The international post-westphalian order is traditionally founded on the notion of State territory. Territory is a basic element of the very existence of a State and is generally understood as justification and limit of State sovereignty and jurisdiction.
Even so, the expanding scope of territoriality issues is still controversial and central to the concerns of international legal theories. Indeed, the relevant changes occurred over the last decades throughout the international community have challenged the very idea of territory, as well as its primordial meanings and functions in international law. The normative and institutional “global order” has gone through complex evolutions and the territory as a crucial factor of international ruling is gradually loosing its key role. Both writers and international practice confirm that international law increasingly tends to be applied in a “de-territorialised” way, moving beyond the material or legal preconditions of territoriality.
Room is left for ongoing debates on these trends, undertaking analysis and renewed elaborations of a general theory of territorial regimes from the viewpoints of both public and private international law and of EU law.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Conference: Young International Lawyers Research Forum
The tenth edition of the Young International Lawyers Research Forum will be held on January 24-25, 2013, at the University of Catania. The conference theme is "A Lackland Law? Territory, Effectiveness and Jurisdiction in International and European Law" / "Un Diritto Senza Terra?
Funzioni e Limiti del Principio Di Territorialità
nel Diritto Internazionale e Dell’unione Europea." I noted the call for papers here. The program is now available here. Here's the idea: