The latest issue of
Global Responsibility to Protect (Vol. 15, nos. 2-3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Hate Speech and Atrocity Prevention in Asia
Cecilia Jacob & Noel M. Morada, Hate Speech and Atrocity Prevention in Asia: Patterns, Trends and Strategies
Noel M. Morada, Hate Speech and Incitement in Myanmar before and after the February 2021 Coup
Lina A. Alexandra & Alif Satria, Identifying Hate Speech Trends and Prevention in Indonesia: a Cross-Case Comparison
Ruji Auethavornpipat, Hate Speech and Discrimination as Mundane Violence against Rohingya Refugees during COVID-19
Cecilia Jacob & Mujeeb Kanth, ‘Kill Two Million of Them’: Institutionalised Hate Speech, Impunity and 21st Century Atrocities in India
Khadija Rashid, Politicisation of Islam and a Culture of Atrocities against Religious Minorities in Modern-Day Pakistan