The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 93, no. 3, 2024) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: ECI at 25
Jan Klabbers, Martti Koskenniemi, & Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Halcyon Days? A Helsinki Conversation on International Law in the Last Quarter of a Century
Katja Creutz, The Law of International Responsibility Situated: From Halcyon Days to a Fragmented Global Order
Ukri Soirila, Law, Humanitarianism, and Critique
Ville Kari, Investment Law and World Heritage: The Case of Le Morne
Parvathi Menon, Imperialism, Crime and International Law: A Political Economy Perspective
Rene Uruena, Global Governance in Uncertain Times: Exploring International Law’s Epistemic Function