Public International Law
- Mahnoush H. Arsanjani (Formerly, Director, Codification Division, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs), Inaugural Conference: The United Nations and International Law-Making
- Serge Sur (Univ. Panthéon-Assas), General Course: The Creativity of International Law
- Loretta Ortiz Ahlf (Iberoamericano Univ.), Human Rights of Undocumented Migrants
- Nassib G. Ziadé (Formerly, Deputy Secretary-General, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), The Independence of Arbitral Bodies Established in the Framework of International Organizations
- Yee Sienho (Wuhan Univ. Institute of International Law), Jus Cogens at the International Court of Justice
- Abdulqawi Yusuf (Judge, International Court of Justice), The African Union and International Law
- Christophe Swinarski (Formerly, Legal Counsel, ICRC), Effects on Individuals of Protection Systems under International Law
- Masaharu Yanagihara (Kyushu Univ.), Significance of the History of the Law of Nations in Europe and East Asia
Private International Law
- Didier Opertti Badán (Catholic Univ. of Montevideo), Inaugural Conference: Conflicts of Laws and Uniform Law In Contemporary Private International Law: Dilemma or Convergence?
- Jürgen Basedow (Director, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law), General Course: The Law of the Open Society
- Nerina Boschiero (Univ. of Milan), The Private International Law Dimension of the Security Council's Economic Sanctions
- Chen Weizuo (Tsinghua Univ.), The New Codification of Chinese Private International Law
- Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov (Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences), Applying Foreign Public Law in Private International Law - A Comparative Approach
- Christian Kohler (Honorary Director-General, Court of Justice of the European Union), Party Autonomy in Private International Law: A Universal Principle between Liberalism and Statism
- Maria Blanca Noodt Taquela (Univ. of Buenos Aires), Applying the most Favourable Treaty or Domestic Rules to Facilitate Private International Law Co-operation
- Mathias Audit (Univ. of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense), Bioethics in Private International Law
- Richard H. Kreindler (Univ. of Münster), Compétence-Compétence in the Face of Illegality in Contracts and Arbitration Agreements