The latest issue of
International Studies Quarterly (Vol. 54, no. 2, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Laia Balcells, Rivalry and Revenge: Violence against Civilians in Conventional Civil Wars
- Michelle L. Dion & Vicki Birchfield, Economic Development, Income Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution
- Abel Escribà-Folch & Joseph Wright, Dealing with Tyranny: International Sanctions and the Survival of Authoritarian Rulers
- David J. Brulé & Wonjae Hwang, Diverting the Legislature: Executive–Legislative Relations, the Economy, and US Uses of Force
- Mary McEvoy Manjikian, From Global Village to Virtual Battlespace: The Colonizing of the Internet and the Extension of Realpolitik
- Stefanie Walter, Globalization and the Welfare State: Testing the Microfoundations of the Compensation Hypothesis
- Elena V. McLean & Taehee Whang, Friends or Foes? Major Trading Partners and the Success of Economic Sanctions
- Ben Holland, Sovereignty as Dominium? Reconstructing the Constructivist Roman Law Thesis
- Todd S. Sechser & Elizabeth N. Saunders, The Army You Have: The Determinants of Military Mechanization, 1979–2001