The latest volume of the
Hague Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 30, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Georgios A. Serghides, The Principle of Effectiveness in the European Convention on Human Rights, in Particular its Relationship to the other Convention Principles
Facundo M. Gómez Pulisich, L’analyse de la question de l’extinction des traités comme résultat de la survenance d’une nouvelle norme impérative (jus cogens superveniens)
Donette Murray, Flawed and Unnecessary: the ‘Unwilling or Unable’ Doctrine Pertaining to States’ Use of Force in Self-Defence against Non-State Actors
Yannick Weber, United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the European Court of Human Rights: Conflict or Systemic Integration? A Case Study of Switzerland
Janja Hojnik, Individuals’ Right to Property under International Succession Law: Reimbursement of Bank Deposits after the Collapse of the SFR Yugoslavia