The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 43, no. 1, February 2021) is out. Contents include:
- Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, The Explosion of Household
Debt: Curse or Blessing for
Human Rights?
Katharine M.A.Fortin, To be or not to be?: Legal
Identity in Crisis in
Non-International Armed
Ricardo D. Martinez-Schuldt & Jacqueline Hagan, Abusing Immigrants:
An Analysis of Immigrant
Enforcement and Mexican
Migrant Claims of Human
Rights Violations by Agents
of the United States
Zvika Orr, Shifra Unger, & Adi Finkelstein, Localization of Human
Rights of People with
Disabilities: The Case of
Jewish Ultra-Orthodox
People in Israel
Ilias Bantekas, The Linkages Between
Business and Human Rights
and Their Underlying Root
William Paul Simmons, Janyce Boynton, & Todd Landman, Facilitated Communication,
Neurodiversity, and Human
Baekkwan Park, Amanda Murddie, & David R. Davis, Turning up the Volume:
The Amplification of Shame