 Years After Dayton
- Soeren Keil & Valery Perry, Introduction: Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 Years after Dayton
- Soeren Keil & Anastasiia Kudlenko, Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 Years after Dayton: Complexity Born of Paradoxes
- Valery Perry, Constitutional Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Does the Road to Confederation go through the EU?
- John Hulsey, Electoral Accountability in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Dayton Framework Agreement
- Jelena Džankić, The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Citizenship and Voting Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Special Section II: Peacekeeping and Technology
- A. Walter Dorn & Christoph Semken, Blue Mission Tracking: Real-Time Location of UN Peacekeepers
- Elodie Convergne & Michael R. Snyder, Making Maps to Make Peace: Geospatial Technology as a Tool for UN Peacekeeping
- Lisa Sharland, Counter-IED Technology in UN Peacekeeping: Expanding Capability and Mitigating Risks
New Issue: Journal of World Trade

- Erik van der Marel, Positioning on the Global Value Chain Map: Where Do You Want to Be?
- Gilles Muller, The Necessity Test and Trade in Services: Unfinished Business?
- Weihuan Zhou, Australia’s Anti-dumping and Countervailing Law and Practice: An Analysis of Current Issues Incompatible with Free Trade with China
- Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Kenneth A. Zahringer, & John Kruse, The Economic Impacts of Regulatory Delays on Trade and Innovation
- Holger Janusch, Labor Standards in U.S. Trade Politics
- Kasturi Das, The Protracted WTO Battle over a Multilateral GI Register: What Lies Beneath?
- Paolo Davide Farah, Elena Cima, WTO and Renewable Energy: Lessons from the Case Law
Monday, December 14, 2015
New Issue: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht

- Aktuell/Actualité
- Luzius Wildhaber, Krim, Ostukraine und Völkerrecht
- Peter Hilpold, Die Ukraine-Krise aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht: ein Streitfall zwischen Recht, Geschichte und Politik
- Artikel/Article
- Tim W. Dornis, Die Theorie der local data: dogmatische Bruchstelle im klassischen IPR
- Claude Schenker, L’application provisoire des traités : Droit et pratique suisses
New Issue: Asian International Arbitration Journal

- Dongdoo Choi, Choice of Law Rules Applicable For International Arbitration Agreements
- Saad Badah, Rules Relevant to the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Kuwait
- Harsh Hari Haran, Anti-Suit Injunctions Issued by National Courts In Favour of Arbitration: Need for Greater Judicial Restraint
- Michael Dunmore, A Brief Overview of The Key Sources of Power in International Arbitration
- Yvette Anthony & Nish Shetty, The Sanum Case: A Comparison between ICSID and Ad Hoc Investment Treaty Arbitration Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic v Sanum Investments Ltd [2015] 2 SLR 322
New Issue: Ethics & International Affairs

- Essays
- Alexander Betts, The Normative Terrain of the Global Refugee Regime
- Andrej Zwitter, Big Data and International Relations
- Roundtable: Change and Continuity in Global Governance
- Thomas G. Weiss & Rorden Wilkinson, Introduction: Drivers and Change in Global Governance
- Thomas G. Weiss & Rorden Wilkinson, Change and Continuity in Global Governance
- Roland Paris, Global Governance and Power Politics: Back to Basics
- Catherine Weaver, The Rise of China: Continuity or Change in the Global Governance of Development?
- Susan Park, Governing the Environment: Three Motivating Factors
- Craig N. Murphy, Voluntary Standard Setting: Drivers and Consequences
- Feature
- James Pattison, The Ethics of Arming Rebels
- Review Essays
- Michael Garcia Bochenek, Children's Rights as Human Rights
- Deen Chatterjee, Justice for All: The Promise of Democracy in the Global Age
Sunday, December 13, 2015
New Issue: International Studies Quarterly

- David Lindsey, Military Strategy, Private Information, and War
- Isa Camyar & Bahar Ulupinar, War and the Sectoral Distribution of Wealth: Evidence from United States Firms
- Anup Phayal, Prabin B. Khadka & Clayton L. Thyne, What Makes an Ex-Combatant Happy? A Micro-Analysis of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in South Sudan
- Theodore McLauchlin, Desertion and Collective Action in Civil Wars
- J. Michael Greig, Rebels at the Gates: Civil War Battle Locations, Movement, and Openings for Diplomacy
- Paul Staniland, Armed Groups and Militarized Elections
- Marcus Holmes, Believing This and Alieving That: Theorizing Affect and Intuitions in International Politics
- Lise Morjé Howard, US Foreign Policy Habits in Ethnic Conflict
- William Spaniel & Bradley C. Smith, Sanctions, Uncertainty, and Leader Tenure
- Rachel L. Wellhausen, Bondholders vs. Direct Investors? Competing Responses to Expropriation
- Leonardo Baccini, Andreas Dür & Manfred Elsig, The Politics of Trade Agreement Design: Revisiting the Depth–Flexibility Nexus
- Andrey Tomashevskiy, Capital Preferences: International Capital and Government Partisanship
- Wen-Chin Wu, When do Dictators Decide to Liberalize Trade Regimes? Inequality and Trade Openness in Authoritarian Countries
- Cigdem V. Sirin & Michael T. Koch, Dictators and Death: Casualty Sensitivity of Autocracies in Militarized Interstate Disputes
- Michael Poznansky, Stasis or Decay? Reconciling Covert War and the Democratic Peace
- Tarak Barkawi, Scientific Decay
New Issue: Les Cahiers de l'Arbitrage

- Doctrine – Débats
- Peter Rosher, International Arbitration: a Fixed Star in the Orbit of Private Satellite Industry Disputes?
- Hugo Barbier, Faut-il un statut spécial au Président du tribunal arbitral ?
- Dominic Pellew, The Effect of the EU Russia-Related Sanctions on Arbitrators and Arbitral Institutions