- Thomas Schultz, The Evolution of International Arbitration as an Academic Field
- Thomas Schultz, Arbitral Decision-Making: Legal Realism and Law & Economics
- Bryan Mercurio, Safeguarding Public Welfare?—Intellectual Property Rights, Health and the Evolution of Treaty Drafting in International Investment Agreements
- Tamar Meshel, Human Rights in Investor-State Arbitration: The Human Right to Water and Beyond
- Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu & Collins C. Ajibo, ICSID Annulment Procedure and the WTO Appellate System: The Case for an Appellate System for Investment Arbitration
- Joshua Paine, The Project of System-Internal Reform in International Investment Law: An Appraisal
- John Lee, Resolving Concerns of Treaty Shopping in International Investment Arbitration
- Inna Uchkunova & Oleg Temnikov, The Availability of Moral Damages to Investors and to Host States in ICSID Arbitration
- Berk Demirkol, Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Qingxiu Bu, Neither Rock Nor Hard Place? The Foreign Sovereign Compulsion Defence in Antitrust Litigation
Saturday, June 27, 2015
New Issue: Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Friday, June 26, 2015
Symposium: WTO EC—Seal Products Case
Conference: Indicators and the Ecology of Governance
This conference has three objectives: to take stock of and analyze key ideas from very recent work in the field of indicators and governance; to bring together interested scholars and celebrate the launch of several recent books on indicators in global governance; and above all to explore promising directions in current and future research, with a particular focus on the dynamics or ecology of governance in which indicators are one of several competing technologies.
This conference builds on research by NYU Law faculty on the general phenomenon of global governance as well as in fields such as trafficking, rule of law and corruption. Much of this work takes place under the rubric of two ongoing projects of the Institute for International Law and Justice: Inter-Institutional Relations in Global Law and Governance, and Indicators as a Technology of Global Governance.
New Issue: Journal on the Use of Force and International Law
- Editorial Comment
- Tom Ruys, From passé simple to futur imparfait? A response to Verdebout
- Articles
- Olivier Corten, The Russian intervention in the Ukrainian crisis: was jus contra bellum ‘confirmed rather than weakened’?
- Jennifer Trahan, Defining the ‘grey area’ where humanitarian intervention may not be fully legal, but is not the crime of aggression
- Raphaël van Steenberghe, State practice and the evolution of the law of self-defence: clarifying the methodological debate
- James A. Green, The ratione temporis elements of self-defence
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Special Issue: International Economic Law, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
- Special Issue: International Economic Law, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
- Julio Faundez & Celine Tan, Introduction: international economic law, natural resources and sustainable development
- Lorenzo Cotula, Property in a shrinking planet: fault lines in international human rights and investment law
- Fiona Smith, Natural resources and global value chains: What role for the WTO?
- David M. Ong, Regulating environmental responsibility for the multinational oil industry: continuing challenges for international law
- Celine Tan, Risky business: political risk insurance and the law and governance of natural resources
- Sam Adelman, Tropical forests and climate change: a critique of green governmentality
New Issue: Journal of International Organizations Studies
- Anna Ohanyan, On Networks, International Organizations, and Institutional Hegemony
- James Meernik, Kimi King, Melissa McKay, & Rosa Aloisi, Judicial Voting Behavior at the Appeals Chamber of the International Tribunals
- Michel Dupuy, Plurilateralism: The Key to Saving the World Trade Organization and Boosting Global Trade Liberalization?
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights
- Special Issue: National Security and Public Health: Human Rights in conflict
- Myriam Feinberg, Laura Niada-Avshalom & Brigit Toebes, National security and public health: exceptions to human rights?
- Myriam Feinberg, International counterterrorism – national security and human rights: conflicts of norms or checks and balances?
- Dimitrios Kagiaros, Protecting ‘national security’ whistleblowers in the Council of Europe: an evaluation of three approaches on how to balance national security with freedom of expression
- Jonathan Hafetz, Resisting accountability: transitional justice in the post-9/11 United States
- Solon Solomon, From the barrier to refugee law: national security's transformation from a balancing right to a background element in the realms of Israeli constitutionalism
- Michael Crowley & Malcolm Dando, The use of incapacitating chemical agent weapons in law enforcement
- Brigit Toebes, Human rights and public health: towards a balanced relationship
- Andraž Zidar, WHO International Health Regulations and human rights: from allusions to inclusion
- Laura Niada-Avshalom, Some scepticism on the right to health: the case of the provision of medicines
Gauci, Giuffré, & Tsourdi: Exploring the Boundaries of Refugee Law: Current Protection Challenges
- Guy Goodwin-Gill, Current Challenges in Refugee Law
- Jessica Schultz, The European Court of Human Rights and Internal Relocation: An Unduly Harsh Standard?
- Mariagiulia Giuffré, Access to Protection: Negotiating Rights and Diplomatic Assurances under Memoranda of Understanding
- Daniel Ghezelbash, Lessons in Exclusion: Interdiction and Extraterritorial Processing of Asylum Seekers in the United States and Australia
- Luisa Feline Freier, A liberal paradigm shift? A Critical Appraisal of Recent Trends in Latin American asylum legislation
- Stefania Barichello, The evolving system of refugees’ protection in Latin America
- Jean-Pierre Gauci, Why Trafficked Persons need Asylum
- Meltem Ineli Ciger, Revisiting Temporary protection as a Protection Option to Manage Mass Influx Situations
- Andrea Pacheco Pacífico & Érika Pires Ramos, Humanitarian Asylum for Forced Migrants: the case of Haitians’ arrival in Brazil
- Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi, Qualifying for International Protection in the EU: New Understandings of the 1951 Convention and beyond
- Emma Borland, Unmerited Restrictions on Access to Justice for Asylum Seekers
- Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler, Out-of-Country Voting: The Predicament of the Recognised Refugee
- Emily Darling, Australia's Refugee and Humanitarian Family Reunion Programme - a Comparative Study with the European Union
New Issue: Diritti umani e diritto internazionale
- Studi: Diritti umani e diritto internazionale privato e processuale: pluralismo, relativismo e flessibilità
- Laurence Sinopoli, Circulation des décisions de justice et procès équitable: les hésitations de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme
- Il Caso
- Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, La sentenza n. 238 del 2014 della Corte costituzionale ed i suoi possibili effetti sul diritto internazionale
- Giuseppe Cataldi, La Corte costituzionale e il ricorso ai ‘contro-limiti’ nel rapporto tra consuetudini internazionali e diritti fondamentali: oportet ut scandala eveniant
- Pietro Pustorino, La sentenza n. 238 del 2014 della Corte costituzionale: limiti e prospettive nell’ottica della giurisprudenza italiana
- Elena Sciso, La regola sulla immunità giurisdizionale dello Stato davanti alla Corte costituzionale
- Paola Parolari, Velo integrale e rispetto per le differenze nella giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani: il caso S.A.S. c. Francia
- Massimo Starita, La sentenza della Grande Camera della Corte europea dei diritti umani nel caso S.A.S. c. Francia: una ‘sentenza-monito’, ma di che tipo?
- Interventi
- Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, L’Unione europea e il controllo esterno della protezione dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali in Europa. La barriera elevata dalla Corte di giustizia
- Giulia Borgna, La prassi delle decisioni di inammissibilità della Corte europea al vaglio del Comitato ONU dei diritti umani: rischio di un ‘cortocircuito’ fra i due sistemi di protezione?
- Annalisa Ciampi, Il meccanismo di cooperazione della Corte penale internazionale alla prova dei fatti: che cosa, e perché, non ha funzionato
- Osservatorio
- Federica Favuzza, Recenti sviluppi in materia di diritto alla libertà e alla sicurezza personale: il General Comment No. 35 del Comitato dei diritti umani
- Ornella Feraci, La tutela ‘indiretta’ dell’art. 6, par. 1, CEDU in tema di processo contumaciale civile con riguardo all’efficacia delle decisioni straniere rese da giudici di Stati membri dell’Unione europea
- Sara Tonolo, Identità personale, maternità surrogata e superiore interesse del minore nella più recente giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo
- Emanuele Sommario, Sull’applicazione concorrente della Convenzione europea per i diritti umani e del diritto internazionale umanitario: il caso Hassan
- Antonio Marchesi, Il caso Reverberi e gli attuali limiti della collaborazione italiana alla punizione di crimini internazionali
- Rossana Palladino, La ‘derogabilità’ del ‘sistema Dublino’ dell’UE nella sentenza Tarakhel della Corte europea: dalle ‘deficienze sistemiche’ ai ‘seri dubbi sulle attuali capacità del sistema’ italiano di accoglienza
- Serena Bolognese, Il ricorso a garanzie individuali nell’ambito dei c.d. ‘trasferimenti Dublino’: ancora sul caso Tarakhel
- Ludovica Poli, La risoluzione n. 2177 (2014) del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e la qualificazione dell’epidemia di ebola come minaccia alla pace ed alla sicurezza internazionale
Minow, True-Frost, & Whiting: The First Global Prosecutor: Promise and Constraints
- Luis Moreno Ocampo, Prologue: The Prosecutor’s Use of Legal Policies
- Martha Minow, C. Cora True-Frost, & Alex Whiting, The Prosecutor Casts a Shadow: Convenor, Collaborator, and Law Enforcer
- David Scheffer, False Alarm about the Proprio Motu Prosecutor
- Leila Nadya Sadat, Crimes against Humanity: Limits, Leverage, and Future Concerns
- Robert H. Mnookin, Rethinking the Tension between Peace and Justice: The International Criminal Prosecutor as Diplomat
- Jens Meierhenrich, The Evolution of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court: Insights from Institutional Theory
- Alex Whiting, Investigations and Institutional Imperatives at the International Criminal Court
- Julie Rose O’Sullivan, The Relationship between the Office of the Prosecutor and the Judicial Organ: Conflict and Opportunity
- Patricia M. Wald, The Elusive Pursuit of Trust between Prosecutors and Judges
- Máximo Langer, The Archipelago and the Wheel: The Universal Jurisdiction and the International Criminal Court Regimes
- C. Cora True-Frost, The International Civil Servant: How the First Prosecutor Engaged the U.N. Security Council
- Christopher Stone, Widening the Impact of the International Criminal Court: The Prosecutor’s Preliminary Examinations in the Larger System of International Justice
- Jessica Lynn Corsi, “Managing Violence”: Can the International Criminal Court Prevent Sexual Violence in Conflict?
- Martha Mino, Education as a Tool in Preventing Violent Conflict: Suggestions for the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
- Martha Minow, C. Cora True-Frost, & Alex Whiting, Conclusion
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
New Issue: Review of International Studies
- James Brassett & Lena Rethel, Sexy money: the hetero-normative politics of global finance
- Lisa Maria Dellmuth & Jonas Tallberg, The social legitimacy of international organisations: Interest representation, institutional performance, and confidence extrapolation in the United Nations
- Luke Cooper, The international relations of the ‘imagined community’: Explaining the late nineteenth-century genesis of the Chinese nation
- Shiera S. el-Malik, Why Orientalism still matters: Reading ‘casual forgetting’ and ‘active remembering’ as neoliberal forms of contestation in international politics
- David Hughes, Unmaking an exception: A critical genealogy of US exceptionalism
- Jason Ralph & Adrian Gallagher, Legitimacy faultlines in international society: The responsibility to protect and prosecute after Libya
- Gregorio Bettiza, Constructing civilisations: Embedding and reproducing the ‘Muslim world’ in American foreign policy practices and institutions since 9/11
- Kilian Spandler, The political international society: Change in primary and secondary institutions
- Tom Bentley, The sorrow of empire: Rituals of legitimation and the performative contradictions of liberalism
Hameed: Legislation and Law on the International Plane
What is legislation? What is law? A great deal of ink has been spilled on these questions. In this essay I wish to investigate the answers that have been provided in international law. Two theses are advanced. First, there is a misunderstanding in international law about what legislation is. This can be seen, for instance, in the popular claim that the United Nations Security Council has begun to “legislate” on the international plane. The second thesis attempts to specify how this misunderstanding has come about; I suggest that international law writing tends to evince a more basic mistake about what law is. If these two theses are true, the literature on international law-making stands in need of revision.
New Volume: Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional
- Rubén Cardoza Zúñiga, El uso de armas químicas en Siria, un desafío para el Derecho Internacional
- Julio Jorge Urbina, Actores no estatales y externalización de las funciones militares en los conflictos armados: los contratistas privados ante el derecho internacional humanitario
- Fabián Augusto Cárdenas Castañeda & Oscar Orlando Casallas Méndez, Una gran medida de ‘opinio juris’ y práctica estatal al gusto:¿la receta de la costumbre internacional contemporánea?
- Rafael A. Prieto Sanjuán, À vous la terre, et à vous, la mer: à propos de l’étrange sens de l’équité de la cij en l’affaire du Différend territorial et maritime (Nicaragua c. Colombie)
New Issue: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales
- Estudios
- Jaume Saura Estapà, El estándar jurídico internacional sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo: Reflexiones en perspectiva de derechos humanos
- Joana Abrisketa Uriarte, La discriminación racial: un análisis comparado sobre el marco jurídico internacional y europeo
- Patricia Llopis Nadal, La necesidad procesal de la adhesión de la Unión Europea al CEDH: Un asunto que continúa pendiente tras el dictamen 2/13 del TJUE.
- Carmen Ruiz Sutil, Las relaciones sucesorias iberoamericanas a la luz de las soluciones conflictuales del Reglamento Europeo (650/2012)
- Silvia Feliu Álvarez de Sotomayor, Nulidad de las cláusulas de jurisdicción y ley aplicable a la luz de la Ley 3/2014 por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios
- José Rafael Marín Aís, Reservas incompatibles con el objeto y fin de la Convención para la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación Contra la Mujer. El caso de los estados islámicos
- Alicia Chicharro Lázaro, Respuesta internacional al desafío de la estrategia mediática del estado islámico
- Nuria González Martín, Sustracción internacional parental de menores y mediación. Dos casos para la reflexión: México (Amparo Directo en Revisión 903/2014) y los Estados Unidos de América (Lozano v. Montoya Álvarez)
- Ángel Sánchez Legido, ¿Podemos armar a los rebeldes? La legalidad internacional del envío de armas a Grupos Armados no Estatales a la luz de los conflictos libio y sirio
- Notas
- Francisco Javier Mena Parra, Democracy, diversity and the margin of appreciation: a theoretical analysis from the perspective of the international and constitutional functions of the European Court of Human Rights
- Beatriz Pérez de las Heras, La adaptación al cambio climático en la Unión Europea: Límites y potencialidades de una política multinivel
- Julieta Nicolao, Las migraciones en la agenda del Mercosur. El rol de Argentina en el Foro Especializado Migratorio
New Issue: Chinese Journal of International Law
- Articles
- Peter Hilpold, Ukraine, Crimea and New International Law: Balancing International Law with Arguments Drawn from History
- Su Jinyuan, The East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone and International Law
- Bradly J. Condon, Climate Change and International Investment Agreements
- Jaemin Lee, Putting a Square Peg into a Round Hole? Assessment of the “Umbrella Clause” from the Perspective of Public International Law
- Comment
- Sienho Yee, Report on the ILC Project on “Identification of Customary International Law”
- Letters to the Editor
- Ma Xinmin What Kind of Internet Order Do We Need?
- Chao Zhang & Yen-Chiang Chang, The Russian Federation Refuses to Appear before the ITLOS and the Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal
- Henry Hailong Jia, The Legitimacy of Exceptions Containing Exceptions in WTO Law: Some Thoughts on EC – Seal Products
Conference: The European Convention on Human Rights and General International Law (Video)
Monday, June 22, 2015
New Issue: International Studies Review
- Joseph MacKay & Jamie Levin, Hanging Out in International Politics: Two Kinds of Explanatory Political Ethnography for IR
- Juliet Kaarbo, A Foreign Policy Analysis Perspective on the Domestic Politics Turn in IR Theory
- David Maher, The Fatal Attraction of Civil War Economies: Foreign Direct Investment and Political Violence, A Case Study of Colombia
- Ilai Z. Saltzman, Honor as Foreign Policy: The Case of Israel, Turkey, and the Mavi Marmara
- Sanjoy Banerjee, Rules, Agency, and International Structuration
Ambrus & Wessel: Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law
Teubner: Exogenous self-binding: How national and international courts contribute to transnational constitutionalization
How a constitution deals with its foundational paradox – this issue is not restricted to the state constitution alone, but is also and pertinently applicable to the constitutions of other social systems. The starting point is Niklas Luhmann’s argument, that the law, with the aid of the state constitution, externalises its original paradox towards politics, while politics externalises its own towards the law. Over and above this, the question will be raised about whether – and if so, how – the law also purses a comparable deparadoxisation vis-à-vis other social subsystems. Meanwhile, the same question is asked, but now in the opposite direction, about whether other social systems also behave like politics, externalising their paradoxes towards the law with the aid of a constitution, or whether they employ alternative deparadoxisations. Both of these lead to the concluding question, regarding which subsequent problems are generated by those externalisations. The differences between various approaches to deparadoxisation may possibly clarify four questions, so: why is judge-made law developing new prominence transnationally? Under what conditions will a particular kind of natural law make headway again against positivism even today? How is it that protest movements are shifting the sights of their protests? And for what reasons do social subsystems constitutionalise not in accordance with a standard pattern, but with clear differences of intensity?