The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 29, no. 4, December 2023) is out. Contents include:
Kimberly Hutchings, Doing epistemic justice in International Relations: women and the history of international thought
- Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro, The question of truth: how facts, space and time shape conversations in IR
Alexander Stoffel &
Ida Roland Birkvad, Abstractions in International Relations: on the mystification of trans, queer, and subaltern life in critical knowledge production
Nicolas Gäckle, Governing pandemic fatigue: an International Relations case of experiential biopolitics
Stefan Elbe,
Dagmar Vorlíček, &
David Brenner, Rebels, vigilantes and mavericks: heterodox actors in global health governance
Stephanie C. Hofmann,
Anamarija Andreska,
Erna Burai, &
Juanita Uribe, Porous organizational boundaries and associated states: introducing memberness in international organizations
Mihaela Papa,
Zhen Han, &
Frank O’Donnell, The dynamics of informal institutions and counter-hegemony: introducing a BRICS Convergence Index
Practice-based and public-deliberative normativity: retaining human control over the use of force
Open AccessResearch articleFirst published April 10, 2023pp. 990–1016
Ingvild Bode, Practice-based and public-deliberative normativity: retaining human control over the use of force
Marianne Dahl &
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Clouds with silver linings: how mobilization shapes the impact of coups on democratization
Chris Deacon, Perpetual ontological crisis: national division, enduring anxieties and South Korea’s discursive relationship with Japan