The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Polar Law (Vol. 12, 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Guy Green, Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Adoption of the Antarctic Treaty
Marie Jacobsson, The Fundamental Principles of Polar Law
David Leary, Blue Ice, Meteorites, Fossil Penguins and Rare Minerals: The Case for Enhanced Protection of Antarctica’s Unique Geoheritage – An International Legal Analysis
Katharina Heinrich, Biological Prospecting in Antarctica – A Solution-Based Approach to Regulating the Collection and Use of Antarctic Marine Biodiversity by Taking the BBNJ Process into Account
Osamu Inagaki, Legal Issues concerning DROMLAN under the Antarctic Treaty System
Sakiko Hataya, Legal Implications of China’s Proposal for an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA) at Kunlun Station at Dome A
Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, An Overview of the Antarctic Treaty System and Applicable New Zealand Law
Xueping Li, The Déjà vu System of International Trusteeship in Continental Antarctica: A Textual Analysis
Lynda Goldsworthy, Finding the ‘Conservation’ in the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Denzil Miller & Elise Murray, Compliance Evaluation and Sustainable Resource Management in the CCAMLR
Alan D. Hemmings, Challenges to Substantive Demilitarisation in the Antarctic Treaty Area
Timo Koivurova, Lessons from the Finland’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council: What Will Happen with the Arctic Council and in General Arctic Governance
Andrew Serdy, The Long Grass at the North Pole
Jan Jakub Solski, New Russian Legislative Approaches and Navigational Rights within the Northern Sea Route
Barry S. Zellen, Global Co-management and the Emergent Arctic: Opportunities for Engagement and Collaboration between Arctic States, Indigenous Permanent Participants, and Observers on the Arctic Council
Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Some Icelandic Perspectives on the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean
Hema Nadarajah, Prevalence of Soft Law in the Arctic
Rachael Lorna Johnstone, From the Indian Ocean to the Arctic: What the Chagos Archipelago Advisory Opinion Tells Us about Greenland
Romain Chuffart, Sakiko Hataya, Osamu Inagaki, & Lindsay Arthur, Assessing Japan’s Arctic Engagement during the ArCS Project (2015–2020)
Johnny Grøneng Aase, Henrik Hyndøy, Agnar Tveten, Ingrid Hjulstad Johansen, Hege Imsen, Eirik Veum Wilhelmsen, Trude Duelien Skorge, Alfred Ingvar Halstensen, Arne Johan Ulven, & Jon Magnus Haga, The Polar Code and Telemedicine
Anna Petrétei, Corporate Behaviour towards the Upholding of Human Rights – Exploring the Possibilities of Human Rights Impact Assessment in the Sápmi Region
Yu Cao, Communities’ Reflections on Oil Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in Utqiaġvik, Alaska
Alexandra L. Carleton, Ethics of Observation in the Polar Regions
Edythe E. Weeks, Lessons from International Space Law: The Role of International Relations in Governing Global Commons Regions