The latest issue of the
Melbourne Journal of International Law (Vol. 11, no. 1, May 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Ramesh Thakur, Law, Legitimacy and United Nations
- Nicolas Croquet, Implied External Limitations upon the Right to Cross-Examine Prosecution Witnesses: The Tension between a Means Test and a Balancing Test in the Appraisal of Anonymity Requests
- Robert Dubler, The International Law Aspects of the Case of the Balibo Five
- Steven Freeland, Fly Me to the Moon: How Will International Law Cope with Commercial Space Tourism?
- Joost Pauwelyn, Squaring Free Trade in Culture with Chinese Censorship: The WTO Appellate Body Report on China — Audiovisuals
- Douglas Guilfoyle, The Laws of War and the Fight against Somali Piracy: Combatants or Criminals?
- Fleur Johns, Ben Saul, Philip Hirsch, Tim Stephens, & Ben Boer, Law and the Mekong River Basin: A Socio-Legal Research Agenda on the Role of Hard and Soft Law in Regulating Transboundary Water Resources