The latest issue of
International Legal Materials (Vol. 47, no. 3, May 2008) is out. Contents include:
- United States Supreme Court: Medellin v. Texas, with introductory note by Mark E. Wojcik
- Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia Pre-Trial Chamber Decision on Appeal against Provisional Detention Order of Kaing Guek Eav, with introductory note by Scott Lyons
- European Court of Human Rights: Lindon v. France, with introductory note by John Cerone
- World Trade Organization: Measures Affecting the Supply of Gambling and Betting Services (Award), with introductory note by Sungjoon Cho
- International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID): Azurix Corp. v. The Argentine Republic Decision on the Argentine Republic's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award, with introductory note by Alejandro Escobar