Millions around the globe are affected by the actions of non-state armed groups (NSAGs). Like states, NSAGs are bound by international humanitarian law (IHL) and are addressed by other nonbinding normative standards aimed at mitigating the harmful effects of armed conflict. Although a consensus is emerging on the importance of engaging NSAGs on these rules, they have not been included as participants in the processes that lead to rule development.
NSAGs participation in such normative processes is important for two main reasons, despite concerns of ‘legitimisation’. First, a self-regulatory compliance system such as IHL can only be fit for purpose if it is based on an understanding of the perspectives of the actors it regulates and the realities they face. Second, decades of experience and some evidence underscore that a sense of ownership of norms can be an important factor in securing NSAGs’ compliance.
This Brief proposes a strategic model aimed at the progressive inclusion of NSAGs in humanitarian norm development processes. At the very least, processes should consult NSAGs. Outcome documents, where appropriate, should not just address ‘states’, but ‘parties to the conflict’ (or similar) so that they can be endorsed by NSAGs. The model addresses potential sources of state opposition or apprehension and encourages the international community to find new ways of approaching these tensions and dilemmas.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Heffes & Somer: Inviting non-state armed groups to the table: Inclusive strategies towards a more fit for purpose international humanitarian law
New Issue: INTER – Revista de Direito Internacional e Direitos Humanos da UFRJ
- Gustavo Silveira Borges & Alfa Oumar Diallo, A filosofia africana do ubuntu e os direitos humanos
- Sâmela Pinto Brum Curtinovi & Aline Andrighetto, Atuação do estado brasileiro para com os refugiados e o conflito entre a normativa internacional e brasileira
- Cássio Eduardo Zen, Desafios do direito criminal internacional entre realpolitik e normatividade
- Renata Rodrigues Marmol & Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo, Diferença e risco: ensaio sobre encriptação do poder, racismo de estado e construção de subjetivações nas sociedades contemporâneas
- Alberto Manuel Poletti, Em direção a uma nova definição de cooperação penal internacional: da simples assistência à luta contra a impunidade
- Isabelle Cristina Moura de Lima & Bernardo Silva de Seixas, O estado democrático de direito e a operação acolhida: análise acerca do acolhimento dos refugiados venezuelanos no estado de roraima
- André Luiz Vieira Vieira, Pacifismo e guerra no pensamento político internacional e a construção de um direito humano e fundamental à paz
- Antonio Guimaraes Brito, Pensamento complexo na sociedade de risco e povos indígenas
- Juan Manuel Indacochea, Segurança e saúde no trabalho como direito humano fundamental
Correa, Furuya, & Sandoval: Reparation for Victims of Armed Conflict
Are victims of armed conflict entitled to reparation, which legal rules govern the question, and how can reparation be implemented? These key questions of transitional justice are examined by three scholars whose professional, theoretical, and methodological backgrounds and outlooks differ greatly. They discuss how regional human rights case law, international criminal law, the practice of ad hoc international bodies, and domestic practice give rise to a right to reparation. This right emerges out of the interplay between international and domestic law. The problems of mass claims, fragile statehood, and the high risk of marginalisation of particular groups of victims are addressed. The analysis is alert to the current backlash against international legal institutions, and to the practical constraints in making post-conflict law work. The multiperspectivism of the trialogical setting exposes the divergence and complementarity of the authors' approaches and leads to a richer understanding of the law of reparation.
New Volume: Yearbook of Polar Law

- Guy Green, Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Adoption of the Antarctic Treaty
- Marie Jacobsson, The Fundamental Principles of Polar Law
- David Leary, Blue Ice, Meteorites, Fossil Penguins and Rare Minerals: The Case for Enhanced Protection of Antarctica’s Unique Geoheritage – An International Legal Analysis
- Katharina Heinrich, Biological Prospecting in Antarctica – A Solution-Based Approach to Regulating the Collection and Use of Antarctic Marine Biodiversity by Taking the BBNJ Process into Account
- Osamu Inagaki, Legal Issues concerning DROMLAN under the Antarctic Treaty System
- Sakiko Hataya, Legal Implications of China’s Proposal for an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA) at Kunlun Station at Dome A
- Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, An Overview of the Antarctic Treaty System and Applicable New Zealand Law
- Xueping Li, The Déjà vu System of International Trusteeship in Continental Antarctica: A Textual Analysis
- Lynda Goldsworthy, Finding the ‘Conservation’ in the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- Denzil Miller & Elise Murray, Compliance Evaluation and Sustainable Resource Management in the CCAMLR
- Alan D. Hemmings, Challenges to Substantive Demilitarisation in the Antarctic Treaty Area
- Timo Koivurova, Lessons from the Finland’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council: What Will Happen with the Arctic Council and in General Arctic Governance
- Andrew Serdy, The Long Grass at the North Pole
- Jan Jakub Solski, New Russian Legislative Approaches and Navigational Rights within the Northern Sea Route
- Barry S. Zellen, Global Co-management and the Emergent Arctic: Opportunities for Engagement and Collaboration between Arctic States, Indigenous Permanent Participants, and Observers on the Arctic Council
- Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Some Icelandic Perspectives on the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Hema Nadarajah, Prevalence of Soft Law in the Arctic
- Rachael Lorna Johnstone, From the Indian Ocean to the Arctic: What the Chagos Archipelago Advisory Opinion Tells Us about Greenland
- Romain Chuffart, Sakiko Hataya, Osamu Inagaki, & Lindsay Arthur, Assessing Japan’s Arctic Engagement during the ArCS Project (2015–2020)
- Johnny Grøneng Aase, Henrik Hyndøy, Agnar Tveten, Ingrid Hjulstad Johansen, Hege Imsen, Eirik Veum Wilhelmsen, Trude Duelien Skorge, Alfred Ingvar Halstensen, Arne Johan Ulven, & Jon Magnus Haga, The Polar Code and Telemedicine
- Anna Petrétei, Corporate Behaviour towards the Upholding of Human Rights – Exploring the Possibilities of Human Rights Impact Assessment in the Sápmi Region
- Yu Cao, Communities’ Reflections on Oil Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Alexandra L. Carleton, Ethics of Observation in the Polar Regions
- Edythe E. Weeks, Lessons from International Space Law: The Role of International Relations in Governing Global Commons Regions
Friday, December 25, 2020
Bhandari: Human Rights and The Revision of Refugee Law
This book addresses the relationship between International Refugee Law and International Human Rights Law. Using international refugee law’s analytical turn to human rights as its object of inquiry, it represents a critical intervention into the revisionism that has led to conceptual fragmentation and restrictive practices.
Mainstream literature in refugee law reflects a mood of celebration, a narrative of progress which praises the discipline’s rescue from obsolescence. This is commonly ascribed to its repositioning alongside human rights law, its veritable rediscovery as an arm of this far greater edifice. By using human rights logic to construct the current legal paradigm and inform us of who qualifies as a refugee, this purportedly lent areas of conceptual uncertainty a set of objective, modern criteria and increased enfranchisement to new, non-traditional claimants.
The present work challenges this dominant position by finding the untold limits of its current paradigm. It stands alone in this orientation and hereby represents one of the most comprehensive, heterodox and structurally detailed reviews of this connection. The exploration of the gap between modern approaches and the unsatisfactory realities of seeking asylum forms the substance of this book. It asserts, by contrast, the existence of revolution rather than evolution. Human rights law has erased the founding tenets of the Refugee Convention, enabling powerful states to contain refugees in their region of origin.
Hansen-Magnusson & Vetterlein: The Rise of Responsibility in World Politics
The concept of responsibility has emerged as central to the study of international politics. This book explores the integral role of responsibility within the context of global crises such as the responsibility to address climate change, manage financial crises, and intervene with political conflicts. Vetterlein and Hansen-Magnusson address responsibility as a conceptual tool in its own right, existing at the intersection of accountability and legitimacy and spanning across governance sectors of the environment, business, and security. This practice-based approach to the study of responsibility maps similarities and difference across policy fields and reveals the diverse moral actors responsible for negotiating responsibility. The emergence of responsibility further implicates underlying moral values and policy-making within the context of global politics. The Rise of Responsibility in World Politics addresses not only individual agency, but also how questions of community play a role in broader negotiations around the meaning of responsibility.
Strong: Legal Reasoning Across Commercial Disputes: Comparing Judicial and Arbitral Analyses
This work provides important insights into how judges and arbitrators resolve complex commercial disputes in both national and international settings. The analysis is built from three major research sources which ensures that the analysis can bridge evidence of perception, behaviours, and outcomes amongst judges and arbitrators. A statistical survey provides a benchmark and point of comparison with the subjective statements arising from an extensive programme of interviews and questionnaires to provide an objective lens on the reasoning process that informs decisions and awards in practice.
The outcome, presented in Legal Reasoning across Commercial Disputes, is an evidence-based model of the determining factors in legal reasoning by identifying and quantifying approximately seventy-five objective markers for which data can be compared across the arbitral-judicial, domestic-international, and common law-civil law divides.
The methodology provides for a thorough and contextual assessment of legal reasoning by judges and arbitrators in commercial disputes. Legal Reasoning across Commercial Disputes investigates the level of sophistication and complexity associated with commercial arbitration relative to commercial litigation through domestic courts.
The study not only helps parties make more informed choices about where and how to resolve their legal disputes, it also assists judges and arbitrators in carrying out their duties by improving counsel's understanding about how to best to craft and present legal arguments and submissions. The study also addresses longstanding theoretical concerns about the legitimacy of national and international commercial arbitration by replacing assumptions and anecdotes with objective data.
The final part of the book draws together the various strands of analysis and concludes with a number of forward-looking proposals about how a deeper understanding of legal and judicial reasoning can be established to improve the quality of decisions and outcomes for all parties.
Special Issue: Grotius on the use of force: perfect, imperfect and civil wars
- Special Issue: Grotius on the use of force: perfect, imperfect and civil wars
- Randall Lesaffer, Grotius on the Use of Force: Perfect, Imperfect and Civil Wars. An Introduction
- Valentina Vadi, Perfect War: Alberico Gentili on the Use of Force and the Early Modern Law of Nations
- Camilla Boisen, Hugo Grotius, Declaration of War, and the International Moral Order
- Philippine Christina Van den Brande, ‘Remedium repraesaliarum’: The Medieval and Early Modern Practice and Theory of Reprisal within the Just War Doctrine
- Randall Lesaffer, Grotius on Reprisal
- Rotem Giladi, Corporate Belligerency and the Delegation Theory from Grotius to Westlake
- Dante Fedele, Grotius and Late Medieval Ius Commune on Rebellion and Civil War
- Raymond Kubben, A Prodigy Child of the Dutch Revolt: Immediate ‘Precursors’ to Grotius on Just Revolt
- Ville Kari, Hugo Grotius and the Classical Law of Civil War
Thursday, December 24, 2020
New Issue: Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

- Justin Hughes, The Charming Betsy Canon, American Legal Doctrine, and the Global Rule of Law
- Alan K. Koh, Shareholder Protection in Close Corporations and the Curious Case of Japan: The Enigmatic Past and Present of Withdrawal in a Leading Economy
- Gil Lan, The "Poison Pill" in the USMCA: The Erosion of WTO Principles and Its Implications under a US-China Trade War
- Alan M. Sears, Algorithmic Speech and Freedom of Expression
New Volume: Baltic Yearbook of International Law
- Juha Raitio, The “Thick” Rule of Law and Mutual Trust in the European Union
- Thomas Hoffmann, The Impact of Digital Autonomous Tools on Private Autonomy
- Peter Rott, Powerful Private Players in the Digital Economy: Between Private Law Freedoms and the Constitutional Principle of Equality
- Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez, Big Data and International Politics
- Éva Miskolczi-Bodnár, Big Data and Competition Policy in the European Union
- John M. Yun, Antitrust After Big Data
- Andris Tauriņš, Big Data Ownership: Do we Need a New Regulatory Framework?
- Ana Vlahek, Development of Consumer Collective Redress in the EU: a Light at the End of the Tunnel?
- Carlos Llorente, Consumer Protection in the EU Conflict-of-laws Framework
- Klemen Podobnik, Geo – blocking Regulation: Antitrust or Consumer Protection?
New Volume: Hague Yearbook of International Law

- Georgios A. Serghides, The Principle of Effectiveness in the European Convention on Human Rights, in Particular its Relationship to the other Convention Principles
- Facundo M. Gómez Pulisich, L’analyse de la question de l’extinction des traités comme résultat de la survenance d’une nouvelle norme impérative (jus cogens superveniens)
- Donette Murray, Flawed and Unnecessary: the ‘Unwilling or Unable’ Doctrine Pertaining to States’ Use of Force in Self-Defence against Non-State Actors
- Yannick Weber, United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the European Court of Human Rights: Conflict or Systemic Integration? A Case Study of Switzerland
- Janja Hojnik, Individuals’ Right to Property under International Succession Law: Reimbursement of Bank Deposits after the Collapse of the SFR Yugoslavia
New Issue: Arbitration International
- Articles
- Michel Menjucq & Laurent Gouiffès, The grapes of dispute resolution: arbitration and wine
- Carlos Molina Esteban, Hybrid (institutional) arbitration clauses: party autonomy gone wild
- Mel Andrew Schwing, Don’t rage against the machine: why AI may be the cure for the ‘moral hazard’ of party appointments
- Case Notes
- Martina Magnarelli & Andreas R Ziegler, Irreconcilable perspectives like in an Escher’s drawing? Extension of an arbitration agreement to a non-signatory state and attribution of state entities’ conduct: privity of contract in Swiss and investment arbitral tribunals’ case law
- Soumyajit Saha & Smriti Shukla, Resurrecting the debate on ‘due process paranoia’ in Centrotrade: Paranoia or Judiciousness?
- Recent Developments
- Darius Chan & Claire Neoh, To boycott proceedings or not? Recourse against arbitral awards on jurisdictional grounds by different categories of respondents under the Model Law
- Riddhi Dhananjay Joshi & Shashikala Gurpur, The Silent Spring of Human Rights in Investment Arbitration: Jurisprudence Constante through Case-Law Trajectory
- Ibrahim Shehata, The extension of arbitration agreements to third parties through the lens of Egyptian courts
- Chitransh Vijayvergia & Pavan Belmannu, Exploring the prospects of host-state counterclaims in corruption disputes
- Kate Apostolova, Portigon v Spain: new frontiers for financial institutions in investor–state arbitration?
New Issue: Journal on the Use of Force and International Law
- Special Issue: Military Assistance on Request (Part 2)
- James A. Green, Introduction
- Federica I. Paddeu, Military assistance on request and general reasons against force: consent as a defence to the prohibition of force
- Agata Kleczkowska, The meaning of treaty authorisation and ad hoc consent for the legality of military assistance on request
- Laura Visser, Intervention by invitation and collective self-defence: two sides of the same coin?
- Patryk I. Labuda, UN Peacekeeping as intervention by invitation: host state consent and the use of force in Security Council-mandated stabilisation operations
New Issue: Netherlands International Law Review
- Lloyd T. Chigowe, Allies or Foes? A Review of the Relationship between the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council
- Laura Íñigo Álvarez, The Obligation to Provide Reparations by Armed Groups: A Norm under Customary International Law?
- Jason Rudall, Green Shoots in a Barren World: Recent Developments in International Investment Law
- Prabhash Ranjan, ‘Necessary’ in Non-Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Indian Contribution
- Yuwen Li & Cheng Bian, China’s Stance on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Evolution, Challenges, and Reform Options
Call for Nominations: ASIL International Legal Theory Interest Group Scholarship Prize
The International Legal Theory Interest Group of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) invites nominations for an International Legal Theory Scholarship Prize, to be bestowed at the ASIL Annual Meeting. This year’s prize will be awarded for the best article or book chapter in the field of international legal theory published in 2020 by a non-tenured scholar based at an institution in the United States, as determined by a committee of experts. The members of this year’s committee are Adil Haque, Karen Knop, John Linarelli, and Elizabeth Rodriguez-Santiago.
Eligible authors must be based at an institution in the United States, non-tenured and in teaching for 8 years or less. Nominees need not be members of the American Society of International Law, and self-nominations are encouraged.
Nominations for this year’s award are due by January 22, 2021. Nominations should be sent to the IG Chair, Harlan Cohen, at, and include the nominee's name, a short statement describing their eligibility, and a PDF of the nominated article or chapter. An author may be considered for more than one eligible publication. Multi-authored works may be nominated if all the authors are eligible to enter the competition.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
New Volume: European Investment Law and Arbitration Review
- Sarah Z. Vasani & Nathalie Allen, No Green without More Green: The Importance of Protecting FDI through International Investment Law to Meet the Climate Change Challenge
- Elizabeth Chan, The UK’s Post-Brexit Investment Policy: An Opportunity for New Design Choices
- Alexander G. Leventhal & Akshay Shreedhar, The European Commission: Ami Fidèle or Faux Ami? Exploring the Commission’s Role as Amicus Curiae in ICSID Proceedings
- Brady Gordon, A Sceptical Analysis of the Enforcement of ISDS Awards in the EU Following the Decision of the CJEU on CETA
- David Sandberg & Jacob Rosell Svensson, Achmea and the Implications for Challenge Proceedings before National Courts
- Samantha J. Rowe & Nelson Goh, Resolving Perceived Norm Conflict through Principles of Treaty Interpretation: The January 2019 EU Member States’ Declarations
- Nikos Lavranos, The World after the Termination of Intra-EU BIT S
- Crawford Jamieson, Assessing the CJEU’S Decisions in Achmea and Opinion 1/17 in Light of the proposed Multilateral Investment Court – Winner of the Essay Competition 2020
- Robert Bradshaw, Legal Stability and Legitimate Expectations: Does International Investment Law Need a Sense of Proportion? – Joint 2nd Prize Winner of the Essay Competition 2020
- Florence Humblet & Kabir Duggal, If You Are Not Part of the Solution, You Are the Problem: Article 37 of the EU Charter as a Defence for Climate Change and Environmental Measures in Investor-State Arbitrations – Joint 2nd Prize Winner Essay competition 2020
- Cees Verburg, The Hague Court of Appeal Reinstates the Yukos Awards
- Bianca McDonnell, Theodoros Adamakopoulos and Others v. Republic of Cyprus, ICSID Case No ARB/15/49, Decision on Jurisdiction, 7 February 2020
- Alesia Tsiabus & Guillaume Croisant, Investment Arbitration and EU (Competition) Law – Lessons Learned from the Micula Saga
- Laura Rees-Evans, The Protection of the Environment in International Investment Agreements – Recent Developments and Prospects for Reform
- Crina Baltag, Investment Arbitration and Police Powers: Emerging Issues
- Anna Bilanová, Environmental Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration
- Gaurav Sharma, Environmental Claims by States in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Nikos Lavranos, The (ab)use of Third-Party Submissions
- Meg Kinnear, ADR in Investment Disputes: The Role of Complementary Mechanisms — Keynote to the 5th EFILA Annual Conference 2020
- Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, The Proliferation of Courts and Tribunals: Navigating Multiple Proceedings – 5th EFILA Annual Lecture 2019
New Issue: Journal of International Arbitration

- Johannes Landbrecht & Andreas R. Wehowsky, Transnational Coordination of Setting Aside and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards – A New Treaty and Approach to Reconciling the Choice of Remedies Concept, the Judgment Route, and the Approaches to Enforcing Awards Set Aside?
- Jan Frohloff, Per arbitrum ad astra
- Vivek Krishnani & Aiswarya Murali, ‘Minority Awards’ in India: A Low-Hanging Fruit for Judicial Interference?
- Mohammad-Reza Narimani, Nima Nasrollahi Shahri, & Navid Sato Rahbar, Arbitrability of Disputes Under Iran’s Bilateral Investment Treaties: Article 139 of the Iranian Constitution Reconsidered
- Gustavo Guarín Duque, The Termination Agreement of Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties: A Spaghetti-Bowl with Fewer Ingredients and More Questions
New Issue: International Relations
- Articles
- William C Wohlforth, Realism and great power subversion
- Fabrizio Coticchia & Francesco N Moro, Peaceful legislatures? Parliaments and military interventions after the Cold War: Insights from Germany and Italy
- Hannes Baumann, The corruption perception index and the political economy of governing at a distance
- Chiung-Chiu Huang, Interpreting Vietnam’s China policy from the perspective of role theory: independent role versus interactive role
- Benjamin Klasche & Peeter Selg, A pragmatist defence of rationalism: Towards a cognitive frames–based methodology in International Relations
- Jodok Troy, Legitimacy in the ‘secular church’ of the United Nations
- Christian Nikolaus Braun, The Catholic presumption against war revisited
- Debate
- Kristopher Norris, The drone threat to just war theory: responding to Braun
- Christian Nikolaus Braun, Drones are no mala in se: responding to Norris
- Forum on Nicholas Rengger
- Anthony F Lang, Jr, Forum on Nicholas J Rengger: Introduction
- Chris Brown, From serpents and doves to the war on teleocracy
- Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Nicholas Rengger and two wars
- Vassilios Paipais, Between faith and scepticism: Nicholas Rengger’s reflections on the ‘hybridity’ of modernity
- Nicholas J Wheeler, ‘A presumption of trust’ in international society
New Volume: Canadian Yearbook of International Law
- Articles
- Frédéric Mégret, “Do Not Do Abroad What You Would Not Do at Home?”: An Exploration of the Rationales for Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction over a State’s Nationals
- Manuel Galvis Martinez, Defection and Prisoner of War Status: Protection under International Humanitarian Law for Those Who Join the Enemy?
- Jean d’Aspremont, Comparativism and Colonizing Thinking in International Law
- Bernard Duhaime & Andréanne Thibault, Contestation sociale, liberté de réunion pacifique et d’association: quelles leçons tirer des expériences interaméricaines?
- Yunus Emre Acikgonul & Edward R. Lucas, Developments in Maritime Delimitation Law over the Last Decade: Emerging Principles in Modern Case Law
- Geneviève Dufour & Delphine Ducasse, “America First” and the Return of Economic Isolationism and Nationalism to the United States: A Historic Turning Point for International Trade Law
- José Manuel Velasco Retamosa, Commercial Use of the Emblems of International Bodies: The Case of the International Committee of the Red Cross
- Charis Kamphuis, The Transnational Mining Justice Movement: Reflecting on Two Decades of Law Reform Activism in the Americas
- Sandrine W. De Herdt & Tafsir Malick Ndiaye, The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment: Taking Stock and Prospects
Baetens: Identity and Diversity on the International Bench: Who is the Judge?
International courts and tribunals hold the power to decide on questions involving sovereignty over territory, grave human rights violations, international crimes, or millions of euros' worth of economic interests. Judges and arbitrators are the 'faces' and arguably the drivers of international adjudication. Yet certain groups tend to be overrepresented on international benches, while others remain underrepresented.
Although international courts and tribunals differ in their institutional make-up and functions, they all rely in essence on the judgement of a group of individuals, each with their own background and experience. Even if adjudicators' identity is not the only, and may not be the decisive, influence on their decision-making, the relative lack of diversity has an effect on the judicial process and its outcomes, which in turn entails broader implications for the legitimacy of international law.
This book analyses the implications of identity and diversity across numerous international adjudicatory bodies, focusing on a wide range of factors. Lack of diversity within the judiciary has been identified as a legitimacy concern in domestic settings, and the last few years have seen increasing attention to this question at the international level as well, making the book both timely and topical.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
New Issue: Journal of International Peacekeeping

- Special Issue: Overcoming the Hurdles to Accountability in UN Peacekeeping
- Yohei Okada & Nigel D. White, Overcoming the Hurdles to Accountability in UN Peacekeeping: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Yohei Okada, Deprivation or Circumvention of the UN’s Immunity: How to Cure the UN of Its ‘Autoimmune Disease’ in Peacekeeping
- Norihito Samata, Reconsidering Access to Justice within the Broad Range of Accountability of International Organizations: Quasi-Judicial Alternatives to the Judicial Review in UN Peacekeeping Operations
- Martina Buscemi, Misconduct Committed by (Civilian) Private Contractors in Peacekeeping Operations: The Direct and Indirect Responsibility of the United Nations
- Nigel D. White, In Search of Due Diligence Obligations in UN Peacekeeping Operations: Identifying Standards for Accountability
- Articles
- Alexander Gilder, The Local Turn and the Framing of UNOCI’s Mandated Activities by the UN
- Róisín Burke, International Law in the Buffer: Nagorno-Karabakh and Intractable Territorial Disputes
Heyvaert & Duvic-Paoli: Research Handbook on Transnational Environmental Law
This illuminating Research Handbook offers a detailed overview and critical discussion of the key themes and perspectives that characterize the burgeoning research area of transnational environmental law. It analyzes important sectors at the forefront of the field, including climate change and biodiversity.
Interdisciplinary and comprehensive, this Research Handbook provides stimulating and provocative discussions on transnational legal phenomena and the ways in which we can unpack their complexities. Bringing together varied perspectives from both leading and emerging scholars from around the world, chapters deliver methodological and conceptual frameworks for future research, whilst providing an original view on this emerging field of law. Contributors also pay special attention to the engagement of the field with multilevel governance and the involvement of non-state actors in legislative, regulatory and adjudicative processes.
New Issue: Manchester Journal of International Economic Law
- Marc Froese, The Doctrine of Universal Economy and the Regulation of International Trade
- Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmed, United Nations Model Tax Convention Article 5: The Predatory Ploy – A Neo-Marxist Mapping of the Permanent Establishment
- Pei-kan Yang, Patent Term Extension for Pharmaceutical Products in Free Trade Agreements and Policy Options for Mitigation of Health Implications
- Garvita Sethi, Fossil Fuel Subsidies and the WTO: ‘A Missed Opportunity’?
- Federico Marengo, Regulating Data Transfers through the International Trade Regime
Fijnaut & Larik: Humanitarian Intervention and Political Support for Interstate Use of Force
When can a state give political support to a military intervention in another state? The Government of the Netherlands commissioned an international Expert Group composed of eminent members from the fields of international law, international relations and diplomacy. The Expert Group’s objective was to examine this complex, topical and time-sensitive question and to consider whether the government should press for international acceptance of humanitarian intervention as a new legal basis for the use of force between states in exceptional circumstances. This volume is the result of those efforts. The Expert Group was led by Professor Cyrille Fijjnaut and consisted of Mr. Kristian Fischer, Professor Terry Gill, Professor Larissa van den Herik, Professor Martti Koskenniemi, Professor Claus Kreß, Mr. Robert Serry, Ms. Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Ms. Elizabeth Wilmshurst and Professor Rob de Wijk. Their thorough analysis and recommendations offer important insights that can aid governments in formulating a position on political support for the use of force between states and humanitarian intervention.
New Issue: International Organizations Law Review

- Gian Luca Burci, COVID-19 and the Governance of International Organizations: Open Challenges
- Miriam Cullen, Separation of Powers in the United Nations System? Institutional Structure and the Rule of Law
- Lorenzo Arditi, The Role of Practice in International Organizations: The Case of Government Recognition by the International Monetary Fund
- Graham Butler, An Interim Post-Mortem: Specialised Courts in the EU Judicial Architecture after the Civil Service Tribunal
- Richard Collins & Duncan French, A Guardian of Universal Interest or Increasingly Out of Its Depth? The International Seabed Authority Turns 25
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, The Attribution Decision Adopted by the OPCW’s Conference of States Parties and Its Legality
New Issue: Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy
- Robert C. Steenkamp & Cameron Jefferies, In Pursuit of the White Whale of Cooperation: The Ability of UNCLOS to Steer the Trajectory of (Future) Commercial Japanese Whaling Operations
- Ruiyao He & Yen-Chiang Chang, Strengthening the Legal Protection of Female Workers in Marine Fisheries—A Chinese Perspective
- Vasco Becker-Weinberg, South Korea Boundary Disputes in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea
- Chris Whomersley, The Principle of Exclusive Flag State Jurisdiction: Is It Fit for Purpose in the Twenty-First Century?
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Jean-Michel Marcoux, Transnational Public Policy as a Vehicle to Impose Human Rights Obligations in International Investment Arbitration
- Eric De Brabandere, The (Ir)relevance of Transnational Public Policy in Investment Treaty Arbitration – A Reply to Jean-Michel Marcoux
- Jean-Michel Marcoux, The Need to Make Sense of a Practice in Investment Arbitration: A Response to Eric De Brabandere
- Svetlana Yakovleva, Personal Data Transfers in International Trade and EU Law: A Tale of Two ‘Necessities’
- Matthias Vanhullebusch, China’s International Investment Strategy: Towards a Relational Normativity
Monday, December 21, 2020
New Issue: Journal of International Economic Law

- Harlan Grant Cohen, Nations and Markets
- Robert Wolfe, Reforming WTO Conflict Management: Why and How to Improve the Use of ‘Specific Trade Concerns’
- Victor Crochet & Vineet Hegde, China’s ‘Going Global’ Policy: Transnational Production Subsidies Under the WTO SCM Agreement
- Wolfgang Weiß & Cornelia Furculita, The EU in Search for Stronger Enforcement Rules: Assessing the Proposed Amendments to Trade Enforcement Regulation 654/2014
- Ming Du & Qingjiang Kong, Explaining the Limits of the WTO in Shaping the Rule of Law in China
- Jaemin Lee, A Story Half Told—Selective Benefit Assessment in the New US CVD Rule for Exchange Rates
- Jarrod Hepburn, Martins Paparinskis, Lauge N Skovgaard Poulsen, & Michael Waibel, Investment Law before Arbitration
- Ksenia Polonskaya, Metanarratives as a Trap: Critique of Investor–State Arbitration Reform
- N Jansen Calamita, Multilateralizing Investment Facilitation at the WTO: Looking for the Added Value
- Yueming Yan, Anti-Corruption Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Investor Obligations, Sustainability Considerations, and Symmetric Balance
- Chris Noonan & Victoria Plekhanova, Taxation of Digital Services Under Trade Agreements
New Volume: African Yearbook of International Law
- Fatsah Ouguergouz, African States and Investment Law and Arbitration – Challenges and Opportunities: an Introduction
- Arnaud de Nanteuil, La protection de la liberté normative de l’État dans les traités africains récents relatifs à l’investissement : quelques réflexions
- Aïssatou Diop & Paul-Jean Le Cannu, The Modernization of Rules for the Resolution of Investment Disputes: the Proposals for Amendment of the ICSID Rules and Their Relevance To African States
- Makane Moïse Mbengue & Stefanie Schacherer, Africa as an Investment Rule-Maker: Decrypting the Pan-African Investment Code
- Guled Yusuf, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Revisiting the Role of Restitution in Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Nicolas Angelet, La promotion des arbitres africains : pour une appropriation panafricaine du contentieux des investissements
- Fouad Sayegh & Yacine Rezki, Le café: graines fiscales du nouvel équilibre Nord – Sud
- Fatsah Ouguergouz, The Protection of Chinese’s Investments in Africa: a Brief Overview of Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
- Mathias G. Sahinkuye, The Contribution of the African Institute of International Law to the Promotion of Commercial and Investment Arbitration in Africa
- Tiyanjana Maluwa, Constitutional Regulation of Conclusion of Treaties in Africa: Selected Case Studies from Anglophone and Francophone Africa
- Najib Messihi, La République arabe sahraouie démocratique : Un État au sens du droit international?
- Zelalem Mogessie Teferra, Revisiting the Rule of Non-Refoulement and its Exceptions: Does Article 33(2) of the 1951 Refugee Convention Require the Application of the Principle of Proportionality?
- Anna Facchinetti, Judicial Dialogue in Africa and Europe: a Comparison in Light of the Effectiveness of the African and European Systems of Protection of Human Rights
- Udoka Ndidiamaka Owie, The International Criminal Court, Head of State Immunity and the Referral of the Situation in Darfur
- Pacifique Manirakiza, A Twail Perspective on the African Union’s Project to Withdraw from the International Criminal Court
- Vincent Zakané, Les Dynamiques de la Médiation dans le Règlement Pacifique des Conflits en Afrique
- Catherine Maia, The Security Council and the Use of Force: Between Military Power and Powerlessness
- Mutoy Mubiala, The Kinshasa Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Central Africa
- Fatsah Ouguergouz, The African Yearbook of International Law: A Quarter-Century of Contribution to the Development and Dissemination of International Law
Sunday, December 20, 2020
New Volume: AIIB Yearbook of International Law
- The Role of International Administrative Law at International Organizations
- Peter Quayle, The Modern Multilateral Bureaucracy: What is the Role of International Administrative Law at International Organizations?
- Part 1 The Legal Premise of International Administrative Law
- Edward Chukwuemeke Okeke, The Tension between the Jurisdictional Immunity of International Organizations and the Right of Access to Court
- Kristina Daugirdas & Sachi Schuricht, Breaking the Silence: Why International Organizations Should Acknowledge Customary International Law Obligations to Provide Effective Remedies
- Shinichi Ago, What is ‘International Administrative Law’? The Adequacy of this Term in Various Judgments of International Administrative Tribunals
- Damien J. Eastman, The Terms and Conditions of Employment of International Civil Servants: Implied Terms Recognized by the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal
- Part 2 Resolving Employment-Related Disputes at International Organizations
- Katherine Meighan & Gabriel Rodríguez-Rico, To Join or Not to Join: A Comparative Analysis of Joining or Creating an International Administrative Tribunal
- Rishi Gulati & Thomas John, Arbitrating Employment Disputes Involving International Organizations
- Fady Zeidan & Jean Abboud, The Global Fund to Fight aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria: The Journey of a Public-Private Partnership
- Nobert Seiler, Evolution of the Grievance System of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Lessons Learnt and Way Forward
- Part 3 The Role and Reform of International Administrative Tribunals
- Alice Lacourt, The Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal: The Evolution and Explanation of Changes to the Tribunal’s Statute
- Steven Hill & Nick Minogue, The Effectiveness of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in an Era of Adaptation: The Role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Administrative Tribunal
- David Eatough, Building an Administrative Tribunal of an International Financial Institution from Scratch: Lessons from the European Stability Mechanism
- Part 4 International Administrative Law and the Effectiveness and Integrity of International Organizations
- Brian Patterson, Pheabe Morris, & Brenda Costecalde Orpineda, The Manager’s Duty to Resolve or Report Misconduct: The Example of the International Monetary Fund’s Retaliation Policy
- Eric P. LeBlanc, Procedural Requirements in Staff Misconduct Cases: The Evolving Approach of the African Development Bank Administrative Tribunal
- Laurent Germond & Estelle Martin, Macro-Trends in the Performance Management of International Civil Servants and Their Legal Implications
Krieger, Peters, & Kreuzer: Due Diligence in the International Legal Order
Due diligence is a prominent concept in international law, frequently referred to in arbitral awards, court decisions, and in scholarly discussions on state responsibility. However, until now, the specific normative content and systemic relation of due diligence to rules and principles of international law has largely remained unexplored. The present book provides a comprehensive analysis of the content, scope, and function of due diligence across various areas of international law, including international environmental law, international peace and security law, and international economic law.
Sector by sector, contributors explore the diverse interactions between due diligence and area-specific substantive and procedural rules as well as general principles of international law. This book exposes the promises and limits of due diligence for enhancing accountability and compliance. It identifies the rise of due diligence as both a driver and signal of change in the international legal order towards risk management and proceduralisation.
New Issue: Revue québécoise de droit international
- Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : L’Europe et les droits de la personne
- Introduction
- Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, L’universalité nécessaire et inéluctable des droits inhérents à la personne humaine / The Necessary and Ineluctable Universality of the Rights Inherent to the Human Person
- I – La CEDH 70 ans et demain
- Jean-Paul Costa, La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Christos Giakoumopoulos, La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme au 21e siècle : en quête d’équilibre
- Catherine Lalumière, Quelques réflexions à propos du 70ème anniversaire de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
- Peter Leuprecht, La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme face à la contestation de ses valeurs fondamentales
- Dunja Mijatović & Anne Weber, The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights: An Ever-closer Relationship
- Guido Raimondi, La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme a 70 ans. C’est l’heure d’une retraite honorable ou d’une nouvelle jeunesse?
- II – La jurisprudence de la CEDH, entre constance et défis contemporains
- Roberto Angrisani, Données personnelles et surveillance massive : quelle protection face aux ingérences des autorités publiques?
- Xavier Bioy, La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les enjeux bioéthiques
- Philip Gaffet & Katia Lucas Geoffroy (Dublanche), Liberté d’expression des juges de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme versus secret des délibérations
- Mulry Mondélice, L’apport de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme à l’encadrement de la justice militaire sur le fondement des exigences de l’État de droit : entre humanisation et civilisation
- Sébastien Touzé, Si la compétence l’emportait sur le territoire? Réflexions sur l’obsolescence de l’approche territoriale de la notion de juridiction
- III – La CEDH et ses États parties
- Bill Bowring, Russia and the European Convention (or Court) of Human Rights: The End?
- Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen, Le Protocole n°16, entre théories et réalités du dialogue judiciaire
- Emmanuel Decaux, La France et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme : un peu, beaucoup, passionnément…
- Michel De Salvia, L’exécution des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Karine Galy, L’application de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme dans les outre-mer de l’espace Caraïbe-Amériques : entre intériorité et extériorité
- Catherine Gauthier, L’impact de l’élargissement du Conseil de l’Europe sur le système de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
- Vladyslav Lanovoy, La « responsabilité partagée » des États pour des violations de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
- Yannick Lécuyer, Monaco et la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
- IV – La CEDH et les étrangers
- Idil Atak & Ndeye Dieynaba Ndiaye, L’Agence Frontex : la police européenne aux frontières au défi du respect des droits humains des migrants
- Olivier Delas, La création du principe de non-refoulement en droit international des droits de la personne par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme : un chef-d’œuvre à protéger
- Kristine Plouffe-Malette, Quinze ans de jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme sur la traite des êtres humains : de l’affaire Siliadin c. France à l’arrêt de Grande Chambre S.M. c. Croatie
- Sylvie Sarolea, De Strasbourg à Luxembourg, quels droits pour les familles migrantes?
- V – La CEDH et l’Union européenne
- Jean-Claude Bonichot, Aspects récents de la protection des droits fondamentaux dans l’Union européenne
- Loïc Grard, Tableau général du processus de mise en œuvre de la protection des droits fondamentaux de la personne en droit de l’Union européenne
- Władysław Jóźwicki, May the other side also be heard? Some remarks regarding the chances for a response to Opinion 2/13 from the ECtHR on the awakening of the EU accession to the ECHR process
- Simon Labayle, L’appréhension des valeurs dans la jurisprudence récente du juge de l’Union. Une approche spécifique, au cœur de l’Europe du droit
- Sébastien Platon, CJUE et Cour EDH : la dialectique du maître et de l’esclave?
- VI – L’influence internationale de la CEDH
- Rafaâ Ben Achour, La Convention européenne et la Charte africaine : étude comparée
- Silviana Cocan, La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et le dialogue des juges
- Abdou-Khadre Diop, L’influence de la jurisprudence européenne sur le système africain de protection des droits de l’homme
- Louis-Philippe Lampron & Louis Lebel, Le droit européen des droits de la personne et la Cour suprême du Canada : une perspective canadienne
- Manon Montpetit & Emma Tardieu, La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et le Tribunal des droits de la personne : la réception de la jurisprudence de la Cour par le Tribunal
- VII – La CEDH et autres domaines du droit international public
- Julia Grignon, Thomas Roos, La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme et le droit international humanitaire
- William A. Schabas, Le droit coutumier, les normes impératives (jus cogens), et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
- Manon Thouvenot, La protection des droits sociaux par la CEDH : quid de sa sororité avec la Charte sociale européenne?
New Issue: Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions
- The Global Forum
- Kelley Lee & Julianne Piper, The WHO and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Less Reform, More Innovation
- Tine Hanrieder, Priorities, Partners, Politics: The WHO’s Mandate beyond the Crisis
- John W. Holmes Memorial Lecture
- Gro Harlem Brundtland, The UN @75: The Future of Partnership and Multilateralism
- Articles
- Matthias Hofferberth & Daniel Lambach, “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”: World Politics in a Postgovernance World
- Jörn Ege, What International Bureaucrats (Really) Want: Administrative Preferences in International Organization Research
- Eugénia C. Heldt & Laura C. Mahrenbach, Reforming International Organizations: How Partisanship and Ministerial Control Shape State Preferences toward the World Bank
- David Jason Karp, Fixing Meanings in Global Governance? “Respect” and “Protect” in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Colleen Thouez, Cities as Emergent International Actors in the Field of Migration: Evidence from the Lead-Up and Adoption of the UN Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees
- Sandra Lavenex, The UN Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: A Case for Experimentalist Governance?
New Issue: Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies

- International Law in a Time of Pandemic
- Pouria Askary & Farzad Fallah, The Right to International Solidarity and Humanitarian Assistance in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Gian Luca Burci, The Legal Response to Pandemics: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the International Health Regulations
- Antonio Coco & Talita de Souza Dias, Prevent, Respond, Cooperate States’ Due Diligence Duties vis-à-vis the COVID-19 Pandemic
- David P Fidler, The COVID-19 Pandemic, Geopolitics, and International Law
- Sarah Joseph, International Human Rights Law and the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Jan Klabbers, The Second Most Difficult Job in the World: Reflections on COVID-19
- Natalie Klein, International Law Perspectives on Cruise Ships and COVID-19
- Hin-Yan Liu, Kristian Lauta, & Matthijs Maas, Apocalypse Now? Initial Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Governance of Existential and Global Catastrophic Risks
- Martins Paparinskis, COVID-19 Claims and the Law of International Responsibility
- Barrie Sander & Nicholas Tsagourias, The COVID-19 Infodemic and Online Platforms as Intermediary Fiduciaries under International Law
- Articles
- Martha M Bradley, Classifying Non-International Armed Conflicts: The ‘Territorial Control’ Requirement Under Additional Protocol II in an Era of Complex Conflicts
- Kirsten J. Fisher, The Problem with the Crime of Forced Migration as a Loophole to ICC Jurisdiction: The PTC’s Decision on Myanmar and the Risk to Vulnerable Populations
- Alessandro Silvestri, The ‘Revolving Door’ of Direct Participation in Hostilities: A Way Forward?
- Alexander Gilder, International Law as a Help or Hinderance to World Peace