The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 92, no. 877, March 2010) is out. The theme is "Women." Contents include:
- Interview with Mary Robinson
- Irène Herrmann & Daniel Palmieri, Between Amazons and Sabines: a historical approach to women and war
- Helen Durham & Katie O'Byrne, The dialogue of difference: gender perspectives on international humanitarian law
- Laura Sjoberg, Women fighters and the ‘beautiful soul’ narrative
- Nicole Hogg, Women's participation in the Rwandan genocide: mothers or monsters?
- Medina Haeri & Nadine Puechguirbal, From helplessness to agency: examining the plurality of women's experiences in armed conflict
- Julie Ashdown & Mel James, Women in detention
- Laura J. Shepherd, Women, armed conflict and language – Gender, violence and discourse
- Carolyn Nordstrom, Women, economy, war
- Evelyne Josse, ‘They came with two guns’: the consequences of sexual violence for the mental health of women in armed conflicts
- Alain-Guy Tachou-Sipowo, The Security Council on women in war: between peacebuilding and humanitarian protection
- Amy Barrow, UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820: constructing gender in armed conflict and international humanitarian law
- Samantha T. Godec, Between rhetoric and reality: exploring the impact of military humanitarian intervention upon sexual violence – post-conflict sex trafficking in Kosovo
- Sandesh Sivakumaran, Lost in translation: UN responses to sexual violence against men and boys in situations of armed conflict