The latest volume of the
Ocean Yearbook (Vol. 25) is out. Contents include:
- Issues and Prospects
- Menakhem Ben-Yami, Marine Farming
- Ocean Governance
- David Dzidzornu, Ocean Policy in Africa and Treaty Aspects of Marine Fisheries Exploitation, Management, and Environmental Protection
- Francesca Galea, Legal Regime for the Exploration and Exploitation of Offshore Renewable Energy
- Living Resources
- Keith Reid, Conserving Antarctica from the Bottom Up
- Environment and Coastal Management
- Walter Patricio MacCormack, Lucas Adolfo Mauro Ruberto, Cristian Leopoldo Vodopivez, Antonio Curtosi & Emilien Pelletie, The Impact of Human Activity on Antarctic Coastal Areas
- Elizabeth H. Shadwick & Helmuth Thomas, Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean
- Maritime Transport and Security
- Ryan O'Leary, Lost in the Ice
- Special Theme: National Studies of the Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the EEZ
- Moira L. McConnell, Observations on the Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: A Comparative View
- Eduard Somers & Frank Maes, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Belgian Perspective
- Denis Roy, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Canadian Perspective
- Wolfgang Wurmnest, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The German Perspective
- Tullio Treves & Irini Papanicolopulu, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Italian Perspective
- Souichirou Kozuka & Hideyuki Nakamura, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Japanese Perspective
- Christiaan P. Verwer, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Netherlands Perspective
- Tore Henriksen, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Norwegian Perspective
- Maria Dragun-Gertner, Zuzanna Peplowska & Dorota Pyć, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Polish Perspective
- Luís de Lima Pinheiro, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Portuguese Perspective
- Rachael E. Salcido, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The United States Perspective
- Angelina Jaffé, The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Venezuelan Perspective