The latest issue of the
Journal of Private International Law (Vol. 6, no. 2, August 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Paul Beaumont and Emma Johnston, Can Exequatur Be Abolished in Brussels I whilst Retaining a Public Policy Defence?
- Patrizio Santomauro, Sense and Sensibility: Reviewing West Tankers and Dealing with its Implications in the Wake of the Reform of EC Regulation 44/2001
- Irit Mevorach, Jurisdiction in Insolvency: A Study of European Courts’ Decisions
- Mihail Danov, The Brussels I Regulation: Cross-Border Collective Redress Proceedings and Judgments
- Stefania Bariatti, The Law Applicable to Security Interests in Intellectual Property Rights
- Lisa Spagnolo, Green Eggs and Ham: The CISG, Path Dependence, and the Behavioural Economics of Lawyers’ Choices of Law in International Sales Contracts
- Lutz-Christian Wolff, Hong Kong’s Conflict of Contract Laws: Quo Vadis?
- Thalia Kruger, Civil Jurisdiction and the Issue of Legislating for the EU