The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 19, no. 4, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: National Security and Public Health: Human Rights in conflict
Myriam Feinberg, Laura Niada-Avshalom & Brigit Toebes, National security and public health: exceptions to human rights?
Myriam Feinberg, International counterterrorism – national security and human rights: conflicts of norms or checks and balances?
Dimitrios Kagiaros, Protecting ‘national security’ whistleblowers in the Council of Europe: an evaluation of three approaches on how to balance national security with freedom of expression
Jonathan Hafetz, Resisting accountability: transitional justice in the post-9/11 United States
Solon Solomon, From the barrier to refugee law: national security's transformation from a balancing right to a background element in the realms of Israeli constitutionalism
Michael Crowley & Malcolm Dando, The use of incapacitating chemical agent weapons in law enforcement
Brigit Toebes, Human rights and public health: towards a balanced relationship
Andraž Zidar, WHO International Health Regulations and human rights: from allusions to inclusion
Laura Niada-Avshalom, Some scepticism on the right to health: the case of the provision of medicines