The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 17, no. 3, September 2011) is out. Contents include:
- K.J. Holsti, Exceptionalism in American foreign policy: Is it exceptional?
- Stephanie Lawson & Seiko Tannaka, War memories and Japan’s ‘normalization’ as an international actor: A critical analysis
- Bhubhindar Singh, Peacekeeping in Japanese security policy: International–domestic contexts interaction
- Frazer Egerton, Alienation and its discontents
- Piki Ish-Shalom, Defining by naming: Israeli civic warring over the Second Lebanon War
- Manfred Elsig, Principal–agent theory and the World Trade Organization: Complex agency and ‘missing delegation’
- Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Is global democracy possible?
- Maja Zehfuss, Targeting: Precision and the production of ethics
- Ariel Ilan Roth, Structure and stability reconsidered