The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 10, no. 4, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Latin America and International Criminal Law
- Kai Ambos, Latin America and International Criminal Law: Introduction and General Overview
- Elizabeth Santalla Vargas, An Overview of the Crime of Genocide in Latin American Jurisdictions
- Ramiro García Falconí, The Codification of Crimes against Humanity in the Domestic Legislation of Latin American States
- Salvador Herencia Carrasco, Implementation of War Crimes in Latin America: An Assessment of the Impact of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Juan Luis Modolell González, The Crime of Forced Disappearance of Persons According to the Decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- Pablo F. Parenti, The Prosecution of International Crimes in Argentina
- Fabíola Girão Monteconrado, Marcos Zilli, & Maria Ereza Rocha de Assis Moura, International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice in Brazil
- José Luis Guzmán Dalbora, The Treatment of International Crimes in Chilean Jurisprudence: A Janus Face
- Alejandro Aponte Cardona, Criminal Prosecution of International Crimes: The Colombian Case
- Javier Dondé Matute, International Criminal Law before the Supreme Court of Mexico
- Dino Carlos Caro Coria, Prosecuting International Crimes in Peru
- Pablo Galain Palermo, The Prosecution of International Crimes in Uruguay