Marion Panizzon (University of Bern - Law),
Nicole Pohl (Zurich Univ. of Applied Sciences - Management and Law), &
Pierre Sauvé (London School of Economics and Political Science - International Relations) have published
GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services (Cambridge Univ. Press 2008). Contents include:
- Marion Panizzon & Nicole Pohl, Testing Regulatory Autonomy, Disciplining Trade Relief and Regulating Variable Peripheries: Can a Cosmopolitan GATS do it all?
- Nora Dihel, Felix Eschenbach, & Benjamin Shepherd, South-South Services Trade
- Martin Roy, Juan Marchetti, & Aik Hoe Lim, The Race towards Preferential Trade Agreements in Services: How Much Market Access Is Really Achieved?
- Marion Jansen, Comment: Is Services Trade Like or Unlike Manufacturing Trade?
- Carsten Fink & Deunden Nikomborirak, Rules of Origin in Services: A Case Study of Five ASEAN Countries
- Elisabeth Türk, Services Post Hong-Kong – Initial Experiences with Plurilaterals
- Claire Kelly, Comment: Negotiating Approaches from a Member’s Perspective
- Henry Gao, Evaluating Alternative Approaches to GATS Negotiations: Sectoral, Formulae and Others
- Rudolf Adlung, Comment: Trade Liberalization under the GATS: An Odyssey?
- Andrew W. Shoyer, Lessons Learned from Litigating GATS Disputes: Mexico – Telecoms
- Eric Leroux, From Periodicals to Gambling: A Review of Systemic Issues Addressed by WTO Adjudicatory Bodies under the GATS
- William Davey, Specificities of WTO Dispute Settlement in Services Cases
- Martin Molinuevo, Can Foreign Investors in Services Benefit from WTO Dispute Settlement?
- Mireille Cossy, Some Thoughts on the Concept of ‘Likeness’ in the GATS
- Joost Pauwelyn, Comment: The Unbearable Lightness of Likeness
- Panagiotis Delimatsis, Towards a Horizontal Necessity Test for Services: Completing the GATS Article VI:4 Mandate
- Markus Krajewski, Comment: Quis custodiet neccessitatem? Adjudicating Necessity in Multilevel Systems and the Importance of Judicial Dialogue
- Markus Krajewski, Recognition, Standardisation and Harmonisation: Which Rules for GATS in Times of Crisis?
- Fernando Pierola, A Safeguards Regime for Services
- Pietro Poretti, Waiting for Godot: Subsidy Disciplines in Services Trade
- Kanitha Kungsawanich, Comment: One Set of Rules for Fair and Unfair Trade in Services: A Possible Merger?
- Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, Trade Rules for the Digital Age
- Christian Pauletto, Comment: Digital Trade: Technology versus Legislators
- Marion Panizzon, How Human Rights Violations Nullify and Impair GATS Commitments
- Simon Walker, Comment: The Instrumental Rationale for Protecting Human Rights in the Context of Trade Services Reform
- Richard Janda & Mark Glynn, In Pursuit of the Cosmopolitan Vocation for Trade: GATS and Aviation Services
- Pierre Sauvé, Been There, Not Yet Done That: Lessons and Challenges in Services Trade