- Sètondji Roland Adjovi, Background on the ICC and African States’ Relationship
- Geoffrey Lugano, Examining the domestic legal framework in selected African States that form part of the situational docket of the International Criminal Court
Saturday, December 9, 2023
New Issue: African Journal of International Criminal Justice
New Issue: International Community Law Review

- Special Issue: Current Challenges of International and European Human Rights Law
- Elżbieta Karska & Karol Karski, Current Challenges of International and European Human Rights Law: Introductory Remarks
- Maciej Oksztulski, Maciej Perkowski, & Wojciech Zoń, Autistic Persons in the Labour Market in the Light of ECtHR Case-law
- Krzysztof Orzeszyna, The Common Core of the Fundamental Standards of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law
- Jakub J. Czepek, ECtHR Case-law Concerning Russian Aggression on Ukraine and the Events Taking Place after 2014
- Bartosz Ziemblicki, Modern Technologies as a Challenge for the Right to Privacy under the European Convention on Human Rights
- Elżbieta Karska, Karol Karski, & Konrad Wnorowski, The Status of Women in the Armed Forces: Polish Solutions in the Light of Human Rights Standards Defined by Selected International Organizations
- Paweł Bucoń, The Right to Marry and the Right to Establish a Family in the Universal, European and Polish Dimension
- Katarzyna Grzelak-Bach, The Role of Soft Law of the Council of Europe in Polish Court Proceedings: A Historical Overview
Dvaladze: Equality and Non-Discrimination in Armed Conflict: Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in Practice
Although expressly prohibited under international law, discrimination is amongst the humanitarian issues that adversely impact persons, communities, and society at large, in all types of armed conflicts. In this important book George Dvaladze unpacks the complexity of the international legal regulation of guarantees of equality and non-discrimination applicable in armed conflict.
Discrimination is often the root cause of, or it is intrinsically linked to, armed conflict. The realities of such situations can also exacerbate inequalities that predate the outbreak of the conflict. Addressing a significant dearth in legal literature, this discerning book analyses an array of sources of international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law in order to define a method to distinguish between prohibited discrimination and other differentiations in armed conflict that are permitted or even required by law. To facilitate the evaluation of a practice as discrimination, Dvaladze utilises illustrative examples from recent practices in contemporary armed conflicts and interactive flowcharts.
New Issue: European Journal of International Relations

- Kimberly Hutchings, Doing epistemic justice in International Relations: women and the history of international thought
- Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro, The question of truth: how facts, space and time shape conversations in IR
- Alexander Stoffel & Ida Roland Birkvad, Abstractions in International Relations: on the mystification of trans, queer, and subaltern life in critical knowledge production
- Nicolas Gäckle, Governing pandemic fatigue: an International Relations case of experiential biopolitics
- Stefan Elbe, Dagmar Vorlíček, & David Brenner, Rebels, vigilantes and mavericks: heterodox actors in global health governance
- Stephanie C. Hofmann, Anamarija Andreska, Erna Burai, & Juanita Uribe, Porous organizational boundaries and associated states: introducing memberness in international organizations
- Mihaela Papa, Zhen Han, & Frank O’Donnell, The dynamics of informal institutions and counter-hegemony: introducing a BRICS Convergence Index Practice-based and public-deliberative normativity: retaining human control over the use of force Open AccessResearch articleFirst published April 10, 2023pp. 990–1016 Ingvild Bode, Practice-based and public-deliberative normativity: retaining human control over the use of force
- Marianne Dahl & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Clouds with silver linings: how mobilization shapes the impact of coups on democratization
- Chris Deacon, Perpetual ontological crisis: national division, enduring anxieties and South Korea’s discursive relationship with Japan
New Issue: Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies

- Symposium: Law, Language and War
- Emily Crawford, Introduction to the Symposium on Law, Language and War
- Emily Crawford, Annabelle Lukin, & Jacqueline Mowbray, The Terminology of the Law of Warfare: A Linguistic Analysis of State Practice
- Annabelle Lukin & Alexandra García Marrugo, The International Laws of War: Linguistic Analysis from the Perspectives of Register, Corpus and Grammatical Patterning
- Matt Killingsworth, International Humanitarian Law: Necessity, Distinction and the ‘Standard of Civilisation’
- Amanda Alexander, Filling the Gaps: The Expansion of International Humanitarian Law and the Juridification of the Free-Fighter
- Frédéric Mégret, Another Look at the Gendered Constitution of the Laws of War: Semantic Fields, Hegemonic Masculinities and the Reproduction of Heteronormativity
- Tamer Morris, The Language of the Protection of Civilians Mandate and the Primary Responsibility of the State: A Legal Norm for Peace and Security
- Juan-Pablo Pérez-León-Acevedo, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Committed by Non-State Armed Groups Against Women/Girls and lgbti+ Persons in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Peru’s Case
Viñuales, Clapham, Boisson de Chazournes, & Hébié: The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century: Essays in Honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen
New Issue: Transnational Environmental Law
- Editorial
- Thijs Etty, Josephine van Zeben, Cinnamon Carlarne, Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, Bruce Huber, & Leonie Reins, The Quest to Close the Accountability Gap in Environmental Law
- Articles
- Suzanne Kingston, Edwin Alblas, Micheál Callaghan, & Julie Foulon, Empowering Through Law: Environmental NGOs as Regulatory Intermediaries in EU Nature Governance
- César Rodríguez-Garavito & David R. Boyd, A Rights Turn in Biodiversity Litigation?
- Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, The Rising Tide of Rights: Addressing Climate Loss and Damage through Rights-Based Litigation
- Anél du Plessis, Nicolene Steyn, & John Rantlo, City-Level Law and Action for Climate-Resilient Development in Southern Africa
- Manon Simon, Jan McDonald, & Kerryn Brent, Transboundary Implications of China's Weather Modification Programme
- Alice Bleby & Anita Foerster, A Conceptual Model for Climate Change Mainstreaming in Government
- Kaisa Huhta & Seita Romppanen, Comparing Legal Disciplines as an Approach to Understanding the Role of Law in Decarbonizing Societies
- Jérémie Gilbert, Creating Synergies between International Law and Rights of Nature
Schneiderman & Van Harten: Rethinking Investment Law
There is no denying that the rules and enforcement mechanisms of investment law and arbitration reach deep into the regulatory and policy space of host states. Investment tribunals have the ability to second-guess all variety of state measures and, in doing so, have displayed a remarkable lack of restraint. Despite investment law's muscularity, without equal in international law, the prevailing orthodoxy treats investment law as a defensible and just restraint on government and politics. This volume helps to correct the prevailing view.
Rethinking Investment Law illustrates how investment law protections for foreign investors constrains states and over-compensates investors. It offers a more balanced vision of how international law can protect all those affected, not just foreign investors. An expert set of contributors explain both the conventional law and its limitations. Their analysis shows that doctrines, now widely entrenched, in orthodox accounts of investment law could have taken, and could still take, a different turn. They offer a more respectful approach to states' roles and responsibilities to enact laws in the public interest.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Conference: América para los americanos . . . Y para el mundo: La Doctrina Monroe y la hegemonía estadounidense en América Latina
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Lieblich: Whataboutism in International Law
Whataboutism, as a response to allegations of wrongdoing, is everywhere in contemporary public discussion, and international law is not an exception. Unsurprisingly, it has been central to Russia’s justification discourse regarding its invasion of Ukraine. Whataboutism evokes conflicting responses. On the one hand, it can be a logical fallacy and is frequently employed as a cheap tactic to derail public debate. On the other, we often feel that there might be something in such arguments, and that they cannot be dismissed offhand.
This article seeks to offer a general theory on the potential normative relevance of whataboutism in international law. Utilizing insights from the theoretical framework of informal logic, it shows that whataboutism should be addressed as a potentially valid argumentative scheme, rather than as a pure fallacy. The article argues that since whataboutism in international law frequently invokes notions of unfairness, the question whether whataboutism is relevant in international legal argumentation requires establishing whether there are indeed obligations of fairness between the alleger and the whataboutist objector.
As the article claims, since obligations of fairness generally require the exercise of public power, the salient question concerning the relevance of whataboutism in international law is whether international actors interact under assumptions of private or public law. The article explores both traditions in international legal theory, offers indications for the existence of such public functions in specific instances, and suggests preliminary implications of a relevant whataboutist claim in international law.
New Issue: Human Rights Law Review

- Emma N Sweeney, L Michelle Bruijn, & Michel Vols, Deconstructing the Eviction Protections Under the Revised European Social Charter: A Systematic Content Analysis of the Interplay Between the Right to Housing and the Right to Property
- Ryan Goss, The Disappearing ‘Minimum Rights’ of Article 6 ECHR: the Unfortunate Legacy of Ibrahim and Beuze
- Azadeh Chalabi, A New Theoretical Model of the Right to Environment and its Practical Advantages
- Patricia Wiater, Fundamental Rights of Corporations as International Human Rights: The Perspective of Regional Economic Courts
- Katie Morris, Vulnerability, Care Ethics and the Protection of Socioeconomic Rights via Article 3 ECHR
- Ula Aleksandra Kos, Signalling in European Rule of Law Cases: Hungary and Poland as Case Studies
New Issue: Journal du Droit International

- Doctrine
- Hugues Fulchiron, La proposition de règlement européen sur la filiation : coup de maître ou coup d'épée dans l'eau ?
- Marylou Françoise, L'office du juge à la lumière du projet de Code de droit international privé
- Loïc Peyen, Les ressources génétiques marines hors juridiction, enfin patrimoine commun de l'Humanité ?
- Variétés
- La résolution n° 2664 (2022) du Conseil de sécurité de l'organisation des Nations Unies du 9 décembre 2022
- Cécile Legros, La force du précédent en droit britannique ou les limites de l’interprétation uniforme des conventions internationales de droit matériel
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
New Issue: Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Henok Asmelash, The Role of International Trade Law in the Energy Transition
- Markus Petsche, The Application of the Salini Test Beyond Article 25 of the ICSID Convention: Analysis of Recent Trends in Treaty and Arbitral Practice
- Ayşegül Kula, The European Investment Bank Complaints Mechanism: Its Potential and Limitations
Call for Papers: The ICC as Justice Hub, Pragmatic Complementarity and Domestic ICL Enforcement
New Issue: Archiv des Völkerrechts
- Carl Schmitt: Der Nomos der Erde - Kritik und Krise des eurozentrischen Völkerrechts
- Horst Bredekamp, Skizze einer politischen Ikonologie von Großräumen
- Reinhard Mehring, Land, Meer und Luft
- Marcus M. Payk, Versailles, Weltkrieg, westliche Hemisphäre
- Christian Neumeier, Der Nomos des Kapitals
- Niels Werber, Zweimal Großraum
- Ke Li, Das Unmögliche von Anfang an
- Yasuhiro Endo, Land und Meer, Himmel und Sonne
- Danilo Scholz, Koloniale Nahmen, koloniale Gaben
- Victor Loxen, Landnahme, Staat und Völkerrecht in Amerika
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
New Issue: Pécs Journal of International and European Law
- Dalma Takó, Clauses Providing Possibility of Choice in International Treaties
- Ágoston Mohay, Bence Kis Kelemen, Attila Pánovics, & Norbert Tóth, The Articles on the Responsibility of International Organisations – Still Up in the Air after More Than a Decade?
- Gagik Chilingaryan, Norms of the Council of Europe in the Postsoviet Space: National Minorities in the Republic of Armenia and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
- Bence Kis Kelemen, The Final Frontier: responsibility of international organizations for outer space activities
- Marta Romańska, Agata Cebera, & Jakub Grzegorz Firlus, Between morality and discrimination by public administration: the case of so-called ‘LGBT free zones’ in Poland
- István Szijártó, The right to translation in the criminal procedure and the meaning of essential documents – three recent cases of the European Court of Justice in the field of criminal cooperation between Member States