- Georgios A. Serghides, The Principle of Effectiveness in the European Convention on Human Rights, in Particular its Relationship to the other Convention Principles
- Facundo M. Gómez Pulisich, L’analyse de la question de l’extinction des traités comme résultat de la survenance d’une nouvelle norme impérative (jus cogens superveniens)
- Donette Murray, Flawed and Unnecessary: the ‘Unwilling or Unable’ Doctrine Pertaining to States’ Use of Force in Self-Defence against Non-State Actors
- Yannick Weber, United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the European Court of Human Rights: Conflict or Systemic Integration? A Case Study of Switzerland
- Janja Hojnik, Individuals’ Right to Property under International Succession Law: Reimbursement of Bank Deposits after the Collapse of the SFR Yugoslavia
Thursday, December 24, 2020
New Volume: Hague Yearbook of International Law
The latest volume of the Hague Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 30, 2017) is out. Contents include: