The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 15, no. 4, December 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Fayokemi Olorundami, Revisiting the Libya/Malta Decision and Assessing its Relevance (or otherwise) to the East China Sea Dispute
- Russell Buchan, Cyber Warfare and the Status of Anonymous under International Humanitarian Law
- Shiyan Sun, The Problems of the Chinese Texts of the International Human Rights Covenants: A Revisit
- S. Pandiaraj, Sovereignty as Responsibility: Reflections on the Legal Status of the Doctrine of Responsibility to Protect
- Ming Du, The Necessity Test in World Trade Law: What Now?
- Sienho Yee, The Recognition of the Existence of a Dispute regarding Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao and Some Implications for the Parties and Other States, Especially the United States