Carolyn Deere Birkbeck (Univ. of Oxford - Global Economic Governance Programme) has published
Making Global Trade Governance Work for Development: Perspectives and Priorities from Developing Countries (Cambridge Univ. Press 2011). The table of contents is
here. Here's the abstract:
Discussion of the governance of global trade and the multilateral trading system is too often dominated by developed-country scholars and opinion-makers, with inadequate attention given to developing country perspectives. Making Global Trade Governance Work for Development gathers a diversity of developing country views on how to improve the governance of global trade and the WTO to better advance sustainable development and respond to the needs of developing countries. With contributions by senior scholars, commentators and practitioners, the essays combine new, empirically-grounded research with practical insights about the trade policy-making process. They consider the specific governance issues of interest to developing countries and acknowledge the changing dynamics in the global economy and in trade decision-making.