The latest issue of the
American Review of International Arbitration (Vol. 22, no. 1, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- George A. Bermann, The UK Supreme Court Speaks to International Arbitration: Learning from the Dallah Case
- James M. Gaitis, Clearing the Air on "Manifest Disregard" and Choice of Law in Commercial Arbitration: A Reconciliation of Wilko, Hall Street, and Stolt-Nielsen
- Richard W. Hulbert, The Case for a Coherent Application of Chapter 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act
- Peter Ashford, Rule Changes Affecting the International Arbitration Community
- Dominique D'Allaire & Rolf Trittmann, Disclosure Requests in International Commercial Arbitration: Finding a Balance Not Only Between Legal Traditions but Also Between the Parties' Rights