The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 18, no. 4, September 2020) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- Claus Kreß, An Unusual and Extraordinary Assault on International Justice
- Articles
- Carsten Stahn, Confronting Colonial Amnesia: Towards New Relational Engagement with Colonial Injustice and Cultural Colonial Objects
Annika Jones, Measuring Performance and Shaping Identity: Performance Indicators and the International Criminal Court
Priya Urs, Judicial Review of Prosecutorial Discretion in the Initiation of Investigations into Situations of ‘Sufficient Gravity’
Symposium: Litigating Palestine Before the International Criminal Court
- Triestino Mariniello & Chantal Meloni, Foreword
Sarah Williams & Hannah Woolaver, The Role of State Amici Curiae in the Article 19(3) ICC Statute Proceedings: Friends or Distraction?
Ardi Imseis, State of Exception: Critical Reflections on the Amici Curiae Observations and Other Communications of States Parties to the Rome Statute in the Palestine Situation
Robert Heinsch & Giulia Pinzauti, To Be (a State) or Not to Be? The Relevance of the Law of Belligerent Occupation with regard to Palestine’s Statehood before the ICC
Yaël Ronen, Palestine in the ICC: Statehood and the Right to Self-determination in the Absence of Effective Control
Marco Pertile, The Borders of the Occupied Palestinian Territory are Determined by Customary Law: A Comment on the Prosecutor’s Position on the Territorial Jurisdiction of the ICC in the Situation Concerning Palestine
Micheal G Kearney, The Denial of the Right of Return as a Rome Statute Crime
Mark Kersten, No Justice Without Peace, But What Peace Is on Offer? Palestine, Israel and the International Criminal Court
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
- Yahli Shereshevsky, The Unintended Negative Effect of Positive Complementarity