The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 33, no. 2, 2019) is out. Contents include:
- Andrea Schneiker, The New Defenders of Human Rights? How Radical Right-Wing TNGOs are Using the Human Rights Discourse to Promote their Ideas
Jean-Christophe Graz & Christophe Hauert, Translating Technical Diplomacy: The Participation of Civil Society Organisations in International Standardisation
Charlotte Dany, Exploring the Political Agency of Humanitarian NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières During the European Refugee Crisis
Terri-Anne Teo, Conduct and Counter-conduct in the “Nonliberal” State: Singapore’s Headscarf Affairs
Zine Homburger, The Necessity and Pitfall of Cybersecurity Capacity Building for Norm Development in Cyberspace
Felipe Leal Albuquerque, Coalition Making and Norm Shaping in Brazil’s Foreign Policy in the Climate Change Regime
Rick Fawn & Nina Lutterjohann, Confidence-Building Measures in Eurasian Conflicts: New Roles for the OSCE’s Economic and Environmental Dimension in Easing East-West Tensions
Matt Killingsworth, America’s Exceptionalist Tradition: From the Law of Nations to the International Criminal Court